Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1249: The vast emptiness of the realm!

"Senior, offended!"

Ling Xiao said to Xuan Kun's holy body, and then carefully took it into the small world, preparing to return to the Xuanwu family when he went to the demon world.

Ling Xiao walked out of the palace. With his thoughts moving, his nine silver warriors and a golden warrior were shining brightly in his eyes, instantly exuding an extremely terrifying atmosphere, and came directly to Ling Xiao, and Kneel down to show surrender!


Ling Xiao directly collected the nine silver warriors and walked towards the golden warriors.

The Golden Warrior looks very powerful and majestic, and the whole body's powerful momentum spreads out, giving Ling Xiao a feeling of trembling.

This is the puppet of the God King Realm, with the fighting power of the God King, terrifying!

And Ling Xiao was instantly integrated into the body of the Golden Warrior!

"Curious gold warrior, this is a peerless armor, and a fortress that cannot be broken!"

Ling Xiao exclaimed.

The Golden Warrior turned out to be like armor, and he was integrated into the whole person, and his appearance and body shape could change into various shapes as his mind changed.

Ling Xiao was among the Golden Warriors, without any discomfort at all, and was free to exercise various powerful martial arts.

The material of the Golden Warrior is very precious. I am afraid that even the Divine King is difficult to break through his defense. If he fights with other Divine Kings, as long as he cannot find his energy core, I am afraid there is no way to defeat it!


The light of Xuan Kun Sword flashed, and was also held in the hand by the Golden Warrior. A sudden sense of powerful power burst out. Ling Xiao felt as if even this piece of heaven and earth could be broken directly!

"Now my strength should be enough to sweep the entire Taixu Realm! In the Taixu Realm, I am afraid that even the deans of the five colleges are not my opponents! It's time to go to that rune tribe!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and said to himself softly.

The runes and runes in the Taixu Realm have little to do with the Taixu Emperor, but the creatures bred in the Taixu Realm have been partly inherited by Fudao, so they treat the emperor as an emperor. To worship their ancestors.

One of the largest rune tribes in the Taixu Realm is said to have a large piece of forged jade dish, which is a treasure that Ling Xiao is destined to obtain.

Kunxu Tribe!

This is the name of the rune tribe, and it is also the totem and holy place in the hearts of all rune people in the entire Taixu Realm. According to legend, there are all rune kings and rune kings in the Kunxu tribe!

The trial of Taixu is only a thousand miles away, but it was sealed by the five powerful saints. The Kunxu tribe is not in the trial area. Ling Xiao wanted to enter other areas, which was originally impossible. Things, but through the small world left by Xuan Kun, Ling Xiao can be used as a transit station to enter other regions.


This small world is already in the hands of Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao immediately opened a void channel, leading to the depths of the Taixu Realm, an unblocked area.


Ling Xiao and the Golden Warrior merged together, and changed their appearance, becoming a young man wearing golden armor and extraordinary martial arts, holding the Xuan Kun sword, and instantly disappeared into this small world through the void channel. .

This is a wild mountain.

Surrounded by towering peaks, ancient trees towering, old vines intertwined, there are strange flowers and grass everywhere, and there is no trace of human activity, I don't know how many thousands of years have been blocked by dust.

This is the area outside the Trial Ground, the depth of the Taixu Secret Realm!

"If you want to find the Kunxu tribe, it seems that you need to catch a few Furen to ask!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, thinking secretly.

Although the Golden Warrior possesses the power of the Divine King Realm, it is not a real creature, but a puppet body, so it possesses a very powerful technique of rest. As long as it does not attack, standing there, it is considered a Divine King Realm. The strong cannot find its existence.

The Golden Warrior's own characteristics, coupled with Ling Xiao's technique of converging, he walked in the mountain forest without alarming any rune beast, quietly.

Taixu Ling was sealed by Ling Xiao long ago and thrown into the small world. He was also afraid of the passive hands and feet in Taixu Ling, so he naturally dared not take Taixu Ling out.

There are golden warriors and Xuan Kun swords, enough to make Ling Xiao run wild in this forest!

"There are traces of people there?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with precision, and he felt a charm in the valley in front of him. He swept away instantly, turned into a golden rainbow, and soon disappeared into the forest.


The huge roar of the beast shook the void, a rune beast that looked like a lion, with red hair like red fire, it looked hundreds of feet tall, and there were red scale armor on the body, rolling in the valley constantly, emitting In the blazing flames, the surrounding ancient trees were burned up!

It has a golden giant net on it, and bound it in it, no matter how hard he struggles, there is no way to escape!

The three powerful rune-powered men wearing animal skins look like sturdy runes, exuding powerful waves of divine power. They are divided into three parties, control the power of the giant net, and hunt this lion rune beast!

"Three Rune People in Heavenly Rune Beast in Heavenly Realm? Sure enough!"

Ling Xiao exclaimed in his heart. He didn't expect to encounter the fighting power of several Heavenly Realms casually. If he was in the trial area, even if Ling Xiao faced any of the charms of Heavenly Realm, I'm afraid he had no confidence in his victory. .

But for Ling Xiao today, the Rune of Tianshen Realm is nothing!


The lion rune was struggling for a while, and soon lost the place of resistance, lying there and wailing, as if admitting his fate, his eyes were full of despair.

"Hahaha... With this flaming lion, we should be able to get the number of Lord Fu Wang, and then we will be able to open the seal!"

"Yes! Hurry up and bring it back to Master Fu Wang!"

"Don't attract other rune beasts. I heard that there is a powerful dragon dragon rune beast in this mountain range. If we are alarmed by it, we will be finished!"

The three Furen strongmen murmured a lot of obscure syllables, but fortunately, Ling Xiao could still distinguish the meaning of their words with Yuanshen.

"These three guys turned out to be Fu Wang's men? I heard that Fu Wang is the king of the Kunxu tribe. If you seize these three guys, you might be able to hear the truth and fate of the Fuxu and Kunxu tribes. Nowhere to look, no effort to get here!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, no longer hiding his body, and directly turned into a golden light falling in the valley.

"The three of you are Fu Wang's men? Where is Fu Wang now? If I tell you the truth, I can spare you!"

Ling Xiao looked at the three Furen strongmen in front of him lightly and said.

PS: The third is more. Recently, it has been Calvin, and the plot is not smooth, so the update is also a bit tight. Everyone is more forgiving and take a break early.

(End of this chapter)

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