Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1163: Drive the tiger away!

Bai Wuliang, Fuxu and Chikong absolutely conspired there. The reason why they are very afraid of the Six True Gods is that apart from their desire to swallow the Wordless Heavenly Book, the most important thing is that there are no Celestial Clan and Burial among the Six True Gods. The true gods of protoss and witch.

Millions of years have passed, and they are not clear about the situation of God Realm today, nor do they know the situation of the Celestial Clan, Burial God Clan, and Wu Clan, so they don’t dare to act easily!

In the end, Bai Wuliang, Muxu and Chi Kongju chose to show up at the same time. The three of them joined forces. Even if the six true gods wanted to deal with them, they could retreat.

Moreover, they also believe that Wu Zi Tian Shu should be more attractive to these six true gods!

"Have seen six Taoists!"

The light in the void flashed, and Bai Wuliang, Buxu and Chi Kongju appeared in front of the six true gods together.


The body of the three of them exudes a very powerful breath, and all of them have erupted the cultivation of the true **** realm.

"Heavens, Burial Gods, and Wu people?!"

The eyes of the six true gods flashed in the centre, and they saw the appearance of Bai Wuliang's three people, all with a trace of surprise in their eyes.

Bai Wuliang did not conceal his breath and cultivation behavior, so the six true gods could easily see their origins.

"Six Daoists came from God Realm? We know the whereabouts of the Wordless Book of Heaven. They are now in the ancient land of Heaven and Devil. If you go late, I am afraid that you will fall into the hands of the Lord of Devil God!"

Bai Wuliang's eyes flashed, looking at the six true gods in front of him and said slowly.

Only then did he see clearly the appearance of these six true gods.

Headed by a young man wearing black armor, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, with full armor, a powerful and unmatched breath, a magnificent and extraordinary face, all covered in a helmet, only a pair of extremely cold eyes were exposed.

An old lady in a white robe holding a cane, Tong Yanhe hair, a pair of eyes full of indifference and fierce light, all exude a powerful sword.

A big, energetic man, dressed in animal skin, with muscle knots, a strong and unmatched breath, carrying a sky axe, is extremely powerful.

The last three true gods, a ghostly, middle-aged man who seemed to be hidden in the void, a teenager wearing a golden armor and a golden glow flowing all over him, and another sitting on a deceptive beast The general above was full of vitality, with endless blood and blood.

"It turned out to be the true **** of the Temple of War, Taishang Dao Palace, Tian Tianjiao, Tian Gui Clan, Golden Clan, and Overlord Kingdom?"

Bai Wuliang saw the origin of the six of them almost instantaneously, and suddenly he was slightly shocked.

Among these six forces, the Temple of War and the Taishang Dao Palace can be said to be the most holy shrines in the entire God Realm, with terrifying power and terrible power, while swallowing Tianjiao, Heavenly Ghost Clan, Golden Clan and Overlord God Kingdom Although slightly weaker, it is also extremely powerful.

The forces behind the Six True Gods make Bai Wuliang, burial of emptiness and Chi Kong absolutely uncomfortable.

When Bai Wuliang three people looked at the six great gods, the six great gods in front of them were also looking at them.

The young man in black armor wearing a black armor flashed a sharp gaze, and said lightly: "How do you say this? How much combat power is still left by Lord Bozen Demon King?"

He seemed to have no surprise that the strong people of the Celestial Clan, Burial God Clan and Wu Clan appeared. After all, since he came from the Divine Realm, he naturally had an incomparable understanding of the war of a million years ago. There is no problem to live now.

However, the names of Bozen Demon King made the six true gods slightly discolored. Obviously, the horror meaning of this name is also very clear.

"Now, Ling Xiao, the heir of the Red Dragon God of War, is leading many powerful men to battle the Pokemon Demon King in the ancient world of Demon, but the strength of the Pokemon Demon King is too strong. I am afraid they will soon be unable to resist it! You can rest assured that the Devil God King of Poseidon should now only have the perfect combat power of the True Divine Realm, and has been hit hard!"

Bai Wuliang understood the concerns in the hearts of these six true gods and said slowly.

If the name of the Pokemon Demon King scared them away, I am afraid it would be worth the loss.

"The Red Dragon God of War actually has an inheritor? So that Ling Xiao got the inheritance of the Red Dragon God of War?"

The young man in the Temple of War shone with a sharp gaze, his face slightly gloomy.

"Yes! He not only obtained the Wordless Book, but also cultivated the God of War tactics, became a **** with flesh, and was extremely powerful!"

Bai Wuliang said lightly, telling everything that happened during this time.

When I heard that Ling Xiao got Wu Zi Tian Shu and practiced the God of War, the young people in the Temple of War face became more and more gloomy, and even showed a sense of killing.

"Where is the heaven and earth? Let's go!"

The young man in the Temple of War said lightly, but the cold and murderous intention in his voice was already deep in the bone marrow.

Bai Wuliang and burial vaguely looked at each Then the three of them took their six great gods and flew towards the heavens and demons.


In the ancient world.

Almost all the Demon Clan Powerhouses and Demon Gods were all slaughtered. This piece of earth bleeds into rivers, and corpse hills are everywhere, just like asura hell.

Not only the Demon Strong, but the strongmen in the major holy places also suffered heavy losses, and died in the hands of the Demon, the air was filled with a strong **** gas.

Above the void, the four demon temples floated above the sky dome, and the endless chaos filled with fog, suppressing the Pokemon demon king.

The seven evil gourds flowed with seven colors of light, dazzling and dazzling. They were also mysterious and unpredictable. They contained an immense vast power that enveloped the chaotic mist.

With the addition of the seven evil gourds, the four talents of Spirit Venerable, Demon Saint, Moon Mother and Lord Buddha were able to breathe a sigh of relief, but they were almost exhausted, and there was hardly any fighting power.

In particular, the remnants of the demon saint and the moon mother have completely dissipated, and only the spirit lord and the Buddha master are still supporting.

The old goat's eyes were full of sadness. Although he knew that it was just a remnant of the demon saint, he still felt as if his father was by his side and never left.

The mood of Luna is the most complicated. She originally thought that Luna would take her away and occupy her body completely, but she did not expect that Luna would just borrow her body and launched the final battle against the Devil King And, before death, the Moon Mother's inheritance was completely given to the Moon God.

Feeling the trance of the moon god, he felt as if he was the mother of the moon.

Although the demons have been exterminated, everyone's eyes are still full of tension and expectation, and they are all looking forward to Ling Xiao's complete destruction of the Bochen Demon King.

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