Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1326: Jinse woke up!

   could not allow Ling Xiao to think for a while, a sharp howling came from the mouth of the demon, and then dozens of black magic lines suddenly came towards Ling Xiao.

   Black Demon seems to feel the threat of Ling Xiao, and took the lead!

   The sharp howling contains the powerful attack power of Yuanshen, as if to penetrate Ling Xiao's eyebrows, and the black magic thread is to wrap Ling Xiao, and then swallow the flesh and blood power of Ling Xiao.

   Although this black monster looks like a larva, its real strength is not weak.

   But Ling Xiao had been prepared for a long time, and he had already caught a black demon.


  The black dragon sword in Ling Xiao's hands was unmatched, and suddenly fell down, and Dao Shenghui filled, and those black lines broke apart.

   Ling Xiao caught his hand and grabbed it, like a flash of lightning, he instantly pinched the black demon worm, a few slaps flashed in the past, and fanned the black demon worm.

   Then Ling Xiao similarly suppressed the black demon in the wordless book.


   Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly showed a trace of surprise. He suddenly saw that the previous black demon in Wu Zi Tian Shu had disappeared.

   To be exact, it was swallowed by the celestial butterfly!

  I don't know when Jinse and Bu Tiandi Butterfly have been awakened.

  Jin Se in a red dress fluttering, her face is beautiful, her skin is better than snow, but her long white hair makes her look a little vicissitudes.

   Her eyes were full of indifference and doubt, as if she didn't know where she was at the moment, and walked around in that space.

   The self-contained world in the Wu Zi Tian Shu, Bu Tian Shen butterfly exudes nine colors of light, looks dim and gorgeous, extremely mysterious, is falling on the shoulder of Jin Se.

Ling Xiao can feel that there is a hint of black demon on Bu Tian Shen Die. Obviously the black demon was eaten by Bu Tian Shen Die, and the strength of Bu Tian Shen Die seems to have been improved, even a trace of let Ling Xiao is a little bit dangerous.

   However, Ling Xiao didn't control the Tianshen Butterfly, but his eyes fell on Jin Se.

   "Jin Se..."

   Ling Xiao felt a slight tremor in his heart, seeing Jin Se's indifferent and strange eyes, he felt a terrible pain in his heart.

  After all, have you lost all your memories?

   Ling Xiao's heart even became extremely upset, not knowing how to face Jin Se.

   "This is the younger brother of the God of War Academy? Thank you for your help, our brothers and sisters are grateful!"

  At this moment, a slightly weak voice pulled Ling Xiao's thoughts back.

   The black magic thread was broken, and the black demon was also captured by Ling Xiao. The trapped man and woman suddenly came out of the trap.

  The three of them were wearing white robes and embroidered a small sword with gold thread on the cuffs. At first glance, they looked down at Taishang College.

  The man is slender and handsome, and his eyes are pure and deep. His temperament is like a jade, like a modest gentleman. At this moment, he pays a deep salute to Ling Xiao, and his expression is very sincere.

   He has the cultivation practice in the late days of Tenjin Realm, and the three young girls behind him also have the cultivation practices in the middle period of Tenjin Realm. Each one looks pretty, but his temperament is quite cold.

   "In the Long Aotian of the next God of War Academy, these four are my brothers and sisters, and we did not expect to meet several brothers and sisters in Tianlang Mountain, you don't need to be polite!"

   Ling Xiao smiled slightly at the white robe man in front of him, and then introduced Xuanwang and others.

   With the greetings from both sides, Ling Xiao also knew the identity of the three men in front of her. The man in the white robe was named Fang Chong. The three women were named Mingjing, Mingxin and Mingyue, and they were all disciples of Taishang College.

  The four of them also came to hunt the Demon Clan, but they did not expect to be caught in the trap of the black demon worm and trapped by the magic thread. If it were not for the rescue of Ling Xiao and others, I am afraid they would not be able to persist for long.

   "Brother Dragon, do you know where the Wolf Mountain of the Wolf Demon Clan has gone?"

   Fang Chong suddenly smiled slightly.

   Ling Xiao's eyes flashed: "Oh? Brother Fang, do you know?"

   Fang Chong nodded and said: "That's right! These few heard the strong talk of the Wolf Demon Clan, and both Wolf Mountain and Hu Gun went to the Heavenly Demon Valley to compete for the demon corpse!"

   "Sky Demon Valley? Demon Saint Body?"

   Ling Xiao's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered the news that the burly man told him in the ancient city of Taizhong.

   It seems that the demon corpse really exists!

   "Yes! It is the demon corpse, is there any interest in Brother Long? We might as well join forces, as long as we grab the demon corpse, the resources exchanged are enough for us to practice in the realm of God King!"

   Fang Chong looked at Ling Xiaodao with some expectation.

Although the Long Aotian in front of him had only cultivation in the middle of True God Realm, Fang Chong did not underestimate him. He could feel that the real strength of this Dragon Master would not be weaker than him. This is a true peerless Tianjiao !

  The saints are made in heaven and earth, and they are all treasures, even if a hair is the top material of the refiner, not to mention the saint’s flesh, bones, and even the saint’s small world, are supreme treasures.

"Brother Fang has been to the Demon Valley? I heard that next to the demon corpse in the Demon Valley, there is a Warcraft guardian of the God Realm, and even the Devil King coveted the Demon Corpse. Based on our fear, it is not so easy to get the Demon Saint The body?"

   Ling Xiao glanced at Fang Chong and smiled slightly.

Fang Chong nodded and said: "Sister Long is right! Heaven Demon Valley does kill every step of the way, and it is dangerous. But my generation of warriors don't just fight with heaven and go against the sky? A demon corpse, it is Supreme treasure ~ ~ as long as we plan carefully, we still have a chance to win it!

  Ling Xiao thought for a while and said, "I still need to think about this matter. Brother Fang and the three sisters, you should heal your wounds!"

   The demon corpse is important, but it is worth taking a risk.

  If you get a demon corpse, let alone, the energy of Ling Xiao’s most worrying years temple is not lacking. A demon corpse, I am afraid that at least Ling Xiao can practice in the year temple for hundreds of years.

  Lingxiao is now the most missing is time.

  He must have a firm foothold in God Realm before the arrival of a hundred years and possess sufficient self-protection strength before he can further bless his relatives and friends.

The strong demon of the Wolf Demon Clan in Tianlang Mountain was quickly cleared, and all the demon crystals in the Wolf Demon Clan were dug out. This time the harvest is greater than that obtained in the Tiger Demon Clan. There are at least more than five thousand contributions.

  It was only a day or two before they came to the space of the demon, they had such a huge harvest, and Xuan Wang and others were also quite excited!

   and Ling Xiao found a secret room of the wolf demon clan based on the need to retreat, and successively placed several prohibition formations.

   Ling Xiao took a deep breath, her eyes were a little complicated, anyway, it was time to face Jinse!

  Just, does Jin Se still know him?

   PS: I have to work overtime at night. There are only three chapters today.

   (End of this chapter)

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