Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 894: Cut Mrs. Xinghua!

The two half-step supremes who had survived the three elephants were even bombed by Ling Xiao!

Such a peerless combat power, I am afraid that even the half-step supreme of the four elephants can’t do it? Could Ling Xiao really be a supreme?

Thinking of this, Lu Shuanger's heart jumped violently.

Lu Xueer also widened her eyes, opened her mouth wide, and her face was full of worship.

She didn't expect that the older brother Ling Xiao who smiled brilliantly and looked very beautiful had such a side.

Strike through the sky, killing the two, peerless, unmatched!

Ling Xiao's eyes were calm and fell on Wang Yunyang.

Wang Yunyang was trembling, and his eyes were full of terrified expression, he quickly said: "Ling Xiao, you can't kill me, you can't kill me, my father is Xuanguang Supreme, if you dare to kill me, he will break you dead Ten thousand paragraphs!"

At this moment, Wang Yunyang was completely afraid, and there was no longer any thought to compete with Ling Xiao.

One punch to kill two and a half steps of supreme, such a combat power to kill Wang Yunyang is as simple as crushing the ants.

Mrs. Xinghua's eyes were also full of shock, staring at Ling Xiao and saying, "What the **** are you? I don't think you have a breath of cultivation, but you can explode so much physical power, just afraid of you Did you use some kind of mystery? Today, this matter ends here, the old body can let you leave, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind!”

Although Ling Xiao has just shown a strong combat power, Mrs. Xinghua's eyes are very poisonous, and she can see at a glance that Ling Xiao's body has no trace of cultivation, pure physical strength, so she suspects that Ling Xiao Is it some kind of powerful monster.

"So far? When you just threatened the Xuanjia tribe, why didn't you want to leave a trace? Needless to say, go on together, all of you must die!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of murder.

Now that you have shot, you need to, otherwise, even if these people gave up, after Ling Xiao left, it was Xuanjia tribe who suffered.

Since Ling Xiao decided to help Lu Xueer, she must help her get rid of all the troubles.

"Ling Xiao, you are arrogant! Could you think that with your own strength, can you contend with my Tianxiangzong and Xuanguang City?"

Mrs. Xinghua's eyes were cold, and there was a cold look in her eyes.

Although she was afraid of Ling Xiao's combat power, she did not think Ling Xiao had the power to crush her. She was confident that Ling Xiao could not keep her if she wanted to escape.


Ling Xiao said indifferently that a fist came in the air, and the golden fist print was like the great day of Huanghuang, exuding a thick and majestic atmosphere, and suppressed it towards Mrs. Xinghua.

Although Ling Xiao is seriously injured now, but the power of the flesh alone can sweep all the half-step supreme.

Feeling the terrifying power of this fist, Mrs. Xinghua's face instantly changed.

"Tianxiang immeasurable, Wanhua Dharma King, block me!"

Mrs. Xinghua shouted, and instantly she had a pink breath around her body, and a rune gathered in the void, and instantly turned into a huge fascination with a height of hundreds of feet, even with three heads and six arms, it looked extremely grim, horizontal Came towards Ling Xiao.

This is the image of the Wanhua Dharma King condensed by Mrs. Xinghua. She is confident that even if she encounters the Supreme, she can block it for a moment.

An ancient void symbol appeared in Mrs. Xinghua's hand, and the void was torn in an instant, and she wanted to escape.

She gave Ling Xiao a vicious glance, knowing that she was not Ling Xiao's opponent, but as long as she returned to Tianxiang Sect, please send out the sect master, and Ling Xiao would definitely die by then.


Ling Xiao's expression was very indifferent, a punch came out of the air, as if the world and the world were covered by this fist seal, terrified to the extreme.

The Wanhua Dharma King Faxiang was directly bombarded by Ling Xiao, and turned into a bright rain of light and trembling in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Xinghua was so frightened that she ran away.


Ling Xiao spit out a word lightly, and this punch was imprinted directly in the void, suddenly the void was broken, the world was disillusioned, and the power of the void symbol on Mrs. Xinghua's body was directly broken by Ling Xiao.


Mrs. Xinghua suddenly spouted a blood, flew out of the void, her hair disheveled, her face pale, her eyes full of frightened expression.

Seeing the appearance of Mrs. Xinghua, although Lu Shuang'er was secretly relieved, there was still a trace of intolerance in his eyes.

"Ling Xiao, you can't kill me! The lord of Tianxiangzong is supreme. If you kill me, the lord will definitely not let you go!"

Mrs. Xinghua's voice was very sharp, and she shouted loudly.

"Supreme? I'm not killed!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, pointing directly out of the sky, like a peerless sword spirit, shining brilliantly, containing all the sharp edges that penetrated all, and fell on Mrs. Xinghua.


Numerous runes on Mrs. Xinghua's body exploded, and many defensive treasures exploded directly. Even Mrs. Xinghua also exploded into a blood mist, and the soul was completely scattered!

Everyone is numb.

Even the strong men of the nine major tribes are so scared that they have forgotten to escape, trembling all over, their eyes full of terrified expression.

Ling Xiao even killed a half-step supreme, even the extremely powerful Mrs. Xinghua died in Ling Xiao's hands. I am afraid they would not be Ling Xiao's opponents.

Wang Yunyang's scalp became numb, and his face instantly turned pale.


An ancient jade appeared in Wang Yunyang's hands, and he crushed it as soon as he gritted his teeth.

The light in the void is bright, and there is an illusory figure in front of Wang Yunyang. It is a very dignified middle-aged man. He looks powerful and exudes a supreme divine power!

This is a supreme!

The horrible supreme supernatural power pervaded, making everyone tremble, as if they couldn't help but kneel down.

" Help! He wants to kill me, you kill him, kill him!"

Wang Yunyang's face was pale, and he pointed at Ling Xiao's incredulous bitterness.


A thunder-like voice exploded in the void. The majestic middle-aged man, who was the master of Xuanguang City, Xuanguang Supreme, looked at Ling Xiao with a cold eye, revealing a cold killer!

"Every strength of the primordial god, dare to spread wild in front of me?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and suddenly pointed out, he also urged a trace of the God of War, this finger became invincible, containing all the power to destroy.

Xuanguang Supreme has changed his face, and quickly said: "Daoyou stop, as long as my son Yunyang is released, I will agree to Daoyou's conditions!"

But Ling Xiao's expression was still very indifferent. One finger came across the sky, and the strength of the God of War broke out, and the Xuanguang Supreme's phantom exploded directly in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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