Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1247: Make a jade dish!


I saw that the jade symbol in Ling Xiao's hand had just been taken out, and the piece of jade dish above the void immediately flew over, shaking slightly and fused with the jade symbol!

The new jade dish fragments look crystal-clear and bright, as if they were glazed, clear and impeccable, and contain some kind of mysterious fluctuations, making people feel unspeakable and comfortable.

At the same time, a mysterious wave passed into Ling Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge, causing Wu Zi Tian Shu to tremble slightly.

"Cultivated jade dish?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes startled and said slowly.

"That's right! It's just a jade dish, but you only have a piece of jade dish!" Xuan Kun sighed slowly.

Ling Xiao was a little shaken all over his body. He got the memory of the Red Dragon God of War, and he naturally knew that this treasure of chemical jade dish!

According to legend, the chaos is divided and the world is opened up. The origin of this side of the universe has formed the ten great treasures of chaos. The jade dish of fortune is one of them. It contains the law of the Three Thousand Avenues, and it can penetrate the life and death of Yin and Yang, and cross the heavens and the world. Incomparably mysterious.

And the wordless divine book obtained by Ling Xiao is also one of the top ten chaotic treasures!

Ling Xiao naturally knows the meaning of these ten chaotic treasures, which is comparable to the legendary Ji Dao soldiers, even more mysterious treasures.

Ling Xiao got the Wordless Book and reborn for a lifetime, and walked all the way from a small world to the vast God Realm. Although the Wordless Book still contains countless secrets, Ling Xiao knows the Wordless Book Precious.

Ling Xiao did not expect that the piece of jade dish in his hand turned out to be the fragment of the jade dish of fortune!

"The forged jade dish is the treasure of chaos. I am afraid that even the legendary emperor might not be able to crush it? How could it be broken?"

Ling Xiao suddenly thought of a very horrible problem, and could not help shaking her whole body, her eyes full of unbelievable look.

Xuan Kun sighed softly, "You're right, the jade dish is indeed the treasure of chaos! But if several emperors shot at the same time? The great emperors swept across the heavens, esteeming the world, immortal, except Outside of time, there is nothing in the universe that they are afraid of!

You also know that the master of this era is the human race, so the human race can occupy the God Realm and dominate the heavens! In the ancient times, it was because of the appearance of the Nine Emperor of the Human Race that pushed the power of the Human Race to the top. How strong was the Human Race at that time? Even the ancestors of all the heavens must retreat!

Unfortunately, since the disappearance of the ninth emperor of the human race, the human race has not appeared in the great emperor level for tens of millions of years! Although the human race occupies the realm of the gods, the tens of thousands of people in the heavens are already staring at each other, and today the human race is even more precarious!

Until ten million years ago, a terrifying and talented genius appeared in the human race. Within ten thousand years, he broke through from the unknown **** to the legendary emperor's realm, only half a step away from the emperor. Even Emperor Taixu is also called Fu Zu by the creatures in this world! "

"What?! Emperor Taixu is Fuzu?"

Ling Xiao asked with some surprise, he had seen those Fu people enshrining Fu ancestors, but did not expect to be the Emperor Taixu in the mouth of Xuan Kun!

"Yes! Emperor Taixu saw the human race wither and was bullied by all races, even many human races were used as slaves, pigs and dogs, and they were only able to shrink in God Realm. This is because the human race has no new emperor born. The Emperor Taixu has mastered the jade dish, but its real strength is not much worse than that of the Emperor!

But he is still determined to become an emperor by means of talism, and wants to open up this imaginary realm into a world of thousands, eternal and immortal, and protect thousands of human races! Our demon clan and many races that have made friends with Taixu Emperor came to Taixu Realm to support him! When he wanted to take the final step and prove his way to becoming an emperor, he led the Devil Clan Emperor, and a total of nine emperors struck. There was a terrifying battle with the Taixu Emperor!

What makes us hate the most is that the spy turned out to be a strong human race. They were afraid that the Emperor Taixu would prove to be an emperor. That battle can be said to be the collapse of heaven and earth, the sun and the moon are dark, and the Taixu Realm is naturally destroyed, even the God Realm is said to be broken! Hundreds of millions of people have been captured by aliens and reduced to rations! And my followers, such as emperors, naturally died in blood! "

With the deep and angry voice of Xuan Kun, Ling Xiao seemed to have seen the battle thousands of years ago, bleeding and drifting, all spirits wailing, the sky was falling apart, like a hell.

"Those traitors of the human race, **** it!"

Ling Xiao could not help but clenched his fists, his eyes full of monstrous murderous intention!

It is precisely because of those short-sighted bastards, it is precisely because of the scum that only knows the horizontality of the nest, leading the human race to have the first potential in the heavens and become the master of this era, with the glory that dominates the world and the nine emperors. But in the end it has fallen to such a lengthy and breathless state!

"My demon clan and human race have good friendship. In the glorious era of the Nine Emperors, they are allies fighting hand in hand! And the demon world has no hope of becoming an emperor, so we naturally hope that a great emperor can appear in the human race! But unfortunately, that one The war was too fierce, not only the nine foreign emperors of different races joined forces to siege the Emperor Taixu, but the human race was also a counterattack!

Although the emperor has a supernatural power, unparalleled talent, and the chaotic treasure of the jade dish, but in the end, it is also the blood of the heavens, the jade dish is broken, and completely fell! The nine great alien emperors, who killed three people by his desperate death, were the six emperors who were seriously injured! That battle was also called the Battle of Emperor Meteor! "

Xuan Kun's voice was filled with sorrow and nostalgia, so Ling Xiao heard the blood boiling, hoping to cross the ages and go to participate in that battle in person!

That is the great emperor, sweeping the heavens, immortal, invincible peerless emperor, even the emperor Taihu emperor slaughtered the three emperors, and seriously injured the six emperors. This peerless combat power is unimaginable!

If it wasn't for the Emperor Taixu who insisted on proving himself as an emperor, I am afraid that with this combat power, he can also make countless aliens bow their heads, and even lead the human race to glory!

But the regrets of history cannot be made up, and regrets can only be used for future generations to ponder and imagine!

Suddenly Ling Xiao thought, did the battle of the Emperor Meteor Ten Thousand Years ago, in the end did the Temple of War, Taishang Road Palace, Overlord Divine Kingdom, Heavenly Sword Divine Kingdom, and Great Zhou Divine State participate?

Perhaps it should have something to do with these five forces, otherwise they will not be able to control the virtual world.

But this imaginary realm has been searched once by the saints. They did not find the fragments of the forged jade plate, nor did they know that they did not find it, or did it intentionally!

on purpose?

At the thought of this, Ling Xiao could not help but feel the horror.

(End of this chapter)

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