Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 823: Level 1: Ask your heart!

There are a total of nine, ninety-one tortures in Qinxinlu, pointing directly to the original heart, containing the obsession with martial arts and the test of seven emotions and six desires.

Being able to clear customs within a day is considered a pass.

"Ask my heart? Whether in my past life or now, my heart of martial arts has never been shaken!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a sharp edge, and he slowly took a step.


The world is changing, Ling Xiao appears in a magnificent palace, he sits on a dragon chair, surrounded by peerless ladies dressed in tulle, all eyes are flowing, full of spring, all in deep feelings Looked at Ling Xiao.

Many of these peerless ladies are familiar faces of Ling Xiao, including Liu Piao Piao, Nangong Qing, Ji Feixuan, Ji Shuiyao, Ling Qingqing, and even Feng Nu and Luna.

They danced their bodies in front of Ling Xiao, exuding a different tempting atmosphere, and their bodies were extremely hot.

As the so-called hero is sad to the beauty, not to mention the arrogant young man with a flesh and blood? As long as the state of mind is slightly flawed, I am afraid it will fall.

But Ling Xiao was watching all this with cold eyes, clear eyes, still walking slowly towards the front.

"Ling Xiao, don't go, is it because you don't love me anymore?"

"Ling Xiao, I am willing to accompany you to grow old and grow old. I am willing to have many children for you. We will be very happy. Why should you leave me?"

"Ling Xiao, why are you so cruel, is the path of martial arts so important?


Ling Xiao's ear remembered the gentle voices of Luna, Feng Nu, and others, and wanted to make him look back and immerse himself in the gentle township forever.

"Budao is eternal, my path is the pinnacle of martial arts! Red face with dead bones, red pink skeleton, but all are clouds!"

Ling Xiao sighed faintly, without even looking back, letting him call from behind, letting his face look like a cold-blooded man, like a cold-blooded man, he was firm and unrelenting.


The surrounding scene disappeared, Ling Xiao appeared in an inexplicable world.

Surrounded by supreme artifacts, peerless magic medicines, countless pure Yang Pills, and the wealth of the heavens, exuding a bright light, Baoguangyingying.

And Ling Xiao can feel that the fluctuations of the supreme artifacts and magic drugs are dazzling, and they are exactly the same as the real ones, which is not an illusion at all.

It seems that as long as he stays for a while, he can let those powerful artifacts recognize the Lord and even gain powerful and unmatched power.

But Ling Xiao still did not stay in the slightest.

He always kept his heart, knew his direction, and did not hesitate.

On this questioning road, Ling Xiao experienced a test and a temptation, but he never stopped.


In the void, there was a thunder exploding, a dazzling light, and a mysterious voice rang directly into the depths of his soul.

"Ling Xiao, as long as you stop, you will have the wealth of a rival country, the boundless boxing power, the peerless beauty, the road of martial arts is too lonely, and the top of martial arts is vague, why not stop and enjoy all this? "

"Ling Xiao, you have parents and family, and you will have wives and children in the future. You are so inhuman, knowing martial arts and not understanding human relations. Are you a good son, good husband, good father?"

"Ling Xiao, as long as you stop, this world will be yours, you are the **** of this world, you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want!"

"Ling Xiao, as long as you stop, all your enemies will die, and the people you love will be happy and happy. You will never die, always happy and happy, is this not good?"

"Ling Xiao, as long as you stop, you can get everything. Why do you have to work hard to pursue the path of martial arts?"


Mysterious tortures sounded in the void, about seven emotions and six desires, about greed and aversion, about love and hatred parting, all directed at Ling Xiao's heart.

"I don't want to!"

Ling Xiao looked up at the sky, his eyes were unmatched, as if he could penetrate the sky, his voice was determined and decisive.

"I don't want to go to the sky in one step, because the foundation is not strong, the higher you fly, the worse you fall sooner or later!"

"I don’t want to give my destiny to others. I want to dominate my own destiny. Whether it’s honoring my parents, caring for my wife and children, protecting everything I love, or even beating my enemies, I have to complete them one by one. !I control my own life!"

"I don't want to go against my heart, I like the down-to-earth feeling, because that's the real me!"

"My Ling Xiao chose the road, no one can make a decision for me, not even the sky!"

Every time Ling Xiao took a step, there was a decisive word in his mouth, and an illusory world quickly shattered around him.

Countless temptations, countless illusions, everything looks like a cloud of smoke, all shattered.

"Ling Xiao, do you want Jinse? As long as you stop, Jinse will be with you and will never be separated!"

Suddenly, a voice blew again in the depths of Ling Xiao's soul, and Ling Xiao's original firm heart was trembling slightly.

The world is changing, Ling Xiao came to a familiar place.

Here is the Twin Mountains, with two beautiful peaks rising from the ground, straight into the sky, surrounded by towering ancient trees, countless exotic flowers and plants blooming, exuding a faint fragrance.

The sky is high, white clouds are fluttering, and the sun is falling on it, warm and soft.

In front of Ling Xiao, a bright, bright-toothed woman in a red dress was smiling at him, her eyes full of gentle smiles.

"Brother Ling Xiao, come on! Come and play with me!"

"Brother Ling Xiao, do you know that I miss you very much, I really want to miss you!"

Jin Se smiled at Ling Xiao, his voice as crisp as a silver bell.

"Jin Se...Jin Se..."

Ling Xiao's eyes are slightly Looking at the face in front of him that dreamed of him, even if he knew that this was just an illusion, it was just that the Temple of Time had stolen his inner memory and condensed Jin Se out, but Ling Xiao is still too excited.

"Jin Se, how are you doing?"

Ling Xiao stopped, standing beside Jin Se, and asked gently.

"Brother Ling Xiao, I'm fine! Are you staying with me, OK? I've been waiting for you for ten thousand years, and I don't want to be separated from you again!"

Jin Se looked at Ling Xiao affectionately, then walked up gently, hugged Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao trembles, his body is warm, real and warm, his hands are tight around Jin Se's slim waist, everything is so real.

Smelling the familiar breath and looking at Jin Se's smiling face, this is the first time Ling Xiao has seen Jin Se after ten thousand years.

Although in this way, although it was only a fantasy, Ling Xiao finally saw Jinse.

(End of this chapter)

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