Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1283: 1 Net is exhausted!


The first place, Long Aotian, five million points!

Second place, Ji Lingyang, 492,500 points!

The third place, the domineering, 481,120 points!

The fourth place, Jian Xie, 475,536 points!

Fifth place, Cheng Ting, 1,825,000 points!


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance. Above the standings, Ji Lingyang, Xiongba and Jianxie were really crazy to collect points these two days, and they were almost catching up with him.

The strength of these three is the strongest, and they all went to the top position.

In the past two days, Ling Xiao also discovered that Ji Lingyang, Xiongba and Jianxie will automatically avoid him and do not meet him. Obviously, he knows his strength and wants to accumulate points in secret.

The news of Yin Tiancong finally came.

"Dragon Boss, I have received a once-in-a-lifetime good news! Ji Lingyang lays down the killing board, preparing to wipe out the bully and sword evil!"

Yin Tiancong said with great excitement.

"Oh? Finally can't help but want to do it? Very good! After the mantis catches the cicada's cardinal, let me be a cardinal today!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and he quickly moved in the direction of Yin Tiancong.

Broken Sword Mountain is the place where Ji Lingyang chose to ambush this time.

Broken Sword Mountain is as high as a sword that has been cut off, straight into the sky, exuding a vast and powerful sword.

Legend has it that there was a powerful sword sage, one sword cut off the sword sword mountain, from then on, the sword sword sword mountain had a very powerful sword intention, and even many talents learned sword sword martial arts in the sword sword mountain.

Yin Tiancong was hidden above a towering ancient tree outside the Broken Sword Mountain. Ling Xiao converged his breath and quickly found him.

"Boss Dragon, you see, Xiongba and Jianxie have entered the Broken Sword Mountain! And Ji Lingyang has set up a killing formation in the Broken Sword Mountain. The two sides have fought fiercely! When will we start? ?"

Yin Tiancong sent a message to Ling Xiao, some eager to try.


In the Broken Sword Mountain, the sword intention rises, the divine light is shining, a group of powerful figures have collided, and the fighting between each other is extremely fierce.

The whole body exudes dark golden light, an inch of hair, a strong and majestic bully, and a sword evil spirit holding a ancient sword, and the whole body of the sword is rushing to the sky, besieging Ji Lingyang.

But the two of them seemed to have fallen into the downwind. Ji Lingyang's body was so full of energy and he was able to mobilize the power of the magic circle to suppress the domineering and sword evil.

However, under the fierce rivalry between Xiongba and Jianxie, Ji Lingyang also suffered some injuries, and his breath was a little slack.

"Have you lost both sides? Very good! In this way, we can just go picking peaches!" Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and said slowly.


In the Broken Sword Mountain, Ji Lingyang was dressed in a dragon robe, breathing magnificently, displaying Zhou Tianyu's thunder spell, and the purple thunder flashed around him, containing a terrifying atmosphere of terror, and continued to suppress toward the domineering and sword evil.

In the end, both Xiongba and Jianxie were crazy.

The two exhibited the most terrifying attack and collided with Ji Lingyang, but in the end they were all severely injured by Ji Lingyang, and even had to hand over their points in the Taixu Order.

And Ji Lingyang's points instantly surpassed Ling Xiao and became the first in the points list, with more than 14 million points!

Xiongba and Jianxie were dying, they were both kneeling on the ground, and some of them could not even stand up.

The Jilingyang beast was hit hard and staggered, but his face showed a look of extreme excitement and joy.

"Boss Dragon, now is a good chance to shoot! By defeating Ji Lingyang, you can immediately become the leader!"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Yin Tiancong said with great excitement.

"Not right!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance. At this moment, he forcibly suppressed the thoughts in his heart and calmed down.

He runs the power of the heart world, and the Taixu Fufu scripture. Although he only realized a fur, and even the first weight has not been successful in cultivation, but he can feel the situation in the broken sword mountain with the power of the heart world.

In Ling Xiao's perception, Ji Lingyang, Xiongba and Jianxie were all full of qi and blood and strong in spirit, with no hint of serious injury at all.

"Is this a game? Is it for me?"

A move in Ling Xiao's heart gave Yin Tiancong a faint glance, and Yin Tiancong looked puzzled.

Yin Tiancong should not betray Ling Xiao, this is the intuition in Ling Xiao's heart.

However, Ji Lingyang, Xiongba and Jianxie joined forces and set up a bureau for Ling Xiao. This was something that Xiao Xiao did not expect.

"However, based on the three of you, plus a formation, do you really think you can deal with me?" Ling Xiao sneered in his heart, his eyes full of powerful fighting intent.

It just happened that the last time Ji Lingyang escaped, this time Ji Lingyang must be left anyway!


But just when Ling Xiao was ready to A mysterious figure flew towards Broken Sword Mountain instantly, the speed was extremely fast, and he directly sacrificed a powerful sword spirit towards Ji Lingyang fell down!

It was a woman in a white dress with a tall figure and skin like jade. She seemed to have a cold and dusty temperament, and she was extravagant and extraordinary, just like a goddess of the Nine Heavens.

But some regret is that her appearance is very ordinary, not outstanding at all, her whole body is strong and unmatched, showing the powerful cultivation of the true **** realm!

She chopped off a purple sword spirit, containing vast thunder, terrifying.

"It really is you! Looking for death!"

Ji Lingyang's eyes flashed with a murderous glance, and his eyes became extremely gloomy. The same blow was directed at the woman in white. Zhou Tianyu's thunder spell exploded, and a purple thunder shot in the air.

"Boss Long, this woman in white seems to have been fighting against Ji Lingyang for the past two days, constantly robbing him of points and treasures, and also hurt many of his men!"

Yin Tiancong actually knew the woman in white and quickly explained to Ling Xiao.

"Women in white who have been fighting against Ji Lingyang? Is it because this game was set against her?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered for a moment, and he was temporarily hidden.

He could feel that the woman in white must have hidden her appearance and identity, and Ling Xiao was also curious about her identity.

Dare to fight against Ji Lingyang, this woman in white really has courage!


The dazzling divine light exploded, and the woman in white smashed the sky of thunder with a sword, and then collided with Ji Lingyang's Zhou Tianyu thunder spell, and an extremely fierce divine light storm erupted in an instant.

ps: Fourth, everyone rest early.

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