Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1329: Taijo Dojo!

"Have seen Master Sister!"

Fang Chong quickly brought three sisters up to the ceremony.

"Sister Qinglian!"

Ling Xiao also greeted Qinglian with Ye Liangchen and others.

Although the five colleges share the same spirit, the relationship between the Ares College and Taishang College is relatively closer, while the three colleges of Bawang, Dazhou and Tianjian

It belongs to the nineth emperor Que, and the relationship is more intimate.

"You are disciples of the Ares Academy? Has Tiangang come?"

Qinglian looked at Ling Xiao and others, and asked faintly.

"Don't see Brother Tiangang, we are here by ourselves!" Ling Xiao smiled slightly.


Qinglian said in a cold voice: "The demons in the Demon Valley are dancing wildly. The Demon Race, the League of Legends, and the Dazhou Academy have strong men coming. I am afraid that the strong men of the God Realm will appear. Entering the Demon Valley with your cultivation is simply Just looking for death! Now that the Sky Demon Valley hasn't been opened yet, you should go back quickly!"

Although Qinglian's words were tough, Ling Xiao still heard the meaning of concern from her words.

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently: "Sister Qinglian is assured that we have the power of self-preservation. This time, we will mainly hunt the Devil Race in the Devil's Valley. We will not participate in the battle for the demon corpse!"

"That won't work! You... Hey? What's your name?"

Qinglian still wanted to say something, but when her eyes fell on Jin Se, she suddenly showed a look of shock.

"Sister Qinglian, she is my friend, named Jin Se!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and he replied.

"Jin Se? You turned out to be...?!"

There was a hint of excitement in Qinglian's eyes, but the words stopped immediately, and she rushed over to grab Jinse's arm in an instant.

Under Ling Xiao's indication, Jin Se did not resist.

Qinglian's fingertips had a dazzling divine power entering Jinse's body, and the color of surprise on her face was becoming stronger and stronger.

Sure enough, it is too good!

The Taishang Dao body is the peerless physique most suitable for practicing the martial arts of the Taishang Dao Palace, and its significance to the Taishang Dao Palace is much more important than any legendary **** body or holy body.

Each generation of the Supreme Master of the Taishang Dao Palace is the Taishang Dao body, and only the Taishang Dao body can practice the Taishang Dao Jing to the extreme.

It's just that the Taishang Dao body is too scarce. The Taishang Dao Palace often finds the entire God Realm and it is difficult to find the owner of the Taishang Dao body.

Therefore, many elders and disciples of the Taishang Dao Palace have methods to explore the Taishang Dao body. As long as they can find the people who have the Taishang Dao body, they will definitely receive extremely precious rewards and rewards.

Like Qinglian, if she informs the people in the Taishang Taoist palace of this news, I am afraid she will become a true disciple immediately.

The news of the Taishang Taoist body was too important, so she did not say it at all.

Fang Chong and others looked at Qinglian with a curious look. They didn't know what Master Qinglian had discovered, so they would be so excited and gazed.

Ling Xiao was a move in his heart, guessing that Fang Chong had already discovered the secret of the Taishang Dao body.

However, this is good news for Ling Xiao. He was still worried about how he would naturally send Jin Se to the Taishang Dao Palace without arousing doubts. Qinglian now discovered that Jin Se was too pregnant. Body, will definitely try to make her income into the Taishang Dao Palace.

"Isn't this sister, a disciple of Ares College? Are you willing to join me too?" Qinglian smiled lightly at Jinse.

Jin Se glanced at Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao replied immediately: "Sister Qinglian, Jin Se originally wanted to enter Taishang Academy through the Taixu Trial, but she was delayed, so she missed the Taixu Trial. Refining! If she could enter Taishang College, she would be very willing!"

"That's really great! Brother Long, sister Jinse, just follow me for a few days now, let me protect her safety!"

Qinglian smiled faintly at Ling Xiao, but her voice was full of refusal.

She has already figured out a way to notify Lu Xueling, the dean of Taishang College. Presumably, Lu Xueling will immediately contact Taishang Dao Palace, and soon a strong person from Taishang Dao Palace will come directly to the space of God and Demon.

During this time, the only thing she had to do was to protect Jinse.

Although the demon corpse is important, compared with Jinse, it is not worth mentioning!

"Okay! Then there is Sister Lau Qinglian!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, and agreed directly to Jinse.

Jin Se glanced calmly at Ling Xiao, and did not say much, but stood beside Qinglian.


At this moment, there was a loud noise suddenly in the Valley of Heavenly Demon, which thundered like thunder, and there were countless demonic qi instantaneously taking off.

Those magic qi turned into a huge black vortex in the void, and there are many ancient and mysterious runes and ancient characters appear.

"Demon Valley is on, everyone rushes!"

Someone exclaimed, and suddenly there were countless powerful figures in all directions, rushing towards the depths of the Devil Valley!

"Let's go to Let's go check it out! Even if we can't grab the devil corpse, we can't let it fall into the hands of the devil!"

Qinglian's eyes flashed sharply, and the blue ancient sword behind him came out of the sheath, and the sword light differentiated, instantly enveloping Ling Xiao and others, and shooting towards the depths of the Devil Valley.

In the depths of Demon Valley, the endless magic light flashes, and a black altar emerges, and an old man in black robe sits on it. It looks very similar to the human race, except that the pupil is blue and the eyebrows have Except for a mysterious rune, the others are no different from human races.

He sat on the altar, and the whole person looked lifelike, exuding a strong breath.

If he didn't feel that his body was filled with death, I'm afraid some people really thought that the devil was alive!

That's right, this old man in black robe is the demon corpse!

Under the altar, a black giant snake with a bucket thickness coiled up to hundreds of feet, the black scale armor shone with a cold awn, a sarcoma on the head, and the eyes were blood red and cruel, the mouth was full of snakes, and the stare was staring. Focus on everyone!

This black giant snake is the warcraft of the guardian demon corpse, and has the combat power comparable to the **** realm!

At this moment, the ancient formation that enveloped them was broken, and both the demon corpse and the black giant snake appeared in front of everyone.

The closest to the altar are three terrifying demonic powerhouses, a tiger-headed body, a wolf-headed body, an eagle-headed body, each with powerful blood, cold eyes, and murderous sight, all of which have a heavenly realm. Xiuwei is staring at everyone!

They are naturally the tiger demon of the tiger demon, the wolf mountain of the wolf demon, and the eagle of the shadow demon!

PS: Thirdly, everyone take a break early.

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