Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1168: Ling Xiao wakes up!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distant sky, and the enchantment formed by the seven evil gourds was once again broken by Hong Tianzhao.

After Jinse was injured by Hong Tianzhao, Qisha gourd once again formed Qisha enchantment to protect Ling Xiao, but the strength of Hong Tianzhao and others was too horrible, and once again bombarded it!

At this moment, Ling Xiao was completely exposed in front of Hong Tianzhao and others.

Hong Tianzhao's eyes showed a cruel look, and a punch came towards Ling Xiao's head, with fist prints of horror, as if he wanted to directly blow Ling Xiao's head into powder.


Xue Wei shouted, her eyes full of anxiety, and she immediately held six swords of reincarnation towards Hong Tianzhao.

But it was still too late, Hong Tianzhao's punch was fierce, unpredictable, and instantly fell on Ling Xiao's head, directly turning Ling Xiao into a fan.

Ling Xiao disappeared into the void.


Hong Tianzhao's eyes flashed, and suddenly felt something was wrong, Ling Xiao in front of him turned out to be just a residual image, and the real Ling Xiao had no idea where to go!

"Fuck you all!"

A very cold voice sounded in the void, containing a monstrous murderous intention!


The sky and the earth shook, the void shattered, a thunder came from above nine days, the thunder was fierce and unmatched, Jinxia shrouded the world, Ling Xiao was surrounded by chaos, black hair was flying, the figure was magnificent, and there was a terrifying power all over his body. !

Among his eyes at this moment, full of anger and murderous intention, shot like substance, leaving the emptiness of the Quartet trembling violently.

Ling Xiao had just awakened from the state of cultivation and heard the voice of everyone's argument, and also instantly understood what happened.

Hong Tianzhao's punch came just now, and he was evaded by his secret evasion technique.

When Ling Xiao heard the poison of the seven souls scattered in Jinse's body, and was seriously injured and dying, and his life and death were unknown, he suddenly ran away!

Xue Wei is right, Jin Se is Ling Xiao's life, Ling Xiao's reverse scale, and those who touch it will die!

So when Ling Xiao heard that Xue Wei was in trouble, her heart was suddenly shrouded in monstrous murderous intentions, and the four sides of the void seemed to lift up a vast divine power.

"It's Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao is awake! Hahaha..."

"Master Swallow Heaven Patriarch, these are the strongest of God Realm, it is they who have harmed the eternal patriarch!

Lao Goat, Wuliang Taoist, Long Aotian, and many other long-lived people suddenly showed a look of ecstasy on their faces, and they all began to get excited.

"Master! Sister Jinse is in this old lady's small world, save Sister Jinse quickly!",

Xue Wei's eyes also showed a look of extreme surprise, and quickly pointed to the old lady in Taishang Dao Palace.

"You are Ling Xiao? Kneel down and hand over the heritage of Wu Zi Tian Shu and Red Dragon God of War, the son can spare you not to die!"

Hong Tianzhao's brow furrowed, but his face was still cold, staring at Ling Xiao and said lightly.

Although he was not able to kill Ling Xiao and let Ling Xiao wake up, but in his view, Ling Xiao is no better than the cultivation of the divine spirit realm, which is a big realm worse than him. It is very easy to kill Ling Xiao. thing!

Ling Xiao didn't even look at Hong Tianzhao, and the whole body of light appeared in front of the old woman in Taishang Dao Palace in a flash.

"Hand over Jinse, or die!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce, and there was no slight emotion in his voice.

"What kind of thing are you? Also worthy to talk to the elder body like this? Boy, Jin Se has become a disciple of my Taoist palace, you are already insecure, I advise you to think about your own situation!"

The old lady of Taishang Road Palace looked cold and stared at Ling Xiao with a sneer.

"Master, this old lady has given her mistress too much love, and saved her life!" Zhu Ganglie reminded Ling Xiao.

Did you take too much love?

Hearing the pig's words, Ling Xiao couldn't help but feel a heartache.

Pig Ganglie said to him before, although Tai Shang Wang Qing Shui can relieve the poison of Jin Se’s seven souls, but he can also refine Jin Se’s primal spirit, and let Jin Se completely forget Ling Xiao, from then on, he will be absolutely desperate. Sex, can no longer remember the past.

In this case, is Jinse still Jinse?

However, Ling Xiao also knows that Jinse has just been invaded by the poison of the Seven Souls Soul Light. If he does not take too much of the love water, I am afraid that Jinse has completely burned away the jade. It's too late!

Incomparable feelings of self-blame and remorse spread in Ling Xiao's heart.

"For the sake of saving Jinse, I will not kill you, but hand over Jinse! I will let you go!"

Ling Xiaoqiang resisted the boiling murderous intention and stared at the old lady of Taishang Dao Palace.

"Ling Xiao, the son is talking to you, how dare you ignore me so much? You are looking for death!"

At this moment, Hong Tianzhao, who was directly ignored by Ling Xiao, couldn't hold his face, his face was blue, and his eyes were full of cold murderous intent.


He was surrounded by divine power, his hands gleamed in light, and a black Fangtian painted halberd enveloped a monstrous momentum, and fell down towards Lingxiao!

The endless black light permeates, Fangtian Huaji contains an ancient and desolate mood, as if to break through a barren world, vast and grand.


Ling Xiao felt the murderous intention coming behind him, and suddenly the murderous opportunity rose in his eyes. The golden blood around his body spread out, and the tyrannical gas in his body burst into an instant!


Ling Xiao punched out, and the fierce punch hit like a peerless **** of war, containing invincible power, and struck directly towards Hong Tianzhao's Fang Tianhua halberd.

Although Hong Tianzhao is a strong man in the true divine realm, he is not even as good as the Wanhua Demon King of the Devil God of Bozen, how can he be put in the eyes of Ling Xiao?

Not to mention Today's Ling Xiao has achieved the realm of the three gods, and it has refined the blood and flesh of the Demon King of Poseidon and the power of the Yuanshen.

This fist slammed into the sky dome, like an ancient god, even blasted directly on that halved Fangtian painted halberd!


The endless divine light exploded, and a fierce thunder shone on the void, and Hong Tianzhao felt an unmatched divine force hit him, and was suddenly struck by Ling Xiao as if struck by lightning!

"This is... King of the Gods of War?"

Hong Tianzhao's face instantly became very ugly, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes that could not be concealed.

The God of War King Fist is the basic martial art of the God of War Temple, and its grade is only God-level inferior, but there are very few who can practice the God of War King Fist to the state of great consummation.

Legend has it that the God of War King Boxing contains the God of War, and if he can be cultivated to the state of the Great Consummation, he can even achieve the ultimate War of Saints in the future, with unparalleled strength and horror.

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