Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1206: Jinshilou!

Those were four lifelike scrolls with four images on them. Ling Xiao discovered the first three images of him, Fengyuntai and Fengya at a glance, and the fourth one looked like a white dress fluttering and smiling, Fenghua peerless, turned out to be Ji Feixuan!

Ling Xiao felt a sudden shock in his heart, and could not help but get the spirit. If he could find Ji Feixuan, he could find the whereabouts of Xuewei, Lao Goat and Wuliangdao.

I only heard that the burly general said on the high platform: "Everyone, the city's mansion offers a reward for these four people. Those who can provide their whereabouts will be rewarded with 10,000 **** stones. If they can capture them alive, they will be rewarded with 100,000 **** stones. , A volume of God-Class Need Martial Arts!"

The burly general looked like electricity, indifferent, and slowly swept across the people below.

His cultivation practice has reached the heavenly realm, and the sound instantly spread throughout the dazzling gold city, and suddenly countless people began to boil.

God Stone is the hard currency of God Realm, but it is a necessary resource for the cultivation of the God Realm. One hundred thousand God Stones are enough to excite the true God Realm, and the God-level Need Martial Arts makes the God God Realm strong. Everyone will be crazy. After all, in God Realm, if you want to learn powerful martial arts, you can only join those great holy places or sect gates. God-level best martial arts can at least achieve the perfect cultivation of Heavenly God Realm. Such a strong man Wherever he is, he will be attracted and become a strong player.

Suddenly everyone rubbed their hands together and impressed the four figures firmly in their hearts. They wished they would catch them now.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao and Feng Ya were easy-going and changed their breath, otherwise they might have been discovered.

Rewarding Lingxiao, Fengyuntai and Fengya Lingxiao is not surprising, it must be the handwriting of the peach man, but the reward of Ji Feixuan, but let Ling Xiao's eyes cold.

If Ji Feixuan is in danger, I am afraid that Xue Wei and Lao Goat are also in danger.

If it weren't for Xuanjin City, Ling Xiao almost wanted to directly capture the general and torture him.

"let's go!"

Ling Xiao took a deep look at the general and turned away with Fengya and Ye Liangchen.

Although the identity cannot be revealed in this dazzling gold city, as long as you explore it, I am afraid that you should be able to know why the dazzling gold city master wants to reward Ji Feixuan.

"Ji Feixuan is the princess of Great Zhou Shenguo. Is it possible that Lord Xuanjin recognized her identity? It should be impossible!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly in his heart, but shook his head again. Ji Feixuan had been away from God Realm for a million years. The master of the dazzling gold city may only be a junior. How could he recognize Ji Feixuan?

"Brother Long, do you recognize those four people? There are 100,000 **** stones per person, and there are god-level best martial arts. If we can catch them, then we will be rich!"

Ye Liangchen looked like a wealthy fan, and said with both eyes bright.

"do not know!"

Ling Xiao glared at him angrily.

"Brother Long, I want to buy a self-defense artifact. There is the Jinshi Building over there. It is said to be the largest artifact and dazzle of Xuanjin City. Let's go check it out, OK?"

Fengya knew that Ling Xiao didn't want to reveal her identity, so she also called him wisely as Brother Long.

"Jinshilou? Hahaha... good ah! I also heard that there are everything from the inferior artifacts to the ultimate artifacts, even the gods and artifacts, as well as all kinds of magic medicines, heaven and earth treasures. , And it is even said that there is a treasure of the half-holy who is the treasure of their townhouse, just to open their eyes!"

Ye Liangchen was still listless just now, and it must be said that Jin Shilou immediately came to enjoy.

"Okay, let's go to Jinshilou to see!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

Fengya has just broken through to the realm of the gods, and is about to participate in the trial of Taixu. It is indeed necessary to purchase a self-defense artifact.

The three of them walked towards the Jinshi Building.

The Jinshi Building is a group of palaces. It looks magnificent and magnificent, and it is very majestic, and it is filled with silky aura.

People in Jinshilou are very busy and bustling.

"Please inside the three distinguished guests!"

The pretty maid at the door greeted the three of Ling Xiao's eyes immediately.

Although the appearance of the three people in Ling Xiao looks very ordinary, and Ye Liangchen looks very ugly, Ling Xiao's body has an extraordinary temperament. The maids in Jinshilou have more spicy eyes than one, and feel Ling Xiao That kind of demeanor immediately knew that this was a big customer, and the enthusiasm on his face was even better.

"Three distinguished guests, no matter whether it is an artifact, a magic pill, a magic medicine, or a variety of natural materials and treasures in our Golden Stone Building, what are you looking for?"

The pretty maid said with a smile, but her eyes fell directly on Ling Xiao and Feng Ya's body, almost ignoring Ye Liangchen.

Ling Xiao looked at the booths around him, and suddenly sighed in her heart.

Even the lowest-grade artifacts are worth thousands of **** stones, while the top-grade artifacts are hundreds of thousands of **** stones, and the best artifacts are more than one million **** stones.

Speaking of Ling Xiao, he is now a poor light egg. Although he had slaughtered several true gods in the God of War Realm before and got several sword artifacts and millions of **** stones, but those artifacts were not put in his eyes by him, and were left in him. In the longevity gate, as the treasure of Zhenzong.

Even if it is a **** stone, he only carried a hundred thousand **** stones on him.

Feng Ya and Ye Liangchen were dazzled by the dazzling artifacts and divine pill, and their eyes were full of excitement.

"I want to buy a middle-class artifact!"

Feng Ya thought about it, bit her lip.

Although Fengyuntai gave her more than 200,000 **** stones this time, it seems that even buying a top-grade artifact is not enough. These are the savings of Fengyuntai and Fengling tribe for many years.

Feng Ya's temperament is gentle, and naturally refuses to spend all the **** stones, so she plans to buy a middle-class artifact.

"It's too expensive! That middle-class artifact Lingshuang sword actually requires 150,000 **** stones. You are simply robbing money!"

Ye Liangchen pouted his distinguished guests! This Lingshuang sword was made by Master Ou Yezi when he was young. It was originally hopeful that it was made into a top-grade artifact, but the material is not close, so it is only a middle-grade artifact, but it is also the best among the middle-grade artifacts, 150,000. Shenshi, really a bargain! "

The pretty maid said with a professional smile on her face.

"Is the sword made by Master Ou Yezi? 150,000 **** stones really not expensive!"

Someone around exclaimed, his eyes fell on Ling Shuangjian.

Master Ou Yezi is a master of refining. He is well-known throughout the dazzling gold city. It is said that he can refine the gods and even study how to refine holy treasures. The artifacts he made in his youth were naturally very popular.

The average middle-class artifact is only tens of thousands of **** stones. This Lingshuang sword is made by Master Ouyezi. There are absolutely 150,000 **** stones.

PS: Change one chapter first, and there may be three chapters later.

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