Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1244: Capture the treasure!

Liu Wenqing entered the palace, and originally wanted to use the power of the Xuanwu Divine Armor to open the rune ban in the void and win the three treasures, but the result was still too late.

"Humph! It's up to you? I'm destined to be the inheritance of the Xuanwu saint. My Liu family has the blood of the Xuanwu family, even if you are here? You still can't get the inheritance of the Xuanwu saint! I advise you not to act lightly Or you all have to die!"

Liu Wenqing said very hard, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

Both Xiongba and Jianxie's faces changed slightly, and they remembered that the ancestors of the Liu family in Xuanjin City did indeed have the blood of the Xuanwu family, but they were extremely meager. Is the biggest!

"Long Aotian, where are you looking?"

Cheng Ting pointed behind Xuanwu Sage and said to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and suddenly saw a stone tablet with a few lines of small characters engraved on it, which looked very mysterious.

"I am Xuan Kun, the third thousandth generation guardian elder of the Xuanwu family, and when future generations see me, I will send my body back to the Xuanwu family of the demon world. The Xuan Kun sword and the dragon snake nine become my remuneration, and there are fragments of jade discs. Back to the Xuanwu family can let the Xuanwu family promise you one thing..."

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment. The original name of this sage of the Xuanwu saint was Xuan Kun, but I didn't know what the reason was to sit here. Even a trace of Yuanshen's brand could not be left. Words, it can be seen that it has suffered an unimaginable enemy.

It turned out that the black ancient sword was named Xuan Kun Sword, and the golden scripture on that page was named Dragon Snake Nine Variations.

What shocked Ling Xiao even more was that the jade symbol was turned into a piece of jade dish by Xuan Kun, and he was able to do something for the Xuanwu clan in exchange for it.

I am afraid that in the heart of Xuan Kun, the jade dish fragments are more precious than the Xuan Kun sword and the dragon snake nine changes!

Xiongba and Jianxie both saw the information on the stone tablet, and their eyes shook.

"Liu Wenqing, you haven't been able to get those three treasures up to now, indicating that the inheritance of the saints does not belong to you! I want to see if the Xuanwu Divine Armor on your body can save your life!"

There was a murderous flash in Jian Xie's eyes, the whole body's sword intention rose, and instantly a sword fell towards Liu Wenqing!


The palace was trembling. The snow-white sword light was unmatched, which made Liu Wenqing change his face. He did not expect that Jian Xie would really dare to do it.

"Asshole, you are dead!"

Liu Wenqing was furious, with a killing flash in his eyes, and instantly urged the basaltic sacred armor on his body. A terrifying basalt phantom appeared behind him, and a huge palm print came out of the sky, like a pillar of heaven, containing all the destruction. power.


The snow-white swordman's face shattered, and Jianxie's complexion changed. He only felt an unmatched divine power, and suddenly spurted a sip of blood and flew back!

"Treasure of the Half Saint?"

Both Xiongba and Jianxie are extremely ugly, and the Xuanwu Divine Armor is a half-sacred treasure with unmatched power. With this treasure alone, I am afraid that Liu Wenqing is invincible.

However, it is clear that Liu Wenqing wants to urge Xuanwu Shenjia, but also has to pay a small price, otherwise where will he wait until now to shoot? I am afraid that the power of the gods will kill everyone!

In the realm of God, the saint is an invincible existence. The holy way is eternal and teaches all beings. Even the strong king of the gods exists as ants in front of the saint.

Therefore, everyone is aiming to prove the sanctification of the Tao, and hope that one day they can become an invincible saint on the side of Megatron.

Therefore, everything related to the saints is extremely precious, like the treasure of the half-saint, which contains the prestige of the half-saint, and it is not something that the powerful of the real gods can contend with.

"Want to inherit the saints, come here? See if you have the order to get it!"

Liu Wenqing shouted arrogantly, his eyes full of cold murderous intention!

While confronting everyone, he was still urging the power of Xuanwu Divine Armor to crack the enchantment of the three runes above the void a little bit, hoping to get the three treasures.

As for what the Xuanwu saint said, he didn't care about it at all. In his view, the three treasures were the most important. As for Xuan Kun's holy body, it was also an invaluable treasure, capable of refining Shengdan and even Shengbao.

"Long Aotian, how about we kill Liu Wenqing together? He has the Xuanwu God Armor on him, which poses the greatest threat to us. After killing him, we have our own skills for the Xuanwu saint's treasure!"

A glance flashed in Xiongba's eyes, and suddenly looked at Ling Xiao and asked.

After the previous battle with the black iron warriors, although the bully is still hostile to Ling Xiao, he can feel that Ling Xiao can be trusted.

With the power of him and Jianxie alone, I am afraid that Liu Wenqing may not be able to deal with it. If Ling Xiao is added, Liu Wenqing may be able to be cut directly.

"Okay! Then kill him first!"

Ling Xiao also agreed without any hesitation.

Liu Wenqing is indeed the most threatening one. Perhaps it is really necessary to gather the strength of the four of them to defeat Liu Wenqing.

"I don't know what is alive! What if you join forces? Since you are looking for death, come together!"

Liu Wenqing's eyes were full of crazy killing intentions, and he also hated Ling Xiao four people to the extreme.


Void Giant His whole body rises in strength and his blood is filled. Under his urging, the Xuanwu Shenjia also trembles slightly, as if it is alive, it has become a huge Xuanwu Virtual Shadow flew towards Ling Xiao.


The bully took the lead, the killing flashes in his eyes, and a punch hit the Xuanwu virtual shadow!

His whole body was full of blood, and the phantom of the Decepticons and Tigers also appeared behind him. Both Decepticons and Xuanwu were ancient beasts of great strength and unmatched strength. This fierce collision was extremely terrifying.

If the palace is not strong enough, I am afraid that this collision will directly break the palace completely.


The huge domineering tigers and basaltic beasts were fighting in the void, and the fistful fist marks slammed down towards Liu Wenqing. Liu Wenqing stood there motionless, and the tyrant seemed to be bombarded on an indestructible mountain. Fly back faster.


The mysterious voice shook the void, causing the huge palaces to tremble slightly, and the bully felt that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, and continued to fight towards Liu Wenqing.


Jian Xie also shot. The ancient sword in his palm was fierce and contained powerful laws of kendo, as if a vast world was being suppressed towards Liu Wenqing.

"It turned out to be the law of gravity? Curious kendo!"

A glimmer of glance in Ling Xiao's eyes, he could see that the ancient sword in Jianxie's hand was also a **** artifact, but what shocked him even more was that Jianxie was practicing the law of gravity, which can be light but heavy, and light. Thousands of miles across, the speed is unparalleled, and the weight is overwhelming the heavens and ruining the world.

Just like now, in the sword evil sword, it seems that there are the power of thousands of mountains, and Liu Wenqing should be suppressed completely.

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