Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1200: Type 3 Sanshou!

Seeking for defeat by the Solitary God is based on the longevity of the Yuanshen, who has participated in the world for hundreds of thousands of years, and realized the power of life and death, only to realize that the destruction of Kendo and the sword of life are very different. With thorns and thorns, it will take a long time to prove the sanctification.

However, Ling Xiao's fusion of the three major sword tactics with the destruction of kendo and life kendo also gradually showed the strength of the two major swords.

So unless it is a peerless divine skill or supreme holy art, general divine martial arts have not been taken into account by Ling Xiao.

However, Ling Xiao was pleasantly surprised by the burial of emptiness, Bai Wuliang and Chi Kongju.

"Land Sky Hammer! Star Picker! Void Shock! Actually a three-stroke unknown fist?"

Ling Xiao's eyes startled, revealing a hint of surprise.

When he fought with Miaoxu, he once saw Mianxu exerting the sky hammer. The kind of invincible boxing that resembles the emperor's pulling the mountain and the world is invincible. Imprinted in Ling Xiao's mind.

He felt at the time that this was a set of peerless boxing techniques. That kind of vast boxing power was very similar to the boxing power of the great emperor Ling Xiao encountered during the divine robbery.

It turned out that when Buxu, Bai Wuliang and Chi Kong descended into the world, they obtained three types of Sanshou in an ancient ruin, namely the Sky Hammer, the Star Picker and the Void Shock. Obtained by Wuliang and Chikongjue.

It's just that burying the void will also train the sky hammer to cultivate a fur, but the star picker and the void shock are more difficult. Bai Wuliang and Chi Kong have never started to practice.

"The three-style boxing method is simply a peerless martial arts tailor-made for those who become gods. No wonder they have no way to practice. It seems that this time I really picked up the treasure!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Although these three types of Sanshou Ling Xiao didn't get the true meaning of inheritance, but with the cultivation method, he felt that he would be able to practice these three types of Sanshou.

"In addition, once you have obtained the Qilin mystery, you can also integrate it into the five-element seal-type. The five-element seal-type formed with the five major secrets must be extremely powerful! But now there is not much time. Let's go to the Temple of War, and then start to merge the five elements to seal the sky!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

In fact, like the solitary Kendo of destruction and Kendo of life, which is directed at the holy way of supremacy, if Ling Xiao can abandon the current martial arts and concentrate on studying these two kendos, the future will certainly be a holy way.

For many people in God Realm, this is a temptation that cannot be refused.

You know, many **** kings have been limping for countless years, and they can't touch the shadow of the Holy Word. These two sword swords are absolutely supreme.

However, Ling Xiao was determined and determined to embark on a path of his own. That is, he recruited hundreds of masters, participated in the martial arts of the world, and drew on everything. He set foot on an invincible road.

This is Ling Xiao's ambition.

Therefore, whether it is the many secret techniques in the wordless book, or the destruction of Kendo, or the life of Kendo, Ling Xiao is regarded as a powerful means of his own, rather than fundamental.

Just like he is now practicing the three major Sanshou, he also wants to participate in that kind of peerless boxing.

"The Sky Hammer, taken from the expo world, hammers out the fist of the world, based on the flesh becoming a god, it cannot be cultivated without great perseverance and wisdom...

Ling Xiao stood on the top of the mountain, surrounded by the sea of ​​clouds, hunted by the mountain breeze, with his arms rounded, as if embracing the world, grasping the fist with both hands, blending between the world and the world, his own kind of mixed elemental mood spread out.


The thunder vibrated, and his fists slowly pushed towards the cloud of clouds in front of him. It looked extremely slow, but there was an unmatched trend spreading out.

Ling Xiao's fist intentions did not lead, igniting the surrounding clouds and mist, forming various mysterious visions around him, punching the wind and thunder for a time, the vacant turbulence, and powerful.

Star pickers are taken from across the world, picking stars to get the fist of the moon, and practice to the extreme. They can even take the soul of the human soul and inspire the soul. After the heavy void, they will fist to kill everything.

The Void Shock is to take its own small world and melt it into the big world, and use its own world power to induce the endless Void to form a vast wave of fist-print vibrations, and everything must be destroyed in an instant.

These three types of Sanshou's boxing skills are vast and unmatched. Ling Xiao didn't get the true meaning of inheritance. Just by urging the recorded cultivation method, there was an extremely vast power fluctuation, and the terror was extremely extreme.

For a time, Ling Xiao was immersed in these three types of Sanshou, forgetting everything.

"What martial arts is this?! Is it the legendary holy art? It is so powerful!"

Among the Fengling tribes, Fengyuntai and Fengya looked up at the silhouette of Ling Xiao on the top of the mountain, and felt the invincible fist, and their eyes showed a very shocking look.

That kind of boxing is too vast, so that Fengyuntai is shaking all over. You must know that the God of War King Fist is already a martial art of divine quality, second only to the God of Martial Art, but Fengyuntai feels that even if it is a God of Martial Art, it is not as good as Ling. The kind of boxing that Xiao is practicing now.

"This child is not something in the pool! If he enters the Temple of War and can choose the Temple of War, maybe the Temple of War will recover in his hands?"

The thought of Fengyuntai shook all over him.

He was deeply favored by the Lord of the Red Dragon Palace, so even if he left the Temple of War, he would regard the power of reviving the Temple of War as his lifelong wish.

Now seeing such a peerless piece of jade as Ling he was very excited in his heart.

It's just that the Hall of War has now been completely reduced to the end of the Nine Hall, is Ling Xiao really willing to become a disciple of the Hall of War?

Fengyuntai was upset again.

And Fengya is also full of beauty, full of worship.

She also regarded Ling Xiao as a life-saving benefactor. If it were not Ling Xiao, I am afraid that the Fengling Tribe would be completely wiped out in the Divine Realm.

So seeing Ling Xiao's peerless style at the moment, she couldn't help but blush.

Ling Xiao practiced at the top of the mountain for two months.

During these two months, the mountain range was clouding, the thunder was shaking, and an ancient and vast wave exuded, frightening the monsters and beasts of the surrounding mountains to escape.

However, Ling Xiao knew that the three major Sanshou were very powerful, so he suppressed most of his boxing intentions, and did not want to cause too much movement.

The people of the entire Fengling tribe, especially those young men and women, almost regarded Ling Xiao as an object of fanatic worship. Every day, many people came to the top of the mountain to watch Ling Xiao practice boxing and wanted to learn a little martial arts. .

And these, Ling Xiao was unaware.

Two months later, Ling Xiao's figure finally stopped!


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