Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1198: Disciple of the Hall of War!

"If you want to kill your son, just step over my body!"

A trace of madness appeared in Liu Tiansha's eyes, and his majestic blood rose up, burning instantly.

His eyebrows shone thinly, and even the divine personality seemed to be burning directly at this moment, the whole person's breath began to skyrocket, and the sorrows filled the air, killing Lingxiao across the sky.

"It's you alone? Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and said lightly.

Ling Xiao's heart is still quite appreciated for Liu Tiansha's fearless and fearless help to escape the peach playboy, but even if it is appreciated, Ling Xiao still wants to kill him!


Ling Xiao's body glowed radiantly, and the golden glow shone on the Sifang Sky Dome. He mobilized the powerful divine power in his body and punched Liu Tiansha with a punch in the air.

The fierce fist print is unparalleled, and contains the power to destroy all.

But Liu Tiansha didn't shy away and killed him directly towards Ling Xiao. A black war knife appeared in his hand. He was so angry that he slashed down towards Ling Xiao!

Liu Tiansha holds the belief that he will die. This is to die with Ling Xiao, so at all costs, he will also hit Ling Xiao and create a chance for Peachman to escape!


Liu Tiansha's knife came first, and the speed was so fast that it instantly split on Ling Xiao's body and split Ling Xiao in half.


Liu Tiansha felt something was wrong and his face changed, only to find that it was not Ling Xiao at all, but only a residual image of Ling Xiao.

When Liu Tiansha wanted to die with Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao exhibited the secret technique of shifting, leaving a residual shadow avatar, and deceived Liu Tiansha's eyes.


And at this moment, Ling Xiao's punch was suddenly on Liu Tiansha's chest!

This fist was unmatched, and it instantly passed into Liu Tiansha's body, spreading towards him like a spider web.

His whole person instantly exploded into a blood mist!

"I'm not reconciled!"

Liu Tiansha's Yuanshen broke out with a crazy roar. He didn't expect that a desperate blow would cause any injury to Ling Xiao.


His divine personality and Yuanshen suddenly swelled up at this moment, bursting into a terrifying monstrous force, even wanting to explode!


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and finally gave up the plan to devour Liu Tiansha's primitive spirit and divine personality with a wordless book, and the entire person instantly performed the secret removal technique and directly moved out!


What a horror is the self-exploitation of a true god?

A huge mountain below was directly exploded into a powder, and a huge deep pit appeared above the earth. The incomparable supernatural power swept the four directions. The bright divine light directly formed a huge mushroom cloud in the void.

"It really is a loyal man!"

Fengyuntai is also catching up at this moment, seeing Liu Tiansha not hesitate to explode and to stop Ling Xiao, could not help but sighed.

Ling Xiao still wanted to continue to hunt down Peach Playboy at the moment, but found that he had lost any trace of Peach Playboy, as if disappearing out of thin air.

"Young Master Xiao, don't chase it! There should be a lot of body protection treasures and escape treasures on Peach Playboy's body, he must have already left! Let's go!"

Fengyuntai said to Ling Xiao.

"Okay! It's cheaper for him this time!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply and nodded.

Both Ling Xiao and Fengyuntai turned around and flew towards the Taihuang Mountain Range, preparing to go there and meet the people of Fengling Tribe.

"Lao Feng, are you a disciple of the Temple of War? Why did you become the high priest of the Fengling tribe?"

Ling Xiao glanced at Fengyuntai and asked curiously.

"Young Master Xiao is right, I am indeed a disciple of the Temple of War, and the head of the Nine Temple, a disciple of the Temple of War!"

Fengyuntai did not hide anything, and even said proudly to Ling Xiao.

"Millions of years ago, the old master of the battle hall died, and the red dragon master succeeded to the throne. It coincided with the invasion of the demons. Go to the secular world! Originally we thought that the Lord of the Red Dragon Palace would return soon, but we did not expect that his journey would be a million years.

In the last one million years, due to the departure of the Red Dragon Hall Lord, the Battle Hall has no heads, some people have died, and some have taken refuge in several other halls. The Battle Hall has been suppressed. The despicable villain inflicted harm, and had to leave the Temple of War as a last resort and returned to the Fengling Horde! "

Fengyuntai's voice was full of vicissitudes of life, and the situation of the battle hall was roughly explained.

After finishing the speech, Fengyuntai looked at Ling Xiao with some doubt, and asked, "Master Xiao, I can feel the breath of God of War on you. Why do you say you are not a disciple of the Temple of War?"

God of War, only disciples of the God of War temple can practice, and it is absolutely impossible to spread it out. If outsiders dare to practice the God of War, there is only one way to die.

"I inadvertently got the inheritance of a predecessor of the God of War Temple, practiced the God of War, and I am planning to participate in the Taixu Trial and want to enter the God of War Academy!"

Ling Xiao glanced at Fengyuntai and smiled slightly.

Although he felt that what Fengyuntai said was true, he did not intend to easily reveal his identity. He would wait until he entered the Temple of War.

"Xiao Gongzi is extremely talented, and he has great fighting power. If you take part in the trial of Taixu, you will surely be able to enter the Academy of God of War, and even if you become a true disciple of the Temple of War, then it is not impossible!"

Fengyuntai smiled He also saw that Ling Xiao was probably a **** of flesh. Such a talent is most suitable for practicing the God of War, but there are not many gods in the God of War Academy.

Although Fengyuntai left the Temple of War, he still regarded himself as a disciple of the Temple of War. He was also very happy to see Ling Xiao willing to join the Temple of War.

"Is this trial of Taixu still in Taixu's secret realm? Taihuang Tianyu probably has no entrance? If you want to participate in the Taixu trial, it seems that you must return to Taizhong Tianyu as soon as possible!"

Ling Xiao looked at Fengyuntai and asked.

"Yes! This trial of Taixu is still held in the secret of Taixu, and it should not be much different from previous sessions! However, this trial of Taixu is a major trial once in 10,000 years. The five colleges have to recruit disciples, and many schools will recruit disciples, so Taihuang Tianyu will also open a trial channel, just in the dazzling gold city!"

Fengyuntai said to Ling Xiao.

"Are you in Xuanjin City?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a weird look. Peachboy was the son of the dazzle of the dazzling gold city. I didn't expect the channel of too fictitious trials to be in the dazzling gold city.

Ling Xiao has a hunch, I'm afraid he will meet Peachboy this time for the too-virgin test!

PS: There are only three changes today, the brothers take a break early.

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