Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1160: Carduelis on the side!


Ling Xiao's Yuanshen exudes a dazzling Jin Xia, and the whole body is filled with dragon power, as if turned into a golden dragon, and a punch is blasting towards the Devil King of Boten!

At the same time, the spiritual power behind Ling Xiao rises, the vastness is like the sea, the sea of ​​swallowing the gods emerges, and turns into a vast engulfing vortex, which begins to swallow the power of the primal **** that the Bozun Demon King has escaped!

"The ants, the cultivation of the divine spirit realm, can you really think that with the wordless book, you can kill me?"

The fierce killing in the eyes of the Devil King of Bozen, he knew that it was useless to say anything at this moment. When he saw Ling Xiao killing him, he was also the whole body of magic light rising, and one arm suddenly dragged the chain of chaos and swept towards Ling Xiao. Come!

Although the power of the Demon Temple is terrifying, it only completely suppresses the body of the Bochen Demon King, but for his primitive spirit, it seems that he is not capable enough, and he can easily drag the four chaotic chains.

If nine town demon temples were dispatched at the same time, it might be possible to completely suppress the Pokemon demon king, but the strength of the four gods was limited, and only the four town demon temples could be urged.


The two fists collided, the light was dazzling, the terrifying divine light exploded, Ling Xiao felt a power of destruction spread towards his Yuanshen, and the wordless Tianshu light flashed and instantly consumed that power Too.

With the protection of the Wordless Book, Ling Xiao seems to be born invincible.

However, the strength of the Bozen Demon King is too horrible. This is the main place of the Bozen Demon King. Ling Xiao couldn't completely destroy the Bojin Devil King's Yuanshen for a time.

A fierce war broke out in the Sea of ​​Lord Demon King's consciousness, the endless divine light rose, the terror of the divine power was intertwined, and the terror was extremely extreme.

This is pure war of God. If Yuanshen is severely damaged, the body may be irreversibly damaged.

Therefore, this battle is extremely dangerous!

Ling Xiao is fiercely fighting the primordial spirit of the Bozen Demon King, and the four outside world generals are also urging the town of Demon King to suppress the Bozen Demon King!

Seeing that the Pokemon Demon King was suppressed by the Demon Demon Temple, those Demon Gods were like crazy. One by one, they rushed toward the four gods one by one, and wanted to rescue the Pokemon Demon King.

But how can old goats, unscrupulous people and others make them succeed?

Many strong men enveloped the four great gods in the center, and an extremely fierce defensive battle broke out. Countless demon strong men died in battle and blood flowed into the river!

In the end, Du Gu's pursuit of defeat was even more direct. A sword of light spread across the world, containing endless power of destruction. Almost instantly, several demon gods were killed by his sword!

With the addition of Dugu seeking defeat, everyone is even more powerful, and their confidence has multiplied, and they have begun a siege of the Devil.

Just when the heaven and earth are fighting fiercely.

The ancestral burial of the void, the witch king of the witch clan Chi Wu Jue, and the majesty of the heavenly man clan Bai Wuliang stood in a chaotic void, and a light curtain in front of them clearly showed the scene of war in the ancient land of the devil.

"Two Dao friends, can you shoot now?"

Chi Kong Jue's eyes showed a strong fighting intent.

Seeing the four town demons shrine seal the Bojin demon king, and Ling Xiao rushed into the town demonic shrine, preparing to kill the Bozen demon king, he couldn't help it.

"No, it's not an opportunity now!"

Bai Wuliang's eyes flashed, and he shook his head slowly.

"Brother Bai is right! It is not yet an opportunity to shoot. The power of the Demon King of Poseidon is too terrifying. I am afraid that the power of the Heavenly God Realm is already there. Even if the three of us join forces, there is no chance of winning. If it is We are now shooting, which is tantamount to helping the Pokemon demon king break the town demon temple!

Let's continue to wait, hoping that Ling Xiao holding the wordless book can hit the Devil King of Pound, and when the party is completely defeated, it is our chance to shoot! "

There was a hint of coldness in Buxu's eyes.

"It's so boring! How good would it be to rush over and fight? You two guys like to play conspiracy!"

Chi Kong never said his lips, and grumbled.

However, he also knew that Bai Wuliang and Fuxu were telling the truth. If they shot now, I am afraid that they would really die in the hands of the Pokemon Demon King.

"Chi Kong Jue, not to mention the Devil King of Poseidon, is the only loneliness of that human race seeking defeat, are you his opponent?

Burial Xu looked at the Solitude in the light curtain to seek defeat, and there was a strange light in his eyes, said slowly.

"Lonely for defeat? That guy is so perverted!"

Speaking of Dugu seeking defeat, Chi Kongjue's eyes also showed a trace of fear.

Being able to cultivate a divine realm in the human world is already a peerless posture, and it is extremely invincible, but this guy even realized the foundation of the holy way, which is simply too scary.

Seeking defeat with the power of two swordsmanship of destruction and life, beheaded and killed the ten thousand mortal demon body of Demon King Boxun, Chi Kong Jue, Bai Wuliang and Buxu were shocked to see that scene.

They believed without any doubt that if the sword was slashed towards them, I am afraid they would die without doubt, there is no chance!

"Putting the sword of the holy way in the human world is simply the way of death. He is already hurt at the moment, and he can't deal with us anymore! But it is still necessary, so we will look at this battle again. The result!"

In the end, Bai Wuliang made a speech. Obviously, he was also very afraid of Dugu seeking defeat.

"The luck of the human race is really jealous. A war **** realm in every area has a solitary loneliness for defeat. It has even emerged a hill that has achieved the realm of the three gods. How can the heaven be treated to the human race?"

Burial Xu also sighed softly.

"Yes! Able to achieve the three gods in the human world. This kind of talent is no less than the foundation of the Holy Path of Solitude. It can be said that as long as Ling Xiao will die, he will be able to prove his sanctity in the future! Unfortunately, he got no words. Heavenly is innocent and guilty of sin, he will definitely die this time!"

Bai Wuliang nodded.

The three Sovereigns stand in the void, watching the battle in the ancient world of the devil, ready to shoot at any time!

In the Zhenmo Temple, the battle of the primordial spirit between Ling Xiao and the Demon King of Poseidon has lasted for three days, and the four gods such as Lingzun will all be somewhat shaky, as if they will be unable to support it.

Their hearts are also a little anxious, if Ling Xiao can no longer kill the demon king of Boxun, then Boxun will really get out of trouble!

In the sea of ​​Bozen, the battle between Ling Xiao and Bozen seems to have reached the final juncture!


The endless light is dazzling, the storm of divine light is sweeping around, the primordial **** of the Devil King of Porzen looks miserable at the moment, and his body is scarred, and the wordless book is shining brightly, floating in the void, like an ancient god, as if To break the primordial spirit of the Pokemon demon king!

(End of this chapter)

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