Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 891: Everyone persecuted!

"Asshole! Follow me, I must let the son kill this little beast, this hatred will not be reported, and vow not to be human!"

Wang Chao's eyes were full of resentment, his face was bloody, and he looked very cruel.

The place where Xuanyuan Holy Tree is located.

An old lady wearing a palace dress looks old and has a dragon head, holding a faucet and walking stick.

And there are blossoming apricot flowers on her dress, which is the elder of Tianxiangzong, Mrs. Xinghua!

Mrs. Xinghua brought a few young men and women to the Xuanjia tribe, and was also received by Lu Zhongtian, Lu Shuang'er and others.

Especially Lu Shuang'er, after seeing Mrs. Xinghua, his face suddenly raised endless hope and confidence.

In addition to Mrs. Xinghua, there were nine powerful figures coming together, carrying a group of armor-clad armours, riding on powerful monster beasts, one by one eyes like electricity, repaired as powerful and unmatched, all distributed With monstrous grief.

The nine figures are all tribes near the Xuanjia tribe. They are extremely powerful. Every time the Xuanyuan fruit matures, they will come to take a slice of the soup.

The atmosphere of Xuanguang City, Tianxiangzong, and the nine tribes arrived, and the atmosphere of the entire Xuanjia tribe suddenly became extremely tense, and the strongmen of the Xuanjia tribe were all waiting in strict array, showing a very nervous look.

"Looking at Mrs. Xinghua's face, our nine tribes only need nine Xuanyuan fruit this time, Chief Lu, you take out the Xuanyuan fruit, and we will leave immediately!"

Among the nine tribes, a big man dressed in tiger skin, who looked like he was muscular, stood up, his eyes flashed in his eyes.

He is Lin Hu, the patriarch of the fierce tiger tribe, the half-step supreme of the two elephants, and his breath is powerful and unmatched.

"Since Mrs. Xinghua has come in person, my Xuanguang City has to give face, so, my son has decided to give up five Xuanyuan fruit, I only need ten Xuanguang City!"

Wang Yunyang also smiled faintly.

Lu Zhongtian and the many elders were both happy and sad. I was glad that I could leave a few more Xuanyuan fruits this year, but the sad thing was that Xuanyuan Guo was originally a treasure of the Xuanjia tribe, but they had to be distributed to them. Also pretend to be a grateful Dade.

"Thank you! In this case, after Xuanyuan fruit matures, let's allocate according to this plan!"

Lu Zhongtian Qiang Yan laughed.

After finishing the speech, Lu Zhongtian said respectfully to Mrs. Xinghua: "Thank you Mrs. Xinghua, for expressing our hearts, we are willing to present five Xuanyuan fruits to my wife, and hope that your wife will accept it!"

Mrs. Xinghua's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and she smiled slightly: "Lord Patriarch is welcome, Xuan Yuanguo is not necessary! When you come here this time, there is something you want to discuss with Patriarch Lu!"

"Oh? What's the matter with your lady?"

Lu Zhongtian asked with some doubt.

"This is my grandson Xinglin! I want to ask the Lu patriarch for a relative, and to distribute the cream to Xinglin, how do you think?" Mrs. Xinghua smiled slightly.

From behind Mrs. Xinghua, a fat man in a green robe walked out, staring at Shuang Er and smirked, drooling in his mouth.


Lu Shuang'er was shocked, and instantly became bloodless.

Xinglin is the only grandson of Mrs. Xinghua, but she is born with a mental disability. Even if the head of the Tianxiangzong shot it himself, there is no way to cure it.

Always love your master, you want to marry her grandson with intellectual disability? Lu Shuang'er's eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, and he immediately looked at Zhongtian for help.

Lu Zhongtian also knew Xing Lin's situation naturally, and his anger rose sharply, but he still insisted and said: "Mrs. laughed! How could Shuang Er deserve Xing Lin's son? I think this family matter..."

But before Lu Zhongtian's words were finished, he was interrupted.

"Hahaha...Lord Lu, it's really gratifying! Make the granddaughter and the son Xinglin really a perfect match. Shuanger can marry the son Xinglin, which is her blessing and the blessing of your Xuanjia tribe. promise?"

Lin Hu's eyes showed a slight shift, and he smiled slightly.

"Yes! I also feel that Shuang Er and Xing Lin are very suitable!"

"Patriarch Lu, you don't want to quit!"

"They are a match made in heaven, and it seems that Patriarch Lu is about to have a wedding party soon? I must have a drink by then!"


The strong men of other tribes also said with a smile, but at first glance it was not good intentions.

The elders of Lu Zhongtian and many Xuanjia tribes are all tarnished, and let Lu Shuang'er marry the intellectually disabled Xinglin. This not only ruins Lu Shuang'er, but also is a shame and shame for the Xuanjia tribe.

"Ma'am, I don't think Singer is worthy of Mr. Xinglin at all. Let's forget about this matter!"

Lu Zhongtianqiang endured his anger, but his voice was somewhat cold.

Mrs. Xinghua's eyes flashed coldly, and said indifferently: "Oh? Patriarch Lu thinks my grandson is not worthy of Shuanger?"

"Don't dare to be underneath! It's Shuang Er who is not worthy of the son of Xinglin! And who Shuang Er wants to marry, should let her make the decision. I, the grandfather, dare not make decisions for her!

Lu Zhongtian said lightly.

He also saw that the purpose of this lady Xinghua's coming to the Xuanjia tribe this time was not simple, just to come to Lu Shuang'er.

If he doesn't agree, then I'm afraid he will really offend Mrs. Xinghua!

However, he didn't want to destroy Lu Shuang'er's happiness once, so he tried to offend Mrs. Xinghua, and he also refused.

"Master! Is Shuanger doing something wrong?"

Lu Shuang'er looked pale, and looked at Mrs. Xinghua in despair.

"Shuang'er, you are your favorite disciple for the teacher! As long as you marry Xinglin, Tianxiangzong will be the strong backing of the Xuanjia tribe in the future. I hope you think clearly and don't mistake yourself!"

Mrs. Xinghua looked at Landing Frost expressionlessly and said.

"Don't think about it! This thing, my Xuanjia tribe refused!"

Lu Zhongtian stood up and said very toughly.

"Lu Zhongtian, did you really think about it?"

Mrs. Xinghua's face was cold.

In Tianxiangzong, she covered the sky with one hand, and even the sect master gave her a few points, but today she was rejected by Lu Zhongtian twice. Suddenly made her a little angry.


A strong and unmatched breath emanated from Mrs. Xinghua's body. Her eyes were indifferent and forced to land on Zhongtian. The powerful momentum pressed down, as if to press Lu Zhongtian down on her knees.

Lu Zhongtian's face paled instantly, and he was shaking all over. The majestic pressure was like a mountain, as if he was about to oppress him and knelt down.

Lu Zhongtian is just the cultivation practice of Emperor Realm Jiuzhong, but Mrs. Xinghua is a half-step supreme who has survived the four elephants. He has already possessed some supreme coercion, and the cultivation is unfathomable. Some cannot resist.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Old lady, don't bully my grandpa!"

Lu Xueer appeared. Seeing Lu Zhongtian's appearance at the moment, she ran over quickly, her face full of anxiety and anger, pointing at Mrs. Xinghua with an angry voice.

This old lady suddenly surprised everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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