Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1321: Surrender the monster!

"This brother is assured that Brother Long is extremely powerful, and there is only one devil, and he will be able to kill him soon!"

Xuan Wang responded faintly.

Wang Chong and many other disciples from Dazhou College showed a hint of curiosity in their eyes. Ling Xiao seemed to be only the initial cultivation of the true divine realm, but it made Xuan Wang so trustful that he could kill that soon. A demon worm has given them more confidence in Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao erupted into a bright light around his body, his body was unmatched, and turned into a bright light, rushing towards the black demon.

And those powerful tiger and demon clan also know Ling Xiao's plan, and they rushed towards him in death!


Ling Xiao blasted out with a punch, the fist marks shook the void, and a tiger-devil strong man in front of him in the real demon realm was directly bombed by him!


Ling Xiao's legs are like a whip, sweeping thousands of troops in all directions, a dozen tiger and demon clan have coughed up their blood, and their faces are full of terrifying gods. The most important thing is the flesh. Their flesh is even comparable to those of the demon world. Family.

In their memory, the human race has never dared to fight their flesh against them, and they all played against them with powerful artifacts and martial arts.

But the young man in white who looks very beautiful in front of him, his body is too scary? Few people were his enemies, and soon he was killed by the monster!

"This is... the third floor of the indestructible war body? This brother is so strong!"

Wang Chong exclaimed, recognizing that the martial arts performed by Ling Xiao was the indestructible body of war.

"Stop him! You must not let him interfere with adults!"

Many tigers and demons have red eyes one by one, rushing towards Ling Xiao one by one, fearlessly trying to stop Ling Xiao.

"court death!"

Ling Xiao's eyes boiled with murderous intent, the palm of white as jade lifted up, lingering with a black divine light, containing the ultimate power of destruction.

He suddenly slashed towards the front with a palm knife, and the dazzling blade of mankind was like a vast Tianhe, as if covering the four sides of the void.

The dozen or so tiger and demon clan powers that stood in front of him were all cut in half by him with a knife, and they fell down neatly and instantly, flesh and blood flew!

This is the power to adjudicate the Seven Forms, killing more than a dozen tiger and demon strongs with one shot, and the power is extremely powerful.

No one was there to stop Ling Xiao in front of him, and he rushed towards the black monster in an instant.


The black light rising in front of me is an ancient stone pool covered with black demon stones and even the bones of many monsters. There is a black worm in the center of the black light group. .

It has a grisly head, **** and cruel eyes, and behind it is a pair of transparent wings, exuding a terrible corrosive force all over its body.

"Sure enough it is a defective product!"

Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. The true erosion insects had twelve wings, and the legendary twelve wings flickered. The eruptive power of the erosion can destroy a thousand worlds.

I don’t know where the inferior products from Devil Cultivation are cultivated.

However, even the defective products should not be underestimated, Ling Xiao can feel a trace of dangerous breath, this demon has the power to threaten the heavenly realm!


Ling Xiao hit his head with a punch, his punches were strong and unmatched.


The demon stared at Ling Xiao violently, and his blood-red eyes were full of cruel looks, and a sharp voice suddenly appeared in his mouth, as if it had turned into a sharp blade to penetrate Ling Xiao's knowledge of the sea.

At the same time, the mouth of the demon opened wide, and dozens of black magic lines spewed out in an instant, intertwined with each other and enveloped towards Lingxiao!

"Break me!"

In Ling Xiao's eyes, a flash of glory flashed, and a dazzling blade of fire bloomed in front of him, ruling that the knife light instantly cut open the void, and also cut the dozens of magic lines, and then Ling Xiao punched hard. Slammed into his head.

As for that sharp voice, Ling Xiao did not have any influence at all, and even his knowledge of the sea did not enter, it was dissolved into invisible!

The demon screamed loudly, shaking violently, and was directly flew out.


Ling Xiao was a little surprised. His punch just seemed to be bombarded on cotton, and most of his power was removed. Otherwise, the monster might be directly bombed by him!

The demon seemed to know that Ling Xiao was not easy to provoke. The wings behind him tremble, and a horrible divine light rolled up towards Ling Xiao, and it fluttered its wings and fled towards the distance in an instant.

"Want to go?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he had already prevented the demon from escaping, so he shot it directly towards the demon, and the five elements were dazzling and dazzling, reaching the extreme, as if it had become a five-element enchantment, and directly enveloped the demon. Get up!


With Ling Xiao's palm sucking, the demon was directly caught by him!

"You still need to be honest with me!"

Ling Xiao slapped the demon worm in a slap, and then laid a few bans, and threw the demon worm into the space in the wordless book.

"what is that?"

Ling Xiao had just packed up the devil, and saw the place where the devil was originally, there was a milky white crystal, which looked like a longan, and it was very round, even exuding a strange sacred atmosphere, incomparably pure. .

Those magic spirit stones have exhausted their strength and turned into waste stones without any spirituality. Only this milky white crystal radiates a gleaming light.

"This is... the breath of the Holy Spirit?!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and he felt the power of the rich sacred path from the milky white crystals at that moment, which contained more than twenty drops of sacred liquid!

"The legendary eclipse worm can corrode the gives birth to the supreme treasure. Could it be that this defective product can absorb energy from the void and breed a saint?"

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao's eyes light up.

Suddenly, a broken voice came from behind Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and the milky white crystal was collected directly.

Behind Ling Xiao, Wang Chong, who was wearing a black robe, flew by and immediately arrived in front of Ling Xiao!

After Ling Xiao surrendered the demon worm, the black lines that trapped them naturally disappeared, and they immediately defeated to victory, killing the powerful tiger and demon clan, and even slaughtered one-sidedly.

In a blink of an eye, the situation reversed, and many tigers and demons began to flee.

Wang Chong saw Ling Xiao put away the milky white crystal and couldn't help but look down, but still pretended to be a calm look and said: "Thank you for helping me, but the crystal in his hand, It’s the treasure I’ve lost here, and I still ask my brother to return it to me. I’m grateful!”

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