Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1264: Beat yourself!


The tremors of heaven, the blazing light, the mysterious energy of destiny swept through the void, and contained the power wave of terrifying terror, as if to turn everything into powder.

This is the power of counter-attack!

After Ling Xiao broke through to the divine spirit realm, urged by divine power, the power of retrograde surgery also reached a very terrifying level.

Ling Xiao had never performed menstruation and reversal before, but he already had speculations in his mind that the Emperor of Heaven might be able to perform menstruation and reversal, but Ling Xiao wanted to verify his heart through reversal. A guess.

To this end, he took the risk to fight hard!

The third form of Destiny, Destiny, is to communicate the vast river of destiny with the power of destiny, attack the destiny of the other party, directly erase it, and no trace of it will remain.

Every person's fate is unique. Although the Emperor Tian Fa can imitate all of Xiao Xiao's martial arts, but it is not a real creature, no fate!

Without fate, there is no way for the natural emperor's physiognomy to display a true life-changing technique, or even communicate the power of a long river of destiny!

So this is Ling Xiao's hole card.

He could see that although the Emperor Tianxiang displayed a life-changing technique, it was only empty, but it seemed to be very powerful on the surface, but in fact it did not have much power.

And the long river of fate inspired by Ling Xiao is a real force!


Rao Shi Ling Xiao was already a cultivation practice in the later period of the Spirit Realm, but under the backlash of fate, he couldn't help but suddenly spit out a bit of blood, and his breath instantly became extremely depressed.

The image of the Heavenly Emperor standing opposite him was swept away by a long flow of fate, as if some kind of mysterious power fluctuation broke apart instantly.

The body of Heavenly Emperor Faxiang also became illusory, but his complexion was extremely calm!

"Good! You can think of attacking with life-changing technique. Although it is a bit tricky, it is indeed the only way to defeat me! But..."

The body of Heavenly Emperor Faxiang gradually dissipated, but he still said seriously to Ling Xiao: "It is not me who defeats you, but you, you cannot defeat yourself by defeating yourself. You can only subdue your heart. I hope you will understand this in the next test. a little!"

The words of Emperor Tiandi just fell, and a strange light appeared in his eyes, and the whole person instantly exploded into a rain of light and disappeared between this heaven and earth.

"Down with his heart?"

These four words are like Hong Zhong Da Lu, buzzing in Ling Xiao's heart, making his eyes burst into an unimaginable mysterious light in an instant.

With the dissipation of the Emperor of Heaven and Heaven, the emptiness of the Quartet began to tremble, as if it were extinct, the world was broken, the mountains and rivers were chaotic, and the flame was burning. The world in front of Ling Xiao was like a dream bubble and soon disappeared.

"Like a dream bubble, you should act like this..."

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered in his eyes, and he suddenly remembered a Buddhist scripture from the Buddhist temple. At the moment, he tasted it carefully, as if he had a different charm.

Conquer yourself and subdue your heart.

These eight words make Ling Xiao see a certain road.

"In other words, the Emperor of Heaven is my soul and my mind, so I can fully understand all my martial arts and know all my thoughts! Although the Emperor Taixu has great powers, he has disappeared. For many years, the power left behind could not understand all my secrets, or even block the perception of Wushu Tianshu! Is that what inspired him to my heart? The power of heart, interesting..."

Ling Xiao sighed in his heart, but his eyes became brighter.

Although he still didn't understand the purpose of Emperor Taixu, he already had a certain understanding of this assessment.

And now, he still can't feel the existence of Wu Zi Tian Shu, indicating that he is still under assessment.

"The first pass is over, I don't know what the second pass is?"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a strange color.


Ling Xiao took a step forward, as if a vast sea of ​​fire appeared in front of him, and the big sun rose from it, containing a very hot force.

Even with his extremely strong divine body, he can still feel the horror of those sun **** fires and can completely burn him out.

A three-legged golden black fly out of the sun. These are all supreme beasts of ancient times. They have the power to control the sun's fire, and they are terrifying.

"A test of illusion?"

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered, and he punched out with a fist, and the frightful fist marks slammed toward the three-legged gold Wuwu, but was directly annihilated by a sun **** fire.

Endless flames came towards him, directly covering him, and began to burn.

Pain, the ultimate pain!

Ling Xiao could feel that his flesh and blood had started to burn, and emitted a scorching smell, and even the sun **** fire entered his primordial god, and began to burn his primordial god, the kind of extreme pain seemed to make People go crazy.

Ling Xiao's face was extremely pale, but his eyes became brighter and brighter.

In this way, he walked towards the front step by step, extremely firm, and did not stay in the slightest, let those sun gods burn his body In the end, he even left only a golden bone The frame, although extremely strong, began to melt.

A huge life-and-death horror enveloped him, sinking him into eternal darkness.

"This is an illusion! You can refine my flesh, burn my gas, and burn my god, but you cannot surrender my heart!"

Ling Xiao said seriously, step by step, walking towards the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

His bone frame finally shattered completely, and he was enveloped by endless darkness, but his faith was still moving forward.


The world of flames in front of me shattered instantaneously, and in front of him was a cold world shrouded in ice and snow, with pale colors everywhere.

Ling Xiao's body appeared completely here, as if she had never experienced anything.

But the endless coldness has struck him, as if to freeze his life completely.

Ling Xiao knew that this was indeed a test of illusion, but it was extremely real. To the truth, Ling Xiao thought that the scene where the flames had just burned was true, even he had already died once.

If he just didn't restrain himself a little bit, I'm afraid he will sink into the endless sea of ​​fire forever, and he can no longer go out.

"Or, are these still my thoughts? Buddhism said that there are five desires and six hardships in life, those with five desires, wealth, color, name, food, sleep; those with six dusts, color, sound, fragrance, Taste, touch, and law; the eight sufferings are suffering, old suffering, sickness, death, suffering, love, parting, bitterness, bitterness, unsatisfactory suffering, and five yin sorrows. All the things are transformed by my mind... …"

Ling Xiao seemed to have some kind of enlightenment flowing in his heart. He once observed the Buddhist temple books of the Great Leiyin Temple in the God of War Realm, which contains various records of mental strength.

(End of this chapter)

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