Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1188: Da Ni??

This is Nirvana.

For Ling Xiao, it was a reborn change.

Shinto law entered the body, making his physical body, divine power and Yuanshen more fit this side of the world. Only after such a transformation, Ling Xiao can truly be a creature of God Realm.

Otherwise, if you encounter the power of God Realm, you can easily see the identity of Ling Xiao ascended.

For Ling Xiao now, it is necessary to evade all the possibilities of easily revealing his identity, and then join the Temple of War safely, improve his cultivation, secretly dormant and grow.


The six divine forms were transformed into divine liquid, crystal clear, and flowing, just like the syrup of syrup and jelly, into the body of Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao felt that all his bones were broken, and even the Yuanshen seemed to be torn apart. The pain penetrated into the bone marrow, making it unbearable. I am afraid if the average person would have passed out of the pain.

Ling Xiao can feel that this is the true true phoenix nirvana, from life to death, from death to life, and undergo a real reincarnation transformation.

The multicolored shining True Phoenix Divine Fire, while training Ling Xiao's flesh and Yuanshen, can see that there is a trace of black impurities overflowing, and then refined by the True Phoenix Divine Fire.

Ling Xiao's whole person became more and more transcendent, emitting an unfathomable breath.

The news of Ling Xiao's retreat passed into Feng Zhi's ears. Feng Zhi didn't take it seriously, but he still sent a lot of strong Fengling tribes to protect Ling Xiao's courtyard and prevent others from disturbing him.

The entire Fengling tribe was launched to prepare for Fengya's breakthrough.

The next day, dawn dawned slightly, spilling down the golden light.

On the altar at the center of the Fengling tribe, an old man in a black robe and staggering, holding a cane, it seemed as if half of his body had fallen into the earth, exuding a life of death.

His face was covered with bark-like wrinkles, but his eyes were incomparably deep and pure, like the vast night sky.

He is the high priest of Fengling Tribe, Fengyuntai!

Above the altar is a black ancient tripod with black dragons coiled on it, Yunzhuan carvings, mountains and rivers, all ancient and mysterious.

Beneath Guding, the red-golden flame was burning, covering the whole Guding, I don't know how long it has been burning.

Gu Ding exudes a breath of air, the real dragons above seem to come alive, and they look lifelike, making the whole Gu Ding have a certain extraordinary atmosphere.

And Fengya sat next to Gu Ding, looking gentle and elegant, exuding a wave of spirituality, low eyebrows, smiling eyes, and golden dawn falling on her, making her seem to be a kind of sacred , People dare not look at it.

The entire Fengling tribe, except for the guards who could not leave their posts, almost everyone came under the altar, their eyes full of tension and expectation.

Today is the day when Feng Ya proves to be a god.

Everyone wants to witness this moment.

"Fengya, are you ready?" Fengyuntai walked up to the altar and looked at the ancient Ding and Fengya in front of him. A satiated color appeared in the cloudy eyes.

Fengya is not only the hope of the Fengling tribe, but also his favorite disciple.

Breaking into the realm of the gods, and condensing the body of the wind and spirit completely, Fengyuntai believes that Fengya will definitely stand out in the trial of Taixu and become a disciple of the five colleges!

Once Fengya became a disciple of the five colleges, he would be able to shelter the Fengling tribe, and Fengyuntai would be able to look away even if he died.

"Master, I'm ready!"

There was a firm look in Fengya's eyes.

"Then start!"

Fengyuntai nodded, his eyes showing a sharp edge.


Fengyuntai exuded a strong and unmatched breath around him, and he rose up majesticly. His whole person suddenly rose into the air and became a majestic hero. The middle-aged man with Yuyu Xuanang exuded a whole body. Strong and unmatched momentum.

That monstrous fighting spirit made everyone in the whole Fengling tribe seem to have to kneel down and worship!

This is Fengyuntai, the high priest of the Fengling tribe, and the Dinghai **** needle that blesses the Fengling tribe.

Feng Ya's beautiful eyes are red, and there is a hint of gratitude in her eyes. She knows that Fengyuntai Shouyuan will be exhausted, and every time you urge the body's blood, it will accelerate the consumption of his life yuan.

Fengya once heard the old man of Fengling Tribe say that Fengyuntai used to be the first genius of Fengling Tribe. He even made a great reputation even in Taizhong Tianyu, but then came back to Fengling for some reason. tribe.

"Four spirits blood, cast war body, qi and blood black, immortal battle!"

Fengyuntai shouted angrily, and the light in his palm was bright, and the blood of the four powerful mythical beasts entered the black ancient tripod, and there were countless precious and ancient elixir, exuding a strange fragrance, turning into A torrent!


The black ancient tripod trembles violently, and the ancient tripod has kept the earth-centered fire on this altar for decades, for this day.

A dazzling divine light rose up into a mysterious rune that enveloped the entire altar.

The vast and ancient roar sounded, shaking the sky.

In the sky above Guding, there is a black real dragon rising into the sky, the phoenix of Xiaxia is burning eight wildernesses, the white tiger is roaring forever, and the basalt of the turtle-snake phase plate carries the four corners of the world...

It was the phantom of the Four Spirits Beast, the legendary invincible overlord of the ancient times, although it may have long since passed away, but that kind of power still flows in the blood of the descendants.

The medicine liquid in the ancient tripod seems to boil and become crystal clear, exuding a fragrant fragrance, the fusion of the four spirits and blood and countless precious elixir, has become this unique treasure!

This is the accumulation of the Fengling tribe for countless years, and it broke out completely at this moment.

Xinxiang is tangy, and contains mysterious fluctuations. The four sides of the void seem to have a powerful law coming down into the liquid medicine in the ancient tripod.

The phantom of the four spirits and holy beasts circled the ancient tripod and various mysterious visions appeared.

In the center of the Four Spirit Sacred Beasts, there appeared to be a peerless emperor dressed in a green robe, stepping on a wasteland, and pushing the invincible sideways. His eyes were extremely deep, and his whole body exuded a mysterious breath that broke through nine days.

"Feng Ya, do not enter the tripod at this moment, when will you wait?"

When Fengyuntai saw the mysterious figure in the center of the Four Spirits Beast, he was suddenly shocked, and his eyes showed a very ecstatic look.


In the elegant eyes, a flash of glory flashed into a streamer and flew into the ancient tripod!


Feng Ya entered the ancient tripod, and was instantly overwhelmed by the crystal-clear peerless treasure. The endless divine light sprayed out, and a ray of fiery eyes dazzled this side of the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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