Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 900: Mysterious City!

There are dozens of commanders in the Black Dragon Army, each of which is the cultivation of the Supreme Realm, powerful and unmatched, and powerful.

No wonder Wang Hong was able to become the master of Xuanguang City. It turned out that there was a brother-in-law led by the Black Dragon Army.

The Black Dragon Army can be said to be the entire Chu River area. All the Zongmen and the family are not willing to provoke the existence. Ling Xiao killed Wang Hong. I am afraid that it will not take long for the Black Dragon Army to kill him. Even if Ling Xiao is strong, It cannot be the opponent of the Black Dragon Army.

"During this time, everyone has been honest with me, not allowed to provoke Ling Xiao, no matter what his requirements, they must meet him! When the Black Dragon Army kills, it is Ling Xiao's death!"

There was a cold murder in Yang Kai's eyes.


Many elders said excitedly.

Ling Xiao entered the space.


Surrounded by chaos, a thousands of miles of the Huangquan Holy River flowed out of the void and into the depths of another void.

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered in his eyes. He faintly felt that this Huangquan Shenghe River was like a passageway. If it broke through the void and flowed upstream along the Huangquan Shenghe River, maybe it would be possible to find the Huangquan Shenghe River. Where the main pulse is.

However, the spatial boundary of the Huangquan Holy River is very powerful, even the supreme strongman, it is impossible to break open, contains a kind of power of heaven and earth, and contains great horror. If it is broken open by force, I am afraid that there will be no imagination Crisis.

In front of this sacred river of Huangquan, the waves are raging, and the big waves sweeping the sky contain a trace of mysterious power of life and death.

Like the Life and Death Pill, it is the Supreme Power, formed by the power of life and death in the Yellow River Holy River.

"The power of life and death here is really rich, ten times and one hundred times stronger than the Xuanjia tribe, I hope that this can completely repair my body!"

A glimmer of glance in Ling Xiao's eyes turned into a streamer, and instantly shot into the Huangquan Shenghe.


The light of Deng Tian Wang Ding suddenly appeared on Ling Xiao's head, exuding colorful glow, Ding's body is ancient and mysterious, intertwined with various mysterious runes, and instantly set off a violent swallowing vortex!

In this space, Ling Xiao no longer has the slightest scruples, and began to urge the power to swallow the king of heaven.

The Huangquan Holy River suddenly began to tumbling violently, and the endless river was pouring back towards the Swallowing Heaven King Ding. The Swallowing Heaven King Ding was like an ancient fierce beast. force.

The wisps of life and death were swallowed by the swallowing king, turned into the purest essence of life, and merged into Ling Xiao's body.

Ling Xiao's injury was extremely serious this time, and even his extremely powerful body of the real dragon was almost broken. The strength of the God of War in the body was almost exhausted, and the Yuanshen also fell silent.

Ling Xiao intends to repair the flesh first, as long as the flesh is completely restored, and then the power of the real dragon body of Ling Xiao will have sufficient self-preservation power even in the reincarnation of the big world.

After the body is repaired, and then restore the strength of the God of War in the body, and nourish the Yuanshen, it is much simpler.

"Although the life-defying technique is unmatched, it cannot be used lightly!"

Ling Xiao laughed bitterly and said to herself.

In particular, the third move of the anti-life technique, against the fate of the heavens, obliterates the fate of the enemy. Although it has the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods, it is also extremely terrifying.

Ling Xiao's source of life is nearing exhaustion at this moment, and Shou Yuan will be exhausted. If there is no Wu Zi Tian Shu to resist part of the force of anti-bite, I am afraid that after he has performed his destiny, it will have turned into a pool of dead bones.

"Although the essence of life here is good, but it can only nourish my body for me to heal! I want to restore the source of life, I am afraid that I must have the real Huangquan Shenghe to be able to do it!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly, then suppressed all thoughts, and began to heal seriously.


In this space, the chaos is filled with fog, the divine light rises, and the Huangquan waves surge, emitting various mysterious visions.

Ling Xiao fully urged the practice of swallowing the king of heaven. If it is outside, I am sure that it will certainly arouse the ideas of many interested people, but there are not so many scruples here.

Even the life-and-death pill that Ling Xiao searched from Tianxiangzong and the nine tribes, a total of more than 2.1 million, was swallowed by him.

Three days later.

Among the sacred rivers of Huangquan, two dazzling Shenmang holes penetrate the void, as if two rounds of Shenyang had risen, making people dare not look at it.

That is Ling Xiao's eyes!

Ling Xiao stepped on the void and stood above the Holy River of Huangquan. The white dress wins snow and the white hair is flying. A pair of eyes is full of vicissitudes and wise expression, very deep.

The power of life and death in this sacred river of Huangquan has been swallowed by Ling Xiao for nearly 90%. The remaining power of life and death is too sparse. Even if it is swallowed, the effect is not great.

"Unfortunately, this branch of the Huangquan Shenghe River, with so many life and death pill, only made my physical injury recover for most of it! It seems that I still have to go to Xuanguang City!"

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered, and there was also a branch of the Huangquan Shenghe in the Xuanguang City. If it was swallowed and refined, it should make Ling Xiao's body completely healed.


In this space, the light was shining brightly, Ling Xiao stepped out in an instant, and left here.

The news of Ling Xiao's exit, soon disturbed Yang Kai and many elders of Tian Xiangzong.

"I don't want to kill so many people, so you all swear the heavenly oath. From now on, you can no longer be anybody in the Xuanxuan tribe. If you violate this oath, the soul will be destroyed!"

Ling Xiao said indifferently, forcing all the strong men above the Emperor Realm of the Tianxiang Sect to make an oath of heaven.

Although Yang Kai and many elders of Tian Xiangzong were very reluctant, they did not dare to have any objections, and they all took the oath of heaven.

After doing this, Ling Xiao left Tianxiang Zong directly and went towards Xuanguang City.

Yang Kai's gloomy looked at Ling Xiao's distant figure, and said coldly: "The news came from Xuanguang City, Wang Hong's brother-in-law, and the iron-blood leader will rush to Xuanguang City in a few days. Go together, I want to see Ling Xiao die without a burial place!"

"Ling Xiao, he will definitely die!"

Many of the elders of Tianxiangzong said coldly, their eyes full of cold killing intentions.

The elders of the Taishang and the suzerain were killed by Ling Xiao, and the life and death Dan and Huangquan Shenghe were taken by Ling Xiao. This is a shame for Tian Xiangzong. They naturally want Ling Xiao to be killed immediately.

Ling Xiao left Tianxiang Zong and drove towards Xuanguang City at a rapid speed.

Xuanguang City is a huge ancient city, located on a vast plain, a full circle of hundreds of miles in size, the city walls are hundreds of feet high, the whole body is enveloped with a layer of bright light, mysterious, that is the moat The power of the array protects the entire Xuanguang City.

Moreover, above the Xuanguang City, countless strong armor-piercing armour guards are as guarded as the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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