Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1273: Ling Xiao VS Ji Ling Yang!

Chapter 1274 Ling Xiao vs Ji Ling Yang!


Void tremors, Ji Lingyang's fist marks are unmatched, and there is a hint of purple lightning, which makes his power of this fist unmatched, and there is a wave that breaks all.

This is Zhou Tian's thunder fist, one of the peerless martial arts of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Everyone thought that the domineering **** body of the overlord was very strong and unmatched in flesh, but what they did not know was that Ji Lingyang’s Zhoutian sacred body was even more terrifying than the domineering **** body.

Therefore, as soon as Ji Lingyang shot, everyone could feel the immense strength of blood.

"Come well!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were bright and shining, from Ji Lingyang's fist print, he also felt a trace of pressure.

However, it is just a hint of pressure.

Ling Xiao, in the three stages of refining the heart, experienced the rebirth of the Baishi, and a heart has long been flawless. In addition, the battle between him and the emperor of Heaven Emperor has made his martial arts complete.

He also punched out with a punch, the golden fist print shining into the void, and contained a terror of unparalleled power.


When the two fists collided, both Ling Xiao and Ji Lingyang were shocked and backed up at the same time!


Ji Lingyang's face changed slightly, he was a big realm higher than Ling Xiao, and he was pregnant with Zhou Tian's Eucharist, but he even felt that Ling Xiao's physical power was terrifying, and he was not inferior to him.

He seemed to face this humanoid Tyrannosaurus, making his arms tingle a little.

"You are just a normal physique, not a divine body and a holy body. Are you... a flesh into a god?!"

Ji Lingyang's eyes shook, and only when he became a **** could he have such terrifying power.

Ling Xiao's body shook slightly in the void, and at the same time turned into a golden streamer, stimulating the horror of the whole body, and punched Ji Lingyang with another punch!

Ling Xiao wants to see how strong Zhou Ling's Holy Body is in Ji Lingyang.

Although Ji Lingyang is higher than Ling Xiao by a big realm, Ling Xiao's flesh is perfect, and martial arts are already as far as the realm. Today's hits have the power to compare with the previous full shot.

Ji Lingyang's expression was also dignified. Zhou Tian's thunder fist spread out, and the purple thunder flashed around him, and his fist marks were unmatched, as if it had turned into a vast thunder world, and came down to suppress Ling Xiao.

Bang Bang Bang!

Ling Xiao and Ji Lingyang collided violently. The blood of the two people was extremely strong. Each collision caused the surrounding void to tremble, and the surrounding mountains issued a violent rumbling sound.

Ling Xiao became a **** and possessed the power of the dragon's body, while Ji Lingyang was Zhou Tian's sacred body. The flesh of both people was extremely terrifying.

In their hearts, they all gave birth to a heart of victory, and wanted to test out the physical limits of each other.


The Void trembles, the dazzling divine light illuminates the Quartet, Ling Xiao and Ji Lingyang, a soaring golden dragon for nine days, possessing speed, a **** king like Thunder, dominating the Quartet, every collision is terrifying.

"Long Aotian can even fight Ji Lingyang up and down? Is he a body of a beast?"

Wang Liujun was shocked.

Cheng Ting and Liu Wenqing are even more inexplicable. To know that in the inheritance of Xuanwu saints, Ling Xiao’s true strength may be different from Liu Wenqing, but now he can even share with Ji Lingyang, which surprises Cheng Ting and Liu Wenqing. His face became more ugly.


Ling Xiao's body was as **** as a dragon, and a golden divine light surrounded his body, making him look like a king of the dragon, and his breath was terrifying.

He wrapped his body around him, punched Ji Lingyang with a punch, and even flew Ji Lingyang directly.

There was a hint of coldness in Ji Lingyang's eyes. He felt his arms numb and his body and blood were boiling. His physical strength was even worse than Ling Xiao, which made him unable to accept it at all.

"Long Aotian, your physical body is indeed very strong! But it is a pity that your cultivation is still too weak. Take me to Zhou Tian Yu Thunder Technique!"

Ji Lingyang's eyes flickered, and suddenly he exuded a holy and mysterious atmosphere around him. The purple thunder flickered, causing the Quartet to tremble slightly.

He swooped in the air towards Ling Xiao, and the purple thunders gathered in the sky, and the vastness of the sky was filled with the ultimate murderous intention.

"It turned out to be Zhou Tianyu's thunder spell? This is the holy technique of the Great Zhou Kingdom, this time Long Aotian is dead!"

Liu Wenqing was shocked, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Zhoutian Yu Thunder Technique is the supreme holy technique of the Great Zhou Kingdom, and it is extremely powerful. With Ji Lingyang's Zhoutian Eucharist, it can explode extremely terrifying power!

"Zhou Tianyu Lightning Technique? Come on well!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were bright and bright. Facing this vast and unmatched power, he even deceived himself and stepped up, striding a thousand feet in one step, and gathered around his body. The four images of God flashed on his fist, and there was an instant A chaotic fist suddenly slammed forward.



Long Yin Hu Xiao, Feng Ming Turtle's voice instantly resounded through the sky!

As that chaotic fist erupted, Ling Xiao's whole body appeared the phantom of the four spirit holy beasts. Zulong, White Tiger, True Phoenix, and Xuanwu intertwined with each other, making Ling Xiao look like a master in control of the heavens. Heavenly Emperor, the terror is to the extreme!

"There are phantoms of the Four Spirits and the **** is this martial art?"

Everyone was shocked at once, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

They felt that Ling Xiao's fist contained unparalleled boxing, just like the Shenyang above the nine days, mighty and unparalleled, even let them have a wave of palpitation.


This time, the battle was like a sky-collapse, the sun and the moon collapsed, and an unparalleled storm of divine light was instantly set off!

Ling Xiao's four-elements striking the sky is to destroy everything and contain everything with the power of the four-elements origin, just like chaos, all inclusive.

The purple thunder transformed by Zhou Tianyu's thunder spell collided with the chaotic fist seal, annihilating each other in the void, and a force of destruction swept the Quartet.

Ji Lingyang was shocked, and suddenly felt a sweet throat, could not help but spit out a bit of blood, the whole person flew back!

He was surrounded by a mysterious holy light and clear air, which resolved the unparalleled divine power. Although he did not suffer too much injury, he made his face extremely ugly.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in divine light. He also suffered from the force of anti-shock, but he took it hard, and then he did not retreat. He directly turned into a golden light and passed through the divine light storm. Palm shot towards Ji Lingyang.


Ji Lingyang's complexion changed. He didn't expect Ling Xiao to come so fast. He didn't want to think about it. He fell down with a palm knife, and then a gleam of precious light flashed around him, turning into a purple ancient sword, toward Ling Xiao's eyebrows pierced through.

(End of this chapter)

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