Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1192: Unbearable 1 blow!

"Little brother, what kind of child are you? Why should you protect this group of ants from the Fengling tribe, why not come to my Spirit Snake tribe? My sister will serve you well!"

Yin Kui twisted her delicate body, and her big watery eyes were full of charm. Her figure was very hot, and her skin seemed to be able to squeeze out water, and she constantly flirted at Ling Xiao.

Yinkui's eyes are very spicy, and Ling Xiao's clothing and temperament vaguely feel that Ling Xiao is not an ordinary person, so this is the temptation to try to find out the origin of Ling Xiao.

I have to say that Yinkui naturally has a charm. If it is a normal young man, I am afraid that even if the strength is strong, she will be confused.

"It's you alone? Wanting to serve me is not enough!"

Ling Xiao glanced at Yin Kui lightly.

"Little brother, you are really arrogant! It seems that you are not allowed to look at your sister's means, and it really makes you underestimate my sister!"

Yin Kui's face was a bit ugly. She was a little higher than Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao said that she was not even worthy of her maid, which was simply naked shame.

"Yinkui, so much nonsense with this kid? Dare to take care of the affairs of our three tribes and kill him directly!"

Manshan sneered, his eyes full of cold murderous intent.


Manshan's whole body rose with divine power, and a mace appeared in his hand. His body muscles bulged like a dragon, his blood rose, and he lifted the mace toward Lingxiao!

Yin Kui and Chi Yun are watching with cold eyes, just let Manshan come to test Ling Xiao's strength.

"In the Divine Realm, the divine personality of the powerful spirit can mobilize the rules of Shinto and explode stronger power!

Ling Xiao thought secretly, with a hint of enlightenment in his eyes.

After coming to God Realm, Ling Xiao found out that in the God of War Realm, the reason why he was able to slaughter the Gods and True Gods so easily was that those Gods and True Gods could not erupt out of real fighting power and were suppressed.

In the spirit realm, the strong gods are like dragons into the sea, unpredictable!

Just like the mace of Manshan Mountain fell down, the divine power rose, just like a vast mountain, containing all the power to suppress all.

If you are in the God of War Realm, I am afraid that the void will be broken directly, but the space of God Realm is extremely solid, not to mention the gods, even the true God and the God of Heaven are difficult to shake the power of space.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in awe, did not use any martial arts, just a simple punch!

The golden fist print rises in the sky like a bright sun, exuding immense fluctuations, and the fist is vast and majestic.

With this punch, Man Shan's face changed instantly!

But he has no room for retreat, he can only grind his teeth to urge the strength of the mace to fall down!


The Void Shock is like a thunder blast, Ling Xiao standing on the altar unchanged, while Manshan is flying back at a faster speed, and the huge mace was blown by Ling Xiao. Smashed on Man Shan!


Manshan's chest collapsed, and a spit of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his breath instantly became very weak.

" could you have such a powerful physical power?"

Manshan's face has changed, and his eyes are full of incredible looks.


Ling Xiao shook his head lightly, his eyes fell on Yin Kui's body.

Yinkui's face changed, and she began to be alert in an instant. Her eyes were full of vigilance, and she no longer dared to tease Ling Xiao. The black light around her body was surging, and her body was shaking slightly, as if she was about to be empty. Fly away.


However, Ling Xiao still pointed his finger towards Yinkui with a finger, and a golden sword gas was emitted from his fingertips, which was indestructible and contained a wave of extremely terrifying power!

Yin Kui felt a tingle in her eyebrows, and the speed of that finger was so fast that she came to her in an instant.


Yin Kui made a strange roar in her mouth, and her eyes instantly turned into two black vortices, suddenly shot two black divine lights, and greeted Ling Xiao's finger.

At the same time, her body twisted suddenly, as flexible as a spirit snake, and moved a few tens of feet in an instant, quickly pulling away the distance from Ling Xiao.

At this moment, she was extremely afraid of Ling Xiao!

"Does the pupil magical power? A little interesting! But it is still too weak!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, that finger qi instantly collided with the divine light in Yin Kui's eyes and exploded at the same time.

And Ling Xiao was bullying himself, and a palm knife fell towards the Yinkui!


The white blade of light cuts through the sky, the vast divine power is extremely pure, contains the indestructible attributes, so that Yinkui has a feeling of avoiding it!

"Snake Escape!"

Yinkui's eyes were full of terrified looks, and he screamed extremely sharply, directly biting the tip of his tongue, and suddenly ejected a spit of blood. The blood of the gods wrapped her up, and the void around him seemed to flow. Get up and wrap her away quickly from the envelope of Daoguang!

However, Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and the speed of the palm of the sword suddenly increased, and then suddenly cut on the layer of blood on Yin Kui's body!


Lingshe Dun's lifelike supernatural power of Yin Hei was instantly broken by Ling Xiao, and the small half of Yin Hei's body was directly cut by Ling Xiao, and turned into a blood mist!


Chi Yun shook all over, his eyes full of incredible look.

He didn't even think that Ling Xiao's combat power was so terrifying. In his hands, Manshan and Yinkui were so Just two strokes, they hit Manshan and Yinkui hard. .

This kind of combat power makes Chiyun also extremely fearful, because he can't do it at all!

Everyone in the Fengling Tribe also froze.

Then everyone instantly boiled.

Ling Xiao's peerless style, slamming the two high priests of Manshan and Yinkui, instantly imprinted in the hearts of all people, so that the entire Fengling tribe has a fanatical worship.

This world is always respected by the strong!

At this moment, Feng Zhi was very fortunate, and he was glad to bring Ling Xiao back to the Fengling tribe, so that he could turn the tide at this juncture.

Without Ling Xiao, he could not imagine the ending of Fengling Tribe today!

"It's your turn!"

Ling Xiao glanced at Chiyun lightly.

Both Manshan and Yinkui have been hit hard by him, and they can't escape his palm. If they don't need to torture some news from them, I'm afraid Ling Xiao won't keep their lives.

Although the Chiyun in front of him had reached the fulfillment of the spirit realm, there was no threat in Ling Xiao's eyes.

"Boy, who the **** are you? We are the guys in Xuanjincheng Peachboy. You dare to fight against us, that is, against Peachboy, Peachboy will never let you go!"

Chiyun stared deadly at Ling Xiao and said.

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