Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 882: Kill everything!

"Xiao'er, the power of Hua Tianzong comes entirely from the power of the God of War. Wait a moment, I will exert the strength of menstruation to hold Hua Tianzong. You better be able to directly destroy Hua Tianzong's Yuanshen , He will naturally be able to kill him!"

Ling Zhen's voice passed into Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Okay, let me try it!"

Ling Xiao's eyes are unmatched, and his injury is extremely serious at this moment. If it is not for him to support it with divine power, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured and comatose.


Ling Zhen rose up into the sky in an instant, mysterious light spread all over him, as if there were countless scenes of streamer glimmering, all beings in heaven and earth, mountains and rivers flowing slowly behind him.

He swept the sky and shot towards Hua Tianzong!

The mysterious lines, like the chain of order gods, instantly entwined Hua Tianzong and contained an immense vast power.

Hua Tianzong shuddered, as if he was trapped in the void, unable to move.

"Years of God, you are looking for death!"

Hua Tianzong was furious, and his eyes were full of extremely cold killing opportunities, and the violent power of the whole body surging, making the four sides of the void trembling violently.


Ling Zhen spurted a sip of blood suddenly, his breath became extremely weak, his face began to grow old at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was a breath of death all over his body.

"Ling Xiao, hurry!"

Ling Zhen shouted, his eyes full of incomparable decay.


Ling Xiao whispered, trembling all over, and he naturally knew that Ling Zhen paid the price for stimulating menstruation, which was the price of Shou Yuan and life, and it was irreversible.

"Fuck you all!"

Ling Xiao violently drank, his eyes showed a monstrous murderous intent, pointed out in the air, the wordless book wrapped his Yuanshen, and instantly shot into Hua Tianzong's eyebrows.

"No! Kill Ling Zhen!"

Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun changed their faces and shouted quickly.

King Suzaku, King White Tiger, King Xuanwu, and many generals, all blazing fiercely, displayed powerful and unparalleled supernatural powers, and killed them towards Ling Zhen.

"Protect Ling Zhen!"

When Long Lie and Fire Phoenix Supreme looked at each other, they also made a decisive decision, and immediately stood up with Lao Goat, Wuliang Taoist, Long Aotian and others, and stood beside Ling Zhen.

The big radish was a bite of his teeth, and he directly gave a drop of magic liquid, displaying a powerful protective enchantment and enveloping Ling Zhen.


The people in the Temple of War began desperately. They knew they had to kill Ling Zhen. Otherwise, if Ling Xiao really destroyed Hua Tianzong, I am afraid they would all be finished.

In this battle, if you are unsuccessful, you will become a benefactor!

The earthquake shook, and the three priests of the apocalypse were terrified, and their eyes were full of madness.

Some gods even directly burned the divine power and primordial spirit of the whole body, launched a suicide attack towards Ling Zhen, and exploded directly!

boom! boom! boom!

A terrifying divine light erupted. Although Long Lie, Fire Phoenix Supreme and other people struggled to fight, they were still outnumbered, and soon they were injured.

Even the protective enchantment of Big Rob was a little shaky.

And at this moment, Hua Tianzong's knowledge of the sea.

Ling Xiao's Yuanshen rushed in under the envelope of Wu Zi Tian Shu.

In Hua Tianzong's knowledge of the sea, there is a very terrifying figure, whose face can't be seen clearly, but he is shrouded in Jinxia and exudes vast divinity.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a murderous glance, and he directly sacrificed Wu Zi Tian Shu and swallowed towards the figure.

However, Ling Xiao vaguely felt that the figure made him a little familiar, but also a little strange, and I couldn't remember when he felt this kind of breath.

"The wordless book is indeed here with you? Boy, you **** it! When the original **** returns, it is when the wordless book returns to the original owner!"

There was an extremely hot look in the figure's eyes. He didn't even have the slightest resistance, letting Wu Zi Tian Shu come from the sky.

Perhaps, he also knows the power of this elemental god, and there is no way to resist the power of Wu Zi Tian Shu.


Just as Wushu Tianshu was about to devour that figure, a terrifying power of terror erupted in an instant, and the power of the Yuanshen was annihilated directly. At the same time, the God of Time will restrain Hua Tianzong’s A force of time is also broken instantly.

A majestic force swept away and directly swept Ling Xiao and Wu Zi Tian Shu out of Hua Tianzong's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Boy, I remember you!"

Hua Tianzong gave Ling Xiao a deep glance, tearing the void in an instant, his body was rolled up by a golden light, and instantly disappeared into the void.


The power of time shattered, and Ling Zhen was instantly repulsed by a sudden spit of blood, suddenly face like gold paper, and his body was crumbling, the breath became extremely weak, if Long Hanyan did not support him, I'm afraid he will be planted directly from the void.

And everyone in the Temple of War is dumbfounded.

They also intended to kill Ling Zhen and rescue Hua Tianzong, but Hua Tianzong left the silence without tearing.

Suddenly they felt a sense of abandonment!


Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly opened, and a cold and sharp light fell on Zuo Tianzun and Right Tianzun and many people in the Temple of War.

"Today, the Temple of War will be destroyed!"

The killer flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and instantly rushed towards the crowds of the Temple of War!

Ling Xiao's injury is extremely But with the strength of the God of War, he suppressed his injury and broke out a terrifying attack!


He punched a fist, the golden fist print was dazzling, and he judged that the fist of the fist was indestructible. In an instant, the supreme of the two war temples was blown into a blood mist by him, and the soul was completely scattered.


Ling Xiao's figure flickered and appeared behind the White Tiger Dharma King. He punched his powerful defensive armor, knocked back his coughing blood, and was seriously injured in an instant.

Without Zuo Tianzun, You Tianzun and Hua Tianzong, Ling Xiao faced this group of supremes of the Temple of War like a tiger into a flock of sheep and launched a massacre!

"Asshole! Why is this kid so scary?" Zuo Tianzun's eyes were filled with terrified expression.

"Let's leave here first, and wait for Lord God of War to come back, it's his death!"

You Tianzun also gave Ling Xiao a deep look and turned to escape.

"Want to go? Anyone can go, but you must die!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were cold, and he suddenly came across the sky. The swallowing king Wang Ding exuded a terrifying force of engulfment. Jin Xia was fierce and the runes were filled, directly covering the left Tianzun and the right Tianzun.

No matter how Zuo Tianzun and You Tianzun struggle, there is no way to break free!

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