Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1254: Big 5 line battle!

Chapter 1255 Great Five Elements Battle Formation!

Tong Yuan, Lu Xueling, Overlord, Jian Chen and Ji Guyuan were all frightened, their eyes full of incredible looks.

The Fu King in front of them is the same as their cultivation base, but the combat power is too terrifying, and the powerful is not so ridiculous!

If this continues, I am afraid that the five of them will definitely be broken by each!

"Can't go on like this! The five-element battle lineup of the University of Buddhism must kill him today!"

Tong Yuan's eyes showed a decisive look, said aggressively.

Fu Wang's power is beyond their imagination. None of the five of them could take Fu Wang's trick, which shocked their hearts.

"it is good!"

Lu Xueling nodded and promised.


I saw the light in Tong Yuan's hands flashed, and a five-color magic ring floated up in an instant, containing a wave of extremely mysterious power fluctuations!

The four people such as Lu Xueling are also interwoven with each other according to the orientation of the five-color **** ring, forming a big five-element battle array in an instant. The breath of the five people seems to be superimposed together, so that each of them has five. Double the fighting power!

"Did you use the power of Sacred Treasure? The Great Five Elements Battle Formation? This is a bit interesting! But you still have to die!"

Fu Wang's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and he looked at Wuxinghuan with some surprise, still sneering.

He can see that the Five Elements Ring is an indispensable holy treasure, containing the Five Elements Sacred Word, which can allow the cultivation of the five of them to be integrated into one another, intertwined with each other, and the power has not only increased fivefold.

"Fu Wang, you are too arrogant! The power of the Five Elements Ring is not something you can contend with. If you open the Nine Heavy God of Creation at this time and let us go, then you will die today!"

Tong Yuan's eyes flashed sharply and said slowly.

With the power of the five elements ring holy treasure, constructing a big five elements battle array, so that they have the qualification to compete with Fu Wang, but Tong Yuan also knows the strangeness of Fu Run and the power of Fu Dao, they are not sure they can win Fu Wang!

"It's not my arrogance! It's because you are too weak! Pick me up and pick the star!"

Fu Wang sneered with a sneer. He didn't put the five elements ring in his heart at all.

Fu Wang's tall and magnificent figure is like a real human dragon. His body is full of violent power. The whole person looks extremely wild and powerful.

His palm seemed to have penetrated the empty space in an instant, and he even picked it directly towards the heart of Tong Yuan's five people, as if to kill them directly.

Picking the stars, you can enter the Nine Nether Souls and capture the soul, you can pick the stars on the nine days to get the moon, this type of martial arts contains the change of the void, and has a vast and unparalleled power.

Ling Xiao stared closely at Fu Wang, and wrote down every charm of his star picking hand, and figured it out carefully, feeling that he had benefited a lot.


The overlord's temper is the most violent, and he can't bear it in an instant, and he punches at Fu Wang directly!

Forbidden move of Overlord Fist, smash the vacuum!

At this moment, the powers of the five people were all integrated into the body of the overlord, giving him a feeling of explosion, as if the whole person were to be broken. This punch is the most powerful punch in his life, and the four sides of the void are fierce. The tremor of his heart made him blessed to smash the vacuum!

All the divine light annihilated, as if all vitality had to be turned into powder under this punch!


The Void concussion, Fu Wang and Overlord shook a note hard, as if a thunderous explosion exploded, both of them flew away at a faster speed!

The fusion of five times the power finally gave Bawang the strength to compete with Fu Wang!

"Happy! Hahaha... come again!"

Fu Wang’s eyes rose with war intent, and his body and blood seemed to boil. The mysterious runes of his body were shining brightly, which affected the power of the vast runes between heaven and earth, so that he had almost a way to speak. a feeling of.


At the same time, Lu Xueling and Jian Chen also shot.

The two of them are sword repairs, and their swords are connected with each other, exuding a world-destroying violent momentum. A sword light gathers in the void, like a wave of water, coming toward the rune.

And Ji Guyuan's Zhoutian Flame Sword exudes ancient and mysterious fluctuations, as if it could burn Zhou Tian, ​​and the blade light illuminates the sky!

On top of Tong Yuan's head, the five-element ring is shining brightly, and a ray of divine light is intertwined, like a chain, entangled toward the King Fu!

The Five Elements Ring is a complete holy treasure, which contains extremely terrifying power. Under the urging of Tong Yuan, Fu Wang's eyes were slightly surprised.

"Void Shock!"

I saw Fu Wang's eyes flashed in the center, he instantly rose up into the sky, and then fell from a punch above the nine days!


A series of runes around him was dazzling and dazzling, and the four voids were trembling slightly, and then centered on his fist prints, a mysterious force field spread out, containing all the power fluctuations that collapsed!

The whole world began to tremble. In Ling Xiao's perception, the four voids were violently shaking, and the mountains, rivers, clouds, and stars all exude a strange rhythm!


The dazzling sword light was swept away, and the flame blade was instantly broken, and this fist of King Fu seemed to be able to destroy finally printed directly on the five elements ring.


The five elements ring trembles slightly, making a clear sound, and the bright divine light sprays thinly, covering this world.

If it were not for the power of the Nineth Reconstruction Divine Array, I am afraid that with this blow, all the mountains in Fangyuanqianli could be turned into powder!


In the dazzling divine light, Fu Wang flew back suddenly, stepped in the void, and made a loud thunderous noise!

The faces of Tong Yuan and other five chiefs are also a bit ugly. The power of the Great Five Elements battle array, coupled with the inexhaustible Shengbao Five Elements Ring, is only a tie with Fu Wang!

"What kind of martial arts is that? If I can get this martial arts, my strength will definitely be able to explode!" Overlord's eyes showed a faint color of greed.

Fu Wang’s powerful punching shocked everyone. In addition to Lu Xueling and Jian Chen being pure sword repairs, Tong Yuan, Ba Wang and Ji Guyuan were all extremely enthusiastic about Fu Wang’s martial arts.

"Is it that one's inheritance?"

Suddenly they thought of the taboo name, and they all couldn't help being shocked, their eyes full of excitement.

"Waste is waste, even if there are five element rings, you still can't!"

Fu Wang sneered with a sneer, the whole body was dazzling and dazzling, and Hengkong continued to kill the five people in Tong Yuan!

The fierce war broke out again.

However, both Ling Xiao and Bai Susu can feel that Fu Wang has taken the absolute upper hand. Although Tong Yuan and others have the power of the five elements ring and the battle array, they can barely draw a tie with Fu Wang, but after a long time, they will definitely lose!

(End of this chapter)

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