Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1202: Daoyou, please stay away!

?? "Yes! Son!"

The black armor general bowed down and took the picture stone from the hands of Peachboy, with Ling Xiao and Feng Ya's appearance imprinted on it.

"Boy, if you are acquaintances, it is best to escape me! Otherwise, if you dare to appear in the dazzling gold city, I will definitely let you die without burial and avenge Uncle Liu!"

Peachboy's eyes flashed with a murderous tone, and said to himself.

After fleeing from the Fengling tribe, he was regarded as a great shame. Originally, he wanted to send people to destroy the whole family of Fengling tribe, but later thought, I am afraid that Fengling tribe has already escaped.

And the opening of the Taixu Trial gave him a hunch that the kid and Fengya would definitely come to participate in the Taixu Trial. At that time, it would be the best chance for revenge!

The speed of Ling Xiao and Feng Ya is not very fast. In ten days, he drove hundreds of thousands of miles away, getting closer and closer to Xuanjin City.

"Young Master Xiao, over the Liuyun Mountain in front, and then through the wilderness thousands of miles, you can see the dazzling Jincheng!"

Above the void, Ling Xiao and Feng Ya walk side by side, surrounded by clouds, and the sky is fierce.

Feng Ya pointed to a misty mountain ahead.

"Liuyun Mountain? Good name!"

Ling Xiao nodded and said, Liuyun Mountain in the front looked majestic and magnificent, and the clouds above the mountains were like a vast sea of ​​clouds, flowing continuously, endlessly, and the name of Liuyun Mountain was indeed true.

"Daoyou, please stay!"

Suddenly, a clear voice rang behind Ling Xiao and Feng Ya.

But Ling Xiao felt cold in the back, as if being stared at by some kind of wild beast, a very uncomfortable feeling enveloped the whole body.

Ling Xiao suddenly turned around, a look of extreme vigilance and alertness in his eyes.

In the distance, a streamer came quickly and landed in front of Ling Xiao and Feng Ya.

It was a very ugly boy, wearing a fat and worn robe, which looked about 16 or 7 years old.

It can be said that Ling Xiao has never seen such an ugly person, but there is still a pride between the young men's eyebrows, which seems extremely confident.

But somehow, the young man came to Ling Xiao, but Ling Xiao seemed to face the huge beasts, and he was uncomfortable. The uncomfortable Ling Xiao didn't know where it came from, but the young man treated him But there is nothing malicious.

This is mainly because Xiao Xiao practiced the Fate of Destiny, and is extremely sensitive to all kinds of different energies and laws, just like Feng Ya does not seem to have any feeling.

Ling Xiao knew that there was something weird about the boy in front of him, and it was definitely not easy.

Ling Xiaoqiang resisted the discomfort in his heart and asked, "What's the matter with this Taoist friend?"

The teenager grinned and looked even uglier, showing his big yellow teeth. He smiled at Ling Xiao: "The poor Dao Ye Liangchen went to Xuanjin City to participate in the trial of Taixu. Did you try it? When I saw the Daoyou, I felt like I hated each other. I don’t know the name of your friend’s surname? Like Daoyou, it’s the same kind of talent as the poor, handsome, handsome, and gifted. , It’s time to watch for help!"

The young Taoist looked very familiar to Ling Xiao in a familiar way.

At the beginning, Ling Xiao was able to maintain a polite smile, but after hearing Ye Liangchen's words, Ling Xiao's mouth could not help twitching.

Like this product, I dare to say that I am a talented person, handsome and handsome, Ji Yuxuan, talented superb... well, super talented may be considered, but where is handsome?

I just feel very good about this product.

Even Fengya couldn't bear to look straight, it was just spicy eyes.

Ling Xiaoqiang endured the impulse to expose this product, and said with some mischief: "In Halong Aotian, it is exactly going to participate in the trial of Taixu! Brother Ye is indeed a talented person. He is handsome and extraordinary. !"

"Long Aotian? Hmm, a good name! Brother Long really has a vision, ha ha ha... Although I am indeed handsome, but it is a little better than Brother Long! How about going forward together?"

Ye Liangchen's eyes lit up when he heard Ling Xiao's words, and he had a good impression on Ling Xiao.

"Uh... alright!"

Ling Xiao touched his nose and nodded with a bitter smile.

I don't know if this guy really doesn't understand or pretend to understand, Ling Xiao is obviously sarcastic, but this thing really thinks that Ling Xiao is boasting him, such a guy without self-knowledge, Ling Xiao is the first time he met.

No, Zhao Ritian's goods may be a match with the guy in front of him, but despite his ridiculousness, Zhao Ritian's appearance is indeed a kind of talent, handsome and extraordinary, and this product... is simply terrible.

Ye Liangchen didn't know Ling Xiao's belly, but flew towards Lingyun Mountain with Ling Xiao very intimately. He looked familiar and intimate, just like a dog skin plaster.

"Brother Long, I heard that Liuyun Mountain is a place where wind and thunder gather, and there are often people who will be struck by thunder here. You and I must be careful!"

Ye Liangchen looked at Liuyun Mountain, which was getting closer and closer, and said to Ling Xiao with concern.

"A place where wind and thunder converge? Don't worry, if Brother Ye is here, even **** thunder won't hack me!"

Ling Xiao laughed strangely.

"Brother Long is right, I Ye Liangchen will protect you!"

Ye Liangchen felt very good about himself, and smiled proudly.

Ling Xiao was about to cover his face and ran to tears. What he just said was that even if there was God Thunder, Ye Liangchen looked like an angry person, and if Lei was the first to split Ye Liangchen, Ye Liangchen could not understand it at all. The meaning in Ling Xiao's words.

Okay, Ling Xiao couldn't help but sullen again.

Feng Ya actually covered her face and felt that Ye Liangchen was very fun.

Ye Liangchen glanced at Feng Ya, his eyes straightened, and said to Ling Xiao: "Brother Long, is this Lingmei? Sure enough, it's awesome, Fenghua peerless, what's the age of Fang Ling? What is the name of Fang? Is there any match for others? "

Ye Liangchen's brother pig-like, almost said look at me, let me be your brother-in-law!

Feng Ya was still chuckling. When she heard Ye Liangchen's words, she suddenly blushed and glared at Ye Liangchen. She turned her head away.

"Cough, this brother Ye, her name is Fengya, is my good friend, not my sister! I don't know the rest, you can ask her!"

Although Ling Xiao had some scalp numbness, she couldn't get out of the face of this product, so she could only persuade her.


At this moment, the sky above Liuyun Mountain suddenly thundered, and a thunder-like thunder suddenly fell from above the nine days, and the speed was so fast that it directly split on the top of Ling Xiao's head.

"I, Cao, was hit by that fool, and was really struck by thunder!"

An idea appeared in Ling Xiao's heart, and was instantly overwhelmed by thunder light!

PS: Four shifts are over, the brothers rest early. The three wonderful flowers of Long Aotian, Zhao Ritian and Ye Liangchen gathered together. If they meet, what story will happen? Please stay tuned!

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