Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 907: 1 punch to suppress!

"Sure enough it's you! Boy, don't think that with a little strength, you can be arrogant. You need to know that there are people outside, and there are days outside. There are too many people in this world who are stronger than you. People who are too arrogant will not live long! You killed Wang Hong, You have to pay for his life!"

The commander-in-chief stared at Ling Xiao, his voice said coldly.

"There are indeed many people who are stronger than me in this world! But, it does not include you. Is the Supreme Realm Seventh Cultivation? Reluctantly, it is okay, but it is still too weak. If you have already declared the title, maybe I still I can’t kill you, but the Supreme Realm of the Seventh Realm, dare to pretend to be in front of me?"

Ling Xiao's eyes were unmatched, staring at the Iron-Blooded Commander lightly.

Ling Xiao's physical body is now completely restored. With the body of the true dragon alone, it can sweep the Supreme Realm, and the Seventh Realm of the Supreme Realm is indeed not in his eyes.


The eyes of the commander-in-chief were gloomy, and a strong and unmatched breath radiated from the whole body.

"Little beast, since you don't know life or death, then I will fulfill you!"


The commander-in-chief was covered with a layer of **** grief, and he radiated an extremely vast wave around him, as if a tiger roared, and a **** tiger appeared behind him, and a pair of eyes stared at Ling Xiao. .


The sword in his hand was lifted, and an unparalleled strength burst out, instantly blending with the tiger behind him, and fell towards Lingxiao with a knife!

It seems that an ancient **** tiger was rushing towards Ling Xiao, grievous, unstoppable, and contained a force that destroyed everything.

Although the Iron-Blood Commander said that Ling Xiao did not know the life and death, but his shot broke out directly.

Because, the punch that Ling Xiao had just made him feel very tricky, he must kill Ling Xiao with thunder.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed coldly, only to see him punch.


Jin Xiao sprayed thinly around Ling Xiao, and his vast blood rose to the sky, as if in an instant, he became an ancient beast, and the huge fist print became huge, as if it were suppressed by a god.


The powerful dragon chanting sound filled the sky with a golden divine light around Ling Xiao, as if turned into a golden real dragon, coiled around his body, the dragon scale was dazzling and lifelike, making him look mysterious and majestic.

This punch contains the ultimate power of Ling Xiao Zhenlong's body!

The pure physical strength, even the Wanlong Slaughter Technique was not exercised.

Ling Xiao just wanted to see where his physical limits are now.


The golden fist prints were horizontal and horizontal, coming directly from the sky, printed on the blade of the **** tiger, and suddenly trembling.

The **** tiger trembles violently, and then bursts apart with a bang.


The sky of Xiaguang was all swept away, and the golden fist print was unrelenting, slamming fiercely on the Supreme War Sword in the hands of the Iron-Blood Commander.

Suddenly, Mars was shining, and the Supreme War Blade was trembling violently.

The commander-in-chief felt an unmatched force strike, as if a supreme star hit him, making his face change and his arms burst into a blood mist.


The commander-in-chief flew a few hundred feet backwards, his mouth spurting blood violently, and his breath instantly became extremely depressed, and he smashed fiercely on the distant ground, directly hitting a huge deep pit.


Everyone took a breath, and his heart was filled with endless shock.

If it was said that Ling Xiao had just knocked back the Iron-Blood Commander, it might be that the Iron-Blood Commander did not do his best, but at the moment, the two men had a hard touch, and the Iron-Blood Commander even took out the Supreme War Sword, and finally was shot by Ling Xiao. It flew away.

At this moment, Ling Xiao, who seemed to be very beautiful, sprayed thin Jinxia all around, surrounded by golden dragons, with white hair flying, his expression was indifferent, and his eyes were dazzling, just like an undefeated peerless **** of war.

"It turns out... Lord Ling Xiao has such a terrible combat power!"

"Iron Commander is not an opponent of Lord Ling Xiao, our Xuanguang City has been saved!"

Many people in Xuanguang City were surprised and cheered from the heart.

Before, the commander-in-chief of the blood, in front of so many people, beheaded the people of Xuanguang City. Although everyone dared to speak out, they naturally turned to Ling Xiao psychologically.

"Sovereign, can this guy be a real dragon? With his physical strength alone, he defeated the commander-in-chief in a boxing fight. Why is he so strong?"

Xiaoyue was also dumbfounded, and couldn't believe everything in front of her.

"It's really weird! In the world of reincarnation, the supreme powerhouses are all overlords and have a reputation, but I have never heard of the name Ling Xiao. It seems that this guy has a secret!" Ling Xiao, her eyes are full of curiosity.


The earth shook and exploded with a loud blast, and the Iron-Blood Lord rushed out of the earth, his eyes full of anger and anger.

He wanted to avenge Wang Hong on this trip. He had thought that he could kill Ling Xiao in an instant, but he didn't expect this kid to be so wicked. There seemed to be no fluctuations in his cultivation, but his flesh was terrified.

Shaking the supreme weapon freehand, to what extent is Ling Xiao's flesh strong?

"Ling Xiao, I admit that you are very strong! But I have hundreds of supreme strongmen in the Chujiang region, and more than a million black dragons, and Master Chujiang is even stronger in the spirit realm. Will you be able to contend with my entire Chujiang territory with your own strength? You killed Wang Hong and Tianxiang Supreme, and you have already committed a big disaster, and you have to fight without a hand, return to Chujiang King City with me to accept sanctions, maybe you can save your life! Otherwise, the Million Black Dragons will arrive, and you will be turned into powder in no time!"

The commander-in-chief said with cold He already had a retreat in his heart. The punch just made him see that maybe he was not Ling Xiao's opponent at all. Disgrace.

Therefore, he began to threaten.

The Black Dragon Army is awesome, and no sect or family will dare to compete with the Black Dragon Army. Even if it is the title of Supreme, the Black Dragon Army has not been slain.

He wanted to scare Ling Xiao with King Chujiang and the Black Dragon Army.

It is a pity that Ling Xiao is not the one who reincarnates the big world, and he also underestimated Ling Xiao's true strength.

Once Ling Xiao completely resumed cultivation, not to mention the Black Dragon Army, even if the King of Chujiang came in person, he could not help Ling Xiao!

"Suppress me with the Black Dragon Army and the King of Chujiang? Unfortunately, I am soft but not hard. If you kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe I might consider spare your life!"

Ling Xiao said lightly, his expression was very calm.

(End of this chapter)

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