Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1143: Star Alliance!


Ling Xiao's body was full of blood, and Long Wei was unmatched. He urged the ultimate physical strength, and suddenly slammed into the void channel!

No matter who is coming to the other side of the passage, Ling Xiao now only wants to destroy that passage completely!


Golden lightning flashed through the void like a chain of order gods, Ling Xiao enveloped the endless Jinxia, ​​the whole person was like a golden star, and suddenly burst out!

That void channel has not yet been completely formed, but Ling Xiao has been able to see that there are countless powerful figures in the void channel, and the murderous fierceness in the eyes, the magic power is monstrous, from the endless void. Come down!


Above the sky demon altar, that piece of void channel was suddenly exploded by Ling Xiao!

The blazing divine light permeated the four sides, containing a wave of terrifying terror, the void was broken, a storm swept through, and a huge black hole appeared above the sky!

"Has the passage been destroyed?"

Long Aotian and others could not help raising their heads, their eyes full of expectation.

The powerful eyes of those demons are full of horror and unwillingness. They have killed so many human races and cast the altar of heavenly demons with their flesh and blood, in order to attract the arrival of many demons.

But who had thought that Ling Xiao was so decisive that he destroyed the Heavenly Demon Altar at the last minute!


Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce, standing above the void, staring at the huge black hole in front of him, and his whole body began to be alert.

Ling Xiao can feel that although he destroyed the Void Channel, and even a lot of powerful Mozu strongmen were strangled by the void and turned into flying ash, but there is still a terrifying existence that has locked the ancient Demon ancient land and is crossing. Void turbulence, coming at speed!

Ling Xiao can feel that most of those terrifying breaths are demon gods, and even one of them is extremely obscure. The terror is extremely extreme.

Although the Void Channel was broken, Ling Xiao felt that soon, the strong will come completely!


The violent tremor of the void, a monstrous demonic energy permeated, containing a terrifying killing intention, as if to destroy this whole world.

The sky dome shattered completely, a breath of frightening monstrous figure descended from above nine days, enveloped the monstrous magic light, the eyes were extremely cold, containing the cruel and bloodthirsty light, just like a round of blood moon rising!

Above nine days, the battleship was as huge as a mountain, and a terrifying figure crossed from the endless turmoil, densely packed, I don’t know how many people!

Ling Xiao can feel that there are hundreds of people at the level of the Devil God, all of them are vast and terrifying!

Especially on that battleship, there is an ancient throne with bright light, sitting on a figure wearing a black robe, enveloped in the dark light, can not see the face, but a pair of eyes is extremely deep, Exudes endless majesty and domineering fluctuations.

He sits on the throne of that side, as if he is the supreme king pushing nine days and ten earths, and he has a supreme spirit that dominates all beings!

"Star King of the Star Alliance?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, but he did not expect that the void channel of the Heavenly Demon Altar was opened, and he even summoned the King of the Star Alliance!

But shouldn't the Star Alliance contend against the demons? Why did they collude with the Devil Race?

Beside that His Majesty the King, there are hundreds of powerful demon gods, divine power, terrifying horror, all eyes are full of cruel killing intentions, and Ling Xiao recognized it at a glance, of which nearly half of them Escaped from the world of seals.

In addition to these hundreds of demon gods, there are also thousands of strong players in the Star Alliance, the weakest of which is the cultivation of the Emperor Realm, and many are even supreme strongmen.

It's just that the strong players in the Star Alliance seem to be in a wrong state. They are all impregnated with magic energy, and their eyes are full of cold killing intentions. There is no hint of emotional color, just like a puppet!

The advent of hundreds of demon gods shocked everyone, revealing a very dignified look in their eyes.

And the demons of the heavens and demons even cheered. Their eyes were full of excitement, and they even began to roar loudly.


In the **** sea, the figure of Xia Shao suddenly rose into the sky, and he reunited a body, but this body looked very weak, far less horrible and powerful than the previous one.

I saw his eyes full of excitement, flew directly to the warship, and bowed down to the mysterious god, His Majesty the King.

"See Father!"

The eyes of evil young are full of joy and worship.

"Father King?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and Xia Shao even called this **** king the father king, could it be that he was the devil king of Pound?

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao couldn't help but feel shocked!

"My son is working hard! Who destroyed your monster?"

The black robe **** looked at Xia Shao lightly.

"Father, my demon body was destroyed by Ling Xiao! He has become a **** in flesh, and his power is terrifying. The void channel formed by the Heavenly Demon Altar is destroyed by him, and he is invited to kill him!"

Xie Shao pointed at Ling Xiao, his eyes full of hatred.

"Relax! From today, this side of the world will belong to my saint, all human races will become our blood, and Ling Xiao will naturally die!"

The black robe **** said indifferently, the black divine light permeated in the eyes, as if to open the earth, containing the power wave of terrifying terror.

"Are you the king of the Devil of Bozen?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed looking at the black robe **** in front of him and asked.

He stood above the sky dome, surrounded by magical lights, hundreds of Moshen's murderous interweaving, almost breaking the world, but he was not afraid, staring at the black robe and asked.

"Good! It's the king!"

The black robe **** said lightly and admitted directly.

"I really didn't expect that the so-called Star Alliance has already been occupied by the Demon Race. The extraterrestrial star world is your old nest? But do you really think you can control the God of War Realm?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, as if two peerless swords had pierced the void, breaking all darkness.

His whole body was filled with Jinxia, ​​and his vast blood was rising, forming a shape like a real dragon around him. His momentum was immense, and he faced all the powerful demons alone!

Hundreds of demon gods were not taken into account by Ling Xiao at all. If there was no Demon King of Boxun, Ling Xiao could kill them all by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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