Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1229: Be a big dog!

Chapter 1230: Robbing Dogs!

The Qingpao man also smiled faintly, and a look held by Zhizhu said: "Girl, you are not our opponent, give up! As long as you agree to our conditions, you can go now, otherwise don't blame me for being welcome!"

He used words to stimulate Fengya, while looking for flaws in Fengya's body, and wanted to subdue Fengya with a single blow.

After all, the power of the Divine King is powerful and unmatched, even the two of them don't dare to attack their edge easily.

"You're welcome? How do you want to be welcome?"

At this moment, a calm and indifferent voice sounded in the cave!


Both the men in the green robe and the women in the purple skirt changed their faces. They were approached without even realizing it, and a bad hunch came out in their hearts.


But the answer to them was a golden fist seal, which contained horrible monstrous power, and suddenly came to suppress the men in the blue robe and the women in the purple skirt.

Amidst a dazzling divine light, a young boy in white came across the sky, his eyes full of cold edge!

"Brother Dragon!"

Feng Ya's eyes showed a look of extreme surprise.

The man in the green robe and the woman in the purple skirt felt the power that made their scalp numb from this punch, and they shouted one after another, urging the whole body of power and slamming into Lingxiao!


The void trembled, even the cave was trembling violently, as if it would collapse at any time. The man in the green robe and the woman in the purple skirt were blown out by Ling Xiao, and the body was hit **** the mountain wall. Above, a sharp spit of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his breath instantly became very weak.

"Who are you? We are the people of His Royal Highness, do you dare to fight against us, would he want to be an enemy of His Highness?"

The green-robed man roared, his eyes showing a stern look inside.

"His Royal Highness? Don't know!"

Ling Xiao said lightly that he didn't even look at the Qingpao man, but walked to Fengya and asked, "Xiaoya, are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Thank you Brother Long!"

Feng Ya smiled softly.

At this time, Ye Liangchen and Wang Liujun also arrived.

"The man with the bully? Is that the leader of the standings, the king of the domineering **** kingdom? Hey, don't say that you are only his men, even if the bully comes, it will not save you!"

Ye Liangchen asked with some surprise, and then looked at the Qingpao man and the purple skirt woman in disgust.

Xiongba can now be said to be the entire hypocritical secret realm. Just three days after the trial, he has already scored nearly 100,000 points, ranking first in the points list.

It is said that His Royal Highness has a domineering **** body, is powerful and unmatched, and is extremely overbearing.

"A domineering person?"

Wang Liujun also frowned slightly. She was very familiar with Xiongba. She naturally knew the strength and horror of Xiongba.

"Are you... Fairy Lingbo? Save Fairy Lingbo, you are your fiancée of His Highness, and help us kill these lunatics!"

After seeing Wang Liujun, the woman in the purple skirt suddenly showed her ecstasy in her eyes, and said quickly.

"I have nothing to do with Xiongba. If you dare to chew your tongue again, believe it or not, I cut your tongue?"

Wang Liujun suddenly looked cold, staring at the purple skirt woman and said.

The woman in the purple skirt shuddered, and could not help bowing her head under Wang Liujun's fierce gaze, but there was a faint bitter look in her eyes.

"Liu Jun, fortunately you are not a domineering fiancee, otherwise I will be really sad!"

Ye Liangchen breathed a sigh of relief and said to Wang Liujun with a smile, even the skin was extremely thick, and the voice made Wang Liujun feel the goose bumps on his body.

"Get out!"

Wang Liujun couldn't help but glared Ye Liangchen fiercely, and could not help but swear.

Ling Xiao was staring at the man in the blue robe and the woman in the purple skirt and said, "You should be glad that Xiaoya hasn't hurt a trace, otherwise you are now dead!"

Although Ling Xiao's voice was calm, there was a kind of coldness in his bones, which made everyone shudder.

The Qingpao man's face was very ugly, staring at Ling Xiao Road: "Do you really want to be an enemy of our Highlord? All those who offended His Royal Highness are dead!"

"It seems that you haven't recognized the reality!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, then a sharp expression appeared in his eyes.


He slapped it out, and a clear voice suddenly sounded. The man in the green robe was directly pumped out by him. Half of his face was swollen, and his flesh was blurred.

"Asshole! Your Highness will not let you go, you will definitely die!"

The Qingpao man was almost mad, and his eyes were full of resentment.

He admits that Ling Xiao's combat power is very strong, and he doesn't even have the slightest backhand strength, but the mid-term cultivation of Ling Xiao District's God Realm, he dare not put His Royal Highness in his eyes, where is his confidence?

"Yeah, you're so disappointed? It still seems to be too low!"

Ye Liangchen also sneered. When he learned Ling Xiao, he slapped it out. He suddenly swollen the other half of the face of the Qingpao man.

Although the Qingpao man's eyes were full of resentment, he no longer dared to speak harshly.

And everyone is silent.

"Now, surrender all your points and all the **** stones, medicines and treasures, I can spare you not to die, let you leave here!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"If you don't pay, die!"

Ye Liangchen also pretended to be a fierce god.

However, his appearance was originally very ugly, but not fierce. At this moment, this looks very funny.

"Okay! Let's pay!"

The man in the green robe and the woman in the purple skirt glanced at each other and finally gritted their teeth and agreed.

Fairy Lingbo didn't need to count at all, maybe even the two guys in front of him, but since Ling Xiao promised to let them go, they also knew that the heroes would not eat the loss in front of them.

As long as you find His Royal Highness, let His Royal Highness strike, and let these two **** come back even with their profits!

The score of their dozen people is not much, only a few thousand points, Ling Xiao let them transfer the points to Fengya.

However, there are many kinds of **** stones and treasure medicines on them. There are tens of millions of **** stones, and there are hundreds of holy medicines, and dozens of inferior **** There is even a piece that can refine holy Bao's colored glass iron, but unfortunately too few, only the size of a fist.

"Now, can we go now?"

The Qingpao man gritted his teeth and said he felt blood in his heart.

The points are also forgotten, but those various treasures and treasures of the gods were all searched in the secret realm of Taixu, and now they are all taken away by Ling Xiao.

This is really stealing the chicken without killing the rice, Shenquan did not grab it, but was robbed by these two evil stars!

"Go! Tell your master, my name is Long Aotian, and if you want revenge, come!"

Ling Xiao said lightly that he didn't even look at them. Anyway, these guys were only small characters in Ling Xiao's eyes.

The Qingpao man gave Ling Xiao a deep look, as if to write down his appearance thoroughly, and then turned around and took everyone away.

Wang Liujun asked in a strange way: "Brother Long, why did you let them go like this? It is better to let them crumple too fictitious orders, eliminate the out of the game, lest they tell Xiongba, Xiongba will come to trouble!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly: "I just want Xiongba to get in trouble! It's just that my points are still at the bottom. It's so boring to kill those runes and runes. It's the fastest to get these big dogs! If you take Xiongba Get it, that's the most exciting!"

"Haha...Brother Long, you're right! Let the hero dominate, what about the top spot? We just grab him!"

Ye Liangchen heard Ling Xiao's words, his eyes lit up, and he laughed.

ps: Third, the brothers rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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