Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 831: Level 3: The Taoist Terrace!

The light in front of everyone changed and appeared in the palace of the second heaven, and the God of Time will also appear in front of everyone.

"Congratulations to everyone who passed the second pass of the Law Lake. There are a total of 537 people who passed the second pass. You have a one-hour break, and then you will go to the third pass!" The God of Time will glance at everyone.

As soon as God’s words fell, Duan Wou-ki jumped out and said, “God will kill Master, Ling Xiao deliberately destroys the Lake of Law, causing many people to be eliminated. Slaughter Ling Xiao, especially by virtue!"

"Yes, Lord God! I can also testify that if it weren't for Ling Xiao, more people would pass the second pass. Ling Xiao's intentions are sinister, mean and shameless, and he should be killed!" Murong Xuantian was also cold-eyed. Mang flashed, faintly said.

Longao weather smiled anxiously, and immediately sneered, pointing at Duan Wuji's nose and said: "Duan Wuji, your despicable and shameless thing, it's really a wicked complaint. What evidence do you have that my cousin has destroyed the Lake of Law? "There is nothing for Lord Jiang, what are you? What dare you do for Lord God?"

The Wuliang Taoist also looked at Duan Wuji and sneered: "Duan Wuji, would you like me to remind you not? You have lost our bet, now in the presence of God, you can fulfill your bet Is that right?"

If Duan Wuji really knelt down and shouted three times, "I am a fool", I am afraid that he will become the laughing stock of the whole God of War. Even Kunlun Mountain will be ashamed because of him, which will become a shame for Duan Wuji's life.

Duan Wuji's face suddenly became very ugly. He was afraid that the unscrupulous Daoist would mention the gambling situation, so he jumped out and sued. The result was that the unscrupulous Daoist came out.

Duan Wuji snorted coldly, and everyone was watching the **** of the years, wanting to see how he handled it.

If the God of the Years will be really angry and kill Ling Xiao, I am afraid that the people with Ling Xiao will be extremely ugly in the end.

Years of God will look very calm, he can't see his expression clearly, but his eyes are extremely indifferent, as if there are no emotions.

At this moment, the descendants of the Temple of War stood up.

"Master God, I can testify for Duan Wuji, Ling Xiao has indeed destroyed the order of the Lake of Law, causing many people to be eliminated in advance!"

The descendants of the temple of war are faint.

Everyone's look is slightly changed, the descendants of the Temple of War are going to put Ling Xiao to death.

After all, God of the Years will be the man of the Temple of War, and he doesn't have to think that he will also help the successors of the Temple of War.

In this way, does Ling Xiao have no chance at all?

At this moment, the God of Time will speak lightly.

"Law of Law is not disturbed by people. That is the scene that Law Lake must appear when you understand the laws of heaven and earth!"

Years of God will speak, and suddenly let everyone stunned.

What does God mean by years? Actually helping Ling Xiao?

The descendants of the Temple of War gave a deep glance to the God of the Years, and there was nothing.

"So, Ling Xiao has not destroyed the order of the Lake of Law!" The God of Time will slowly say.

"Hahaha...I knew it! God will host the General Election Conference. He knows everything about each level. Is he still using you? Duan Wuji, what else do you want? Hurry up and perform the bet Make an appointment, but this is what God will testify to adults. Could it be that you want to be successful?"

Long Aotian laughed and looked at Duan Wuji.

Duan Wuji's face suddenly became very ugly.

At this moment, even Murong Xuantian did not dare to talk, he also saw that the God of Time would obviously help Ling Xiao, but what made him wonder was that the descendants of the Temple of War were all open, and the God of Time would even I still chose to help Ling Xiao.

What exactly is going on?

Many people smelled an unusual breath and wisely kept silent.

"Master God, I..." Duan Wuji was very reluctant and wanted something else, but God will interrupt him directly.

"Duan Wuji, you fulfill your gamble!"

A strong and terrifying breath radiated from the body of the God of the Year, and he came toward Duan Wuji's oppression, as if as long as Duan Wuji dared to refuse, the God of the Moon would shoot him at the next moment.

Duan Wuji was extremely reluctant, and his eyes were full of resentment and humiliation, but he knew that he was riding a tiger at this moment, and he didn't want to be scornful.

"Okay! My Duan Wuji said a word, and when he did, he would fulfill his gamble!"

Duan Wuji glanced at Ling Xiao, Wuliang Taoist and Long Aotian, and knelt down directly.

"I am a fool! I am a fool! I am a fool!"

Duan Wou-ki gritted his teeth and shouted three times, his face flushed like pig liver, and his hatred towards Ling Xiao, Wuliang Taoist and Long Aotian reached the extreme.

"There is self-knowledge, get out!"

Long Aotian sneered a sneer, and did not put the hatred in Duan Wuji's eyes in his eyes.

Duan Wou-ki was silent as a whole, with an extremely cold breath all over him, standing beside him without saying a word.

Everyone's eyes were shaken, and the look to Ling Xiao was a little different.

Although God of the Years has nothing to do with Ling Xiao's things about Law Lake, everyone is not a fool. They all feel faintly that things about Law Lake must be related to Ling Xiao.

But the God of Time will be so partial to Ling Xiao, making them feel a bit An hour soon passed.


The palace gate of the third heaven was opened, and everyone turned into a stream of light and flew towards the third heaven.

The light in front of me was bright, and everyone appeared on an ancient battle platform.

The third hurdle: Wudaotai!

There will be many kinds of martial arts light groups on the Taoist platform. Everyone's original martial arts will be banned. They can only feel the new martial arts light group from the Taoist platform and then practice on the Taoist platform.

Wudaotai will converge martial arts avatars at the same level as martial arts, use new martial arts, and be able to defeat martial arts avatars within one year, you can pass customs.

Everyone has three opportunities, and all three opportunities fail, or if they are not completed within a year, they will be eliminated.

"Enlightenment platform?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with brilliance. This Taoist platform was a bit interesting. He had to rely on his own martial arts affinity to sense martial arts, and then cultivate to a satisfactory state within a year, and defeat the martial arts avatar.

In front of Ling Xiao's eyes, there are countless bright light groups floating, each light group represents a powerful martial arts, and Ling Xiao can feel that his whole body of cultivation is bound by a force of law.

p: Five shifts are over, the brothers rest early.

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