Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1236: Void Shock!

Chapter 1237 Void Shock!


Ling Xiao and Xiongba collided dozens of times almost instantaneously. The two were like two human-shaped beasts colliding, shaking the mountain and breaking the mountain. This hundred-foot high mountain seemed to collapse at any time.


With the help of Hexiongba's once again, Ling Xiao rushed to the sky instantly, and grabbed the nine colored dragon **** fruits.

But the bully has also been guarded for a long time, while running his body power, pulling the five-colored dragon **** fruit to fly above the higher void, at the same time his double fists are fierce and fast, almost following Ling Xiao Here comes the back of Ling Xiao's head!

As long as Ling Xiao dares to grab the five-color dragon **** fruit, he dares to kill Ling Xiao directly!


At the same time, Jian Xie held an ancient sword, and the sword awns were buzzing and trembling, and thousands of sword awns were formed around him in an instant.

Moreover, the hundreds of gods led by the Qingpao man and the Zipao woman were killed at the same time towards Ling Xiao, Wang Liujun and Cheng Ting.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

But Ling Xiao has fallen into the siege of the bully and sword evil.

"Sky Hammer!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and three words were spit out gently in his mouth.


His whole body was full of blood and blood, a mysterious and ancient momentum rose, Ling Xiao embraced the heavens, and his fist was powerful and majestic, like a hammer in the sky, falling from above nine days, and suddenly fell towards the bully and the sword evil bomb Come!


The domineering double fist collided with the Lantian hammer, but was not touched yet, and was pulled by the air machine, as if smashed on the gold iron, and made a crisp sound, even involuntarily changed direction, toward the sword Here comes the evil.


There was an unbelievable look in Xiongba's eyes. This kind of forceful punching force was actually used by Ling Xiao to transform into the realm, making him extremely uncomfortable!

But before he thought about it too much, he couldn't help but shake the mind with the monstrous sword of evil spirit!


The divine light of the sky exploded, the sword qi and the fist were intertwined, so that both of them were shocked.

Ling Xiao took advantage of this gap to instantly cast a secret move technique, directly moved out of the scope of the war between the two, and then grabbed his hand with a thunderous speed.

"Star picker!"

Ling Xiao's palm seemed to have reached thousands of miles in an instant, and there was a mood that contained the stars in the palm of the hand. Nine five-colored dragon **** fruits that were originally still struggling were caught by Ling Xiao, and then instantly Income has entered the small world!

"Asshole! Hand over the five-colored Dragon God Fruit!"

"Damn you!"

Both Xiongba and Jianxie were completely furious. The kid in front of him was just a cultivation practice in the later stage of the divine spirit realm. In their eyes, almost all of them were backhand exterminate ants. They even robbed the five-colored dragon **** fruit. Intolerable.

Especially Xiongba, after doing so much preparation, the result is to make a wedding gown for Ling Xiao. Naturally, it is incomparable anger. The anger in his eyes is almost coming out!


The two were almost in the same direction towards Ling Xiao!


There was an ancient and mysterious roar in Xiongba's mouth. His whole body was shining brightly, and behind him, it seemed that a black giant tiger with a tremendous world appeared, so that the breath of his whole person suddenly skyrocketed.

The voids around him seemed to be condensed. His hands turned into claws, like a tiger coming out of the mountain, sharp and unmatched, and grabbed toward Ling Xiao's head.

This is the Decepticons claw. Legend has it that it is the supreme supernatural power passed down from the Decepticons Tiger.

Ling Xiao could also feel the fierce claw wind, and she couldn't help but wonder.

Xiongba’s flesh is not weaker than Ling Xiao, which shows that he is also a **** of flesh, and the domineering **** body of Xiongba is also a peerless refining technique left by hegemon **** tiger.

Therefore, above the flesh, Ling Xiao cannot occupy any advantage.


At the same time, Jianxie shuddered around his body, as if two swords in his eyes condensed out instantly, and turned into a black and a white two sword lights, flowing the power of life and death, incomparably wonderful, intertwined with each other. Cut down towards Ling Xiao!

Great Yin Yang Jian Qi, also the supreme sword technique of sword evil, was irritated by Ling Xiao at this moment, he also broke out completely!

Ling Xiao immediately felt the crisis.

Sword evil's great yin and yang qi also contains a trace of life and death, which is very similar to the destruction of Kudo and the life Kendo, but it is far less powerful than the Kudo.

However, this great yin and yang sword has its own strength, but it has its own invincible edge!

"Void Shock!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered in the center, and the power of his whole body was instantly thinned out!

Like the eruption of a volcano, the emptiness of the Quartet is trembling violently. Some kind of power of law seems to be aroused, and the void around Ling Xiao seems to be filled with a faint ripple!

And Ling Xiao followed the force of the vibration wave, punching forward with a punch!

At this moment, Ling Xiao's small world seems to be completely integrated into the outer world, and the two have reached a mysterious resonance.

And that kind of force was urged by Ling Xiao with a fist seal, pushed out horizontally, and suddenly formed a void shock!


When Xiongba's complexion changed, he felt that the power of Deceptive God's claws was being weakened rapidly. The sharp claw marks were destroyed by a mysterious vibrating force in the void. Most of the power of the move is lost.

The sword evil has the same big yin and yang sword qi should have been indestructible, but in the face of that mysterious fluctuation, it was suddenly weakened.

In the end, the terrifying fist seals broke out directly. The demon claws and the big Yinyang sword gas turned into nothingness at the same time, and both the bully and the sword evil couldn't help but shake the whole body and were blown out by Ling Xiao.

"I have no time to play with you! Bye!"

Ling Xiao took advantage of this opportunity, stepped on Shenhong, and instantly rose into the sky, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the distance.

The Five-Colored Dragon God Fruit is already in hand, and there is no need to continue the battle at this moment.

Moreover, Ling Xiao can feel that the fighting power of Xiongba and Jianxie is extremely strong, and continue to fight, I am afraid he may not be pleased.

The most important thing is that the birth of the five-colored dragon **** fruit, I am afraid that it will soon attract a large number of strong!

Ling Xiao had discussed with Wang Liujun before, as long as Ling Xiao got the five-colored dragon **** fruit, he immediately left, and finally got rid of the chasing soldiers, and then found a place to join!

"Where to go? Today you can't save the five-colored dragon **** fruit, no one can save you!"

Xiongba's face was fierce, and he hated Ling Xiao to the extreme. He and the sword evil were running very fast, chasing towards Ling Xiao quickly.

"Asshole! This guy actually grabbed the five-colored dragon **** fruit, and retreated from the siege of the bully and sword evil. How is this possible?"

At the moment, Cheng Ting said that he was completely stunned.

She had no way to believe that Ling Xiao had such a terrible combat power!

ps: The fifth is over, everyone rests early.

(End of this chapter)

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