Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1275: 4th in the standings!

Chapter 1276 fourth in the standings!

"Long Aotian, you won! I can give you the points in the Taixu Ling as long as you can let me go!"

Liu Wenqing forced to endure the anger and murderous intention in his heart and had to bow his head to Ling Xiao.

"Others can hand in points and leave! But you can't, you have two ways, either crushing too fictitious orders, or dying!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.

"Long Aotian, don't bully people!"

Liu Wenqing suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of anger.

By handing over points, he can still grab points from others. Although there are only three days left in the end, he may not be able to re-enter into the 1,000.

But if it was crushed too much, he would really be eliminated!

"Too deceiving too much? Just when you took so many people and wanted to grab our points, why didn't you say it was too much?"

Wang Liujun looked at Liu Wenqing coldly and said.

"Hey, my elder brother can save you a little life, you should be content! Otherwise, then you can save your life!"

Ye Liangchen smiled and looked at Liu Wenqing in a condescending way.

"Okay! Long Aotian, you wait for me, you will die in my hands, I will let you survive, and death will not!"

The resentment in Liu Wenqing's heart was skyrocketing, and he stared at Ling Xiao, and then directly crushed Taixu Ling!


After the Taixu Ling was broken, a bright white light surrounded him instantly, and the points in the Taixu Ling turned into a bright white light, that is, all the points of Liu Wenqing, now floating in front of Ling Xiao .

Naturally, Ling Xiao was unkind, directly took out the Taixu order, and absorbed all those points, and Liu Wenqing also disappeared in front of Ling Xiao in an instant.

Liu Wenqing has been sent back to the ancient city of Taixu, which means that he has been eliminated!

And the rest of the people are all silent, and dare to have the slightest objection. They all handed over the points in the Taixu Order to Ling Xiao, and then turned away as Meng Amnesty!


The emptiness in Ling Xiao's hands made the light shining, and the points in it directly became 1.425 million points!

And Ling Xiao's ranking has also rocketed up, directly overwhelming Cheng Ting, becoming the fourth in the standings, after Ji Lingyang, Xiongba and Jianxie!

"Sure enough, it is the biggest benefit of robbing dogs! Unfortunately, the guy from Ji Lingyang escaped!"

Ling Xiao was extremely satisfied when she looked at the points above her too fictitious order.

Today's points have already been able to enter the God of War Academy steadily, but Ling Xiao still has a lot of thoughts about the leader, so the fourth place is not enough. You must get to the first place to get the ten drops. liquid!

Sacred liquid can be said to be priceless, incomparable and precious, but it is a cultivation resource far more than the **** stone and **** crystal. Too.

Therefore, Ling Xiao is also determined to win this top position!

"Brother, are you in fourth place now? Hahaha... Or shall we go after the three guys Ji Lingyang, Jianxie and Xiongba, and grab all their points!"

Ye Liangchen laughed loudly, his eyes full of eager look.

Ling Xiao's previous ranking was the last one in the standings, directly surpassing hundreds of thousands of testers and killing the fourth place in the standings. This kind of speed is really terrifying.

"This proposal is good! Long Aotian, do you want to be the top leader? Let's hunt down the three guys together and grab their points. You must be the first!"

Cheng Ting also said that the world was not chaotic.

"Look, their points are rising rapidly, I am afraid they are also starting to speed up the point collection speed!"

Wang Liujun suddenly looked at the standings and said slowly.

Above the standings, the points of Ji Lingyang, Xiongba, Jianxie and others are increasing rapidly. Obviously, they are integrating the points of those who are trying to win the top position.

The leader position not only represents glory, but also has many rewards.

Xiongba and Jianxie are certainly not willing to be pressed by Ji Lingyang.

"We don't have to collect points. Ji Lingyang, Xiongba, Jianxie, Lu Yan and others just grab a few, which is enough for me to be on the top spot! It is better to grab these big dogs on the list than to grab anything! "

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he smiled faintly.

"Big Brother is right, I have long seen those **** as they are not pleasing to the eye, and rob them directly!" Ye Liangchen laughed.

However, if you let others know that the five people in this valley are the five in the top ten in the standings, I am afraid that everyone will come up to grab their points desperately.

After all, on the surface, their strength is too confusing.

Ling Xiao, Ye Liangchen and Fengya are all spiritual realms, but they have so many points, who else can they steal without robbing them?

With the escape of Ji Lingyang's men, the results of the battle between Ling Xiao and Ji Lingyang quickly spread throughout the trial area.

A God Realm kid named Long Aotian, actually defeated Ji Lingyang who was pregnant with Zhoutian Holy Land?

The news suddenly caused everyone to boil.

"Who is Long Aotian? I haven't heard of it! The Divine Spirit Realm can actually defeat His Royal Highness Ji Lingyang? This rumor is too unreliable!"

"Yes! I heard that His Majesty Ji Lingyang's cultivation practice has reached the true **** realm. How can it be?"

"But you see, the guy named Long Aotian even rushed to the fourth place in the standings, and Peachman Liu Wenqing was originally seventh in the standings, but disappeared? Is this... was eliminated?"

"Long Aotian was able to defeat Liu Wenqing? This combat power cannot be underestimated!"


There was a lot of discussion, but almost no one believed that Ling Xiao could defeat Ji Lingyang, and they scoffed at the news.

After hearing the news, Jianxie and Xiongba were suddenly unable to sit still.

"Long Aotian defeated Ji Lingyang? It's really possible that Kongxue didn't come! I might have inherited Xuanwu Saints!"

Jian Xie's eyes were full of dignity, and in his heart he became extremely afraid of Long Aotian.

"Long Aotian's strength has become so strong? In the next three days, you must not meet him, otherwise, if you overturn the boat in the gutter, the fun will be great!"

The domineering heart was also extremely shocked. At the same time, he decided to escape as long as he saw Ling Xiao, and he must never meet him.

If something happened in the last three days, it would be a real loss!

At this moment, in a flaming mountain in the south, a young man in black robe and a young man in green robe sneered at the news and even started secretly planning.

ps: Fourth, everyone rest early.

(End of this chapter)

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