Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 866: Swallow Snake and 3 Foot Golden Crow!

"Ling Xiao, you **** it!"

In the eyes of the Great Sun Demon Lord, the two supreme masters were killed by Ling Xiao, who was the elder of the Heavenly Demon Palace. He roared loudly, and a red gold war knife appeared in his hand, which contained monstrous flames and evil spirits. Cleave towards Ling Xiao.


The sword of the red gold warrior is unparalleled, as if there is a golden **** bird shrouded in monstrous flames, the golden wings are like a blade, with three feet, it is actually the legendary ancient **** beast three-legged golden Wu .

At the same time, the Dragon Divine Sword also fell towards Ling Xiao, and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal, and a huge wave was set off above the sea of ​​reincarnation, with great power.


Among Ling Xiao's golden eyes, there was no sharp edge, he suddenly roared upward in the sky, Long Yin shook the sky, and the emptiness of the four sides shattered at the same time.

A huge real dragon rushed into the air, and the sharp real dragon claws directly shook the Chijin sword.

Clank clank!

Mars shoots, the real dragon Aoxiao Tianqiang, and the three-legged Jinwu fierce fight, and finally the three-footed Jinwu directly shattered, and then the real dragon claws were shot **** the red gold sword.

As if the power of the mountains and the sea erupted, the arm of the day sun demon numb, almost lost consciousness, and was directly flicked away.


The real dragon transformed by Ling Xiao directly swept the dragon's tail, shattered the sky's sword qi, and shot it on the body of the dragon with the dragon **** sword, and immediately let the dragon's coughing up and back.


The golden real dragon stretched across the void, and the speed was almost extreme. The claws were like a golden lightning, and they even pierced the four supreme chests one after another, like a string of sugar gourds, unstoppable!


The four supreme princes exploded directly in the void and were swallowed by the real dragon.

The real dragon transformed by Ling Xiao is unstoppable for nine days, shocking everyone!

"The real dragon body transformed by Ling Xiao's cousin, the bloodline is strong, I am afraid that it will soon reach the realm of the dragon bloodline? Really terrifying!"

Long Potian sighed softly, his eyes full of shock.

The elders of the six dragon clan elders were also dumbfounded. The vast dragon power distributed on Ling Xiao made them all tremble in their hearts.

Compared with Ling Xiao, it seems that Ling Xiao is the real dragon.

"This is the body of Dacheng's true dragon? The body of Dacheng's true dragon can kill the Supreme, but it can shake the title hard. I didn't expect Xiaoer to cultivate the body of the real dragon to such a realm!"

Long Hanyan was also excited and exclaimed.

Ling Xiao also passed the ancestral dragon secret technique to Long Hanyan. Long Hanyan could naturally see what Ling Xiao was performing, which was completely the power of the real dragon body.

With the power of the flesh alone, it is possible to suppress the two major titles and kill many supremes. This power is terrifying to the extreme!

"This guy is really a pervert!" Da Dai also widened his eyes and said a little speechlessly.

But everyone was obviously relaxed, and Ling Xiao was there, they were completely safe.

"Stop him! The two Tianzun of my temple of war will arrive immediately. When the two Tianzun adults arrive, Ling Xiao will die!"

The Qinglong Dharma King sent a voice to Da Ri De Zun and shouted loudly.

"it is good!"

There was also a hint of madness in the eyes of Da Ri Yao Zun.


The Qinglong Dharma King's body was radiant, and turned into a huge blue snake in an instant. The whole body exudes blue light, the scale of the snake is bright, the head of the triangle snake is raised high, and the eyes are full of poisonous colors.

It is the body of the Blue Dragon Dharma King, Swallowing the Snake!

And the sun demon lord was also shining with light, and the flames rose, showing the body.


A sharp chirping sound through gold cracked stone sounded, and the sun demon turned into a golden bird with a golden flame, covered with golden flames, three feet, and the whole body glowed like a golden sun.

"Tripod Jinwu?!"

Long Hanyan exclaimed, she did not think of the body of the big demon Venerable, it turned out to be a three-legged Jinwu.

The big sun deity is very mysterious, and even Long Lie does not know what his body is. Now, it seems that the big sun deity has the blood of the ancient **** beast three-legged Jinwu, even if it is not a pure blood beast, but it is not far away. Too.


The sky shook, the void shattered, and the Swallow Snake and the three-legged Jinwu all exuded a fierce monstrous breath, and they were slain towards the giant golden dragon.

Above the sea of ​​reincarnation, big waves raged, the power of chaotic reincarnation permeated, and the three ancient beasts collided violently.


The swallowing snake is fierce and violent, the snake body rolls in the air, and it wants to entangle the real dragon, which contains a powerful strangling force.

The speed of the three-legged Jinwu was almost extreme. The three claws, like an unmatched blade, were drawn towards the head of the real dragon.

The three claws are more terrifying than the Supreme, even if it is a mountain range, I am afraid it will instantly turn into powder.


The huge real dragon protruded the dragon's claws, and collided with the three-legged Jinwu fiercely, bursting out a bright golden light, and then a golden light of destruction was spewed out of his mouth, and it slammed **** the Tunzhiba snake. Body.


That destructive divine light, containing the invincible strength of God of War, even instantaneously exploded the scales of the swallowing snake, and half of the snake's tail was broken.


The swallowing snake was mad, and the blue light of the whole body was filled, and it instantly turned into a chain of order gods, entwined toward the huge real dragon.

At the same time, the swallowing snake opened his blood basin and slammed towards the real dragon.

Swallowing the snake, the blue body of the snake is exudes a powerful force of engulfing, as if to swallow the huge real dragon in one bite.


The real dragon is shining brightly around the body, and an ancient and mysterious rune rises in an instant. A three-legged two-eared tripod appears above the void, exuding a terrifying atmosphere of devouring the earth.

That's swallowing the king!

In front of Swallowing the King of Heaven, the swallowing power of the Swallowing Snake is weak and pitiful.


The chains of order gods around the real dragon were instantly broken, and the swallowing king Wang Ding twirled and slammed directly into the head of the swallowing snake, as if an ancient **** suppressed it.

The swallow snake was dark in front of him and staggered as if it were about to fall from the sky.


The real dragon swooped in, the eyes were cold, and the real dragon claws flew abruptly, like the bright sword awn tearing the sky, the snake scales on the body of the swallow snake exploded instantly, and a huge wound appeared in the abdomen, almost It's about to be broken.

The swallowing snake suffered pain and roared again and again, and the snake's body was violently tumbling in the void, and suddenly pulled towards the real dragon.


At the same time, the three-legged golden black spewed out a golden flame, which contained the smell of incineration. At the same time, three claws came out of the sky, grabbing towards the eyes and head of the real dragon.

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