Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1292: Lingxiao Pavilion!

Sophie's face changed, and he felt the horror of Ling Xiao's fist. He didn't dare to take it hard. His palms turned into two fiery swords and he slashed towards Ling Xiao's wrist.


Soaring Mars, Sophie Fei exclaimed, feeling like she was chopped on the gold iron. Not only did she not cause any injuries to Ling Xiao, but also made her palms violently hurt.

"Your combat strength is so strong? Are you really the leader of this term?"

Sophie's face was ugly, and finally began to look squarely.

Being able to stand out among hundreds of thousands of people and become the first person, this new disciple really has a strong fighting capacity.


Ling Xiao did not answer, still punched out, the mighty ascension, like the vast sea, enveloped Sophie.

As Su Feifei gritted his teeth, his hand was shining brightly, and a silver ancient sword appeared, but it was a **** artifact. It looked powerful and suddenly cut towards Ling Xiao's palm.

In all fairness, this Sophie's combat strength is not bad, but in Ling Xiao's eyes, it is full of loopholes, not to mention that it is inferior to Wang Xuan, Ji Lingyang, and Xiong Ba, which is not as good as Wang Liujun and Cheng Ting, that is Similar to Liu Wenqing.

Speaking of it, it's just a vase!


Ling Xiao's eyes were calm, facing Su Feifei's fairly fierce sword, he directly extended two fingers, crystal-like as jade, and clamped the silver ancient sword in Su Feifei's hand.

The sky's sword energy dissipated, leaving only Sophie's incredible look.

This new disciple Long Aotian's flesh is so horrible that even the Divine King can be held between two fingers, and no matter how hard she exerts force, she can't pull it out.

This is also because Sophie Fei has no way to stimulate the power of the Divine King Tool, otherwise Ling Xiao's physical body is still unable to resist the power of the Divine King Tool.


Ling Xiao spit out all around his body, and suddenly flew. Sophie immediately flew out, and with the silver ancient sword, they all flew away and inserted into a huge stone in the distance!

"Asshole! Long Aotian, do you really want to fight me right?" Sophie's face was very ugly, and she stared at Ling Xiao and asked.

Ling Xiao said very calmly: "I don't want to fight against anyone, but if others want to provoke me, I'm not afraid! This is just a small lesson. If you don't know what to do, don't blame me! "

"Good! Very good! Long Aotian, I remember you, you wait for me, this Ling Wang Ge is Chu Yunfei's residence, he will not let you go!"

Sophie glanced at Ling Xiao deadly. She also knew that she was not Ling Xiao's opponent at all. If she continued to stay here, she would only be humiliated by herself, so she left a ruthless word and turned away!

Fang Sheng glanced at Ling Xiao with a worried expression: "Sister Long, you are in trouble now! That's why Chu Yunfei is not a good match, let alone Chu Yunfan behind him!"

"Brother Fang, don't worry! People don't offend me, I don't offend people. If people offend me, don't blame me!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, not even thinking about it.

"Brother Master Long, be careful these days! I will tell the elder and let him restrain Chu Yunfan and Chu Yunfei, you take care!"

Fang Sheng laughed bitterly and left with a heavy heart.

"Since then, this Lingwang Pavilion has been called Lingxiao Pavilion!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, directly erasing the three large characters of the Lingwang Pavilion on the stele, and then left the three characters of the Dragon and Phoenix Dance on the Ling Xiao Pavilion.

Now that he has successfully entered the Ares Academy, Ling Xiao naturally does not want to hide anymore. He wants to play a sharp edge and play a peerless talent until he enters the real Ares Temple.

What Chu Yunfei and Chu Yunfan are not his goal at all, his real goal is in the Temple of War, in the Twelve Immortal Holy Lands!

In order to gain twelve days of merit, I am afraid that Ling Xiao is destined to embark on a path that is against the Twelve Immortal Holy Lands.

"The road ahead is brimming with thorns, and I've been punched since I punched!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, and stepped into the Ling Xiao Pavilion.

There is a gathering array in Lingxiao Pavilion, which is also a defensive formation. Once it is fully opened, it can play a defensive and warning role.

Before, Su Feifei only occupied the Ling Wang Pavilion, and did not start the method of formation, but this time Ling Xiao got the method of opening the defensive formation from Fang Sheng.


As he refined his defensive formation, a bright light suddenly surrounded the entire Lingxiao Pavilion.

In the Lingxiao Pavilion, the spirit of the gods is extremely abundant, which is five times that of the outside world, condensed into a faint spiritual fog, nourishing Ling Xiao's flesh anytime, anywhere.

"Only by this level of spiritual cultivation, if you want to break through to the completeness of the true **** realm, I am afraid it will take at least a hundred years! Time is not waiting for anyone!"

Ling Xiao sighed, his accumulation is too thick, and is the realm of the three gods, so that he has a powerful combat strength, but also want to break through the realm, it is much harder than other people.

"If these ten drops of sacred liquid are refined, it is enough for me to break through to the middle of the real **** realm. Now the speed of the cultivation of the Shenshi and Shenjing is still too slow for me. You must get as much sacred liquid as possible~www.wuxiaspot. Only through com~ can I continue to make breakthroughs!"

Ling Xiao thought secretly.

For the average person, these ten drops of saint are enough to break through a big realm, but for Ling Xiao, they can barely break through a small realm, and the higher his cultivation level, the more resources will be spent to break through.

"Among the Taixu Temple, I can now open a temple. Let's see if there is a temple that helps me to upgrade the realm!"

Ling Xiao sat down in a secret room, immediately running the heart realm, and using the heart realm to communicate with the temple of Taixu in the distant time and space.

Ling Xiao felt like passing through endless streamers, like eternity in an instant, and the whole person entered the Temple of Taixu directly.

"Sure enough, you can directly enter the Taixu Temple, and the power of this heart is really powerful!" Ling Xiao's heart moved, and she was a little surprised.

His realm of mind has just been constructed. Presumably, as the realm of mind continues to grow, various magical abilities will appear.

"Master Master, when you practice Taixu Fufu to the sixth level, when your mind can affect reality, you will find the strength of the heart!"

Xu Bo also appeared in front of Ling Xiao in an instant, and smiled slightly.

"Okay! Uncle, I plan to open a temple!"

Ling Xiao nodded.

"Yes, you choose!" Xu Bo smiled slightly.

In front of Ling Xiao, the light was shining brightly, and the phantom images of the temples appeared, representing different temples.

Ling Xiao looked at all the temples, and finally looked at the temple of years.

"There is also a Temple of Time?"

Ling Xiao was shocked all over, his eyes flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly thought of the temple of years in the temple cave of the temple of war.

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