Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1226: Ye Liangchen being hunted down!

Chapter 1227 Chased Ye Liangchen!

"Well, Ye Liangchen's guy is approaching this side quickly? It seems that this guy was chased by someone?"

Suddenly, Ling Xiao felt a change in Ye Liangchen’s imprint of the Yuanshen, and Ye Liangchen’s breath was also moving towards this side, only a few thousand miles away.

Ling Xiao's eyes couldn't help but reveal a strange color, Ye Liangchen was a doomed holy body, Ling Xiao even felt that the kid was the godson's son, who dare to chase him down?

Ling Xiao suddenly stood up and flew in the direction of Ye Liangchen.

In the ancient mountains and forests, there are few people.

Ye Liangchen looked terribly embarrassed. He could even be said to be stalking his head, constantly running towards the front, shuttled through the dense forest, and the person behind him could not catch up with him.

"Shameless villain, where to run?"

Along with an angry voice came, a sky blue sword light was fierce and unmatched, just like the Tianhe fell, and the sharp edge was unmatched, and immediately cut towards Ye Liangchen.

Ye Liangchen was shocked, and his body moved out at an incredible angle.


A towering ancient tree next to him was instantly chopped by that sword and turned into a piece of powder.

A woman wearing a blue long dress came from the sky, holding a blue ancient sword, her eyes full of shame and anger.

She has a sky-blue hair, which hangs down her waist like a satin, her skin is as bright as jade, her face is perfect, and her big eyes are like sapphires and she is shining.

She exudes a water-like temperament all over her body, the water vapor around her body, the divine light diffuses, the dust is floating, and the elegance is gorgeous.

"The girl is angry, she didn't see anything, she didn't know anything!"

Ye Liangchen shouted to the woman behind while fleeing towards the front.

"Asshole, I must break you to pieces!"

Ye Liangchen didn't speak. Fortunately, as soon as he spoke, the blue skirt woman's face was stronger, and she gritted her teeth. The blue ancient sword in her hand continuously exploded with a blue sword, slashing towards Ye Liangchen. .

Ye Liangchen flies with his head in his head, and his heart is extremely helpless, and he can't help crying: "Brother Long, come and save me!"

Speaking of which, Ye Liangchen felt extremely wrong this time.

The grandmother behind him wiped out a rune tribe with one sword at a time. When receiving the runes from the runes, the power of those runes was so strong that she shattered all her clothes.

Originally, this was nothing, but Ye Liangchen passed the rune tribe, holding the thought of hitting the autumn wind, and took a look.

This is a tragedy.

Ye Liangchen watched the grandmother all over the body.

So this chase happened.

Due to Ye Liangchen's guilty conscience, after all, he saw the girl's body, so he did not dare to resist, and could only flee with his head.

The most important thing is that even if he wants to resist, he is only in the early stage of the spiritual realm, but the grandma behind him is already in the early stage of the real **** realm, separated by a big realm.

Ye Liangchen has already felt Ling Xiao's position, so he expects Ling Xiao to save him from the water.

"No one can save you. Today, my aunt and grandmother must kill you!"

The woman in the blue dress was also cruel, her eyes full of anger.

Her name is Wang Liujun, and now ranked fourth in the standings, she is the genius strongman of Bihai City, known as Lingbo Fairy.

When thinking of his body being read over by the **** in front of him, Wang Liujun was fainted with anger, especially since the **** was still shouting all over the world, and even made her wish to kill him now.

But unfortunately Ye Liangchen was too slippery, and Wang Liujun was also shocked. He hunted down tens of thousands of miles along the way, and he didn't catch up with this **** who was lower than her.


Wang Liujun's whole body was shining brightly, and the blue divine rainbow rose up into the sky like a chain of order gods, entwined toward Ye Liangchen across the sky.

"Grandma, spare your life!"

Ye Liangchen screamed, stepped on the foot, and his figure looked very chic and elegant, as if there were traces of the stars running, and he instantly broke away from the envelope of those blue divine rainbows.

And blue sword awns fell towards him.


At this moment, a golden fist print flew from the distance in the distance, containing invincible power, and was immediately blocked in front of Ye Liangchen.

"Brother Long, you are finally here!"

Ye Liangchen said with great joy.

That golden fist print directly smashed all the blue sword-mans.

Ling Xiao's white clothes fluttered into a golden lightning, and immediately fell beside Ye Liangchen.

"Brother Ye, why are you so embarrassed?"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

"Hey, don't mention it! It's hard to say a word!" Ye Liangchen's face was embarrassed.

Ling Xiao is also looking at Wang Liujun who is chasing and killing Ye Liangchen. He can feel that although Wang Liujun looks extremely angry, he has sentiment between his shots, and there is no killing intention, just pure anger.

Taking another look at Ye Liangchen, Ling Xiao suddenly felt that it was different from what he had imagined.

"Who are you? Give the boy behind you, otherwise I will kill you together!"

Wang Liujun glanced at Ling said indifferently.

Although Ling Xiao only had the cultivation practice in the midst of the Spirit Realm, for some reason, Wang Liujun felt a strong threat from Ling Xiao's body.

The girl in white in front of you is not easy!

"This girl, in Halong Aotian, this Ye Liangchen is my good friend! If he has something to offend, he will make a guilt for you under the hood, and hope that the girl will not see him in general!"

Ling Xiao bowed his hand at Wang Liujun and smiled slightly.

Wang Liujun frowned, and said unkindly: "Are you guilty of him? Am I familiar with you? Hand him over, you can go! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being unkind!"

Ling Xiao smiled bitterly in her heart, and did not know how Ye Liangchen offended the woman in front of her, so that she had such a big grudge in her heart.

However, Ling Xiao could not hand Ye Liangchen to her, and she could not help but smile bitterly: "Girl, you don't know how to get rid of it? As long as you put forward the conditions, we will do the same!"

"Want to let me down? It's easy! If you take me a sword and don't retreat, then I let him go! If you can't take me this sword, then you give him to me, dare you gamble?"

Wang Liujun's beautiful eyes flashed and said lightly.

Although the young man in white looks a bit extraordinary in front of him, he wants to take her a sword without retreating. What is so easy?

"Yes! I promised the girl and hoped the girl would keep her promise!"

Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and smiled slightly.

ps: I have a bad cold these past two days. At night I was forced to write three chapters. Some dizziness. There are only three chapters today. Let's take a break early.

(End of this chapter)

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