Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1332: Erosion Worm!

Ji Yuanlong and Qinglian finally felt wrong. They thought that the youths of the Demon Clan would **** the corpse of the Demon Saint, but they did not expect that an erosion insect appeared on the altar, and the true goal of the youth of the Demon Clan was erosion. World bug!

"Thanks to the ancestors for blessing, I will definitely inherit the ancestors' legacy and cultivate true erosion insects!"

Tian Jie Clan Youth Bo Jie, respectfully bowed toward the Demon Saint Body.

"Damn it, get away with me!"

Ji Yuanlong's eyes were fierce and the look was very ugly.

He felt that there was a feeling that he was being fooled. The Sacred Body of the Demon Saint hadn't snatched it. He even got the eclipse insect by Bojie, and immediately felt very bad.

When Wang Chong, Fang Chong and others saw the erosion insect, their eyes were very frightened.

In the Tiger Demon Clan and Sirius Mountain, the defective products in a two-winged realm have put them in danger, almost life is not as good as death, so how terrifying should this erosion insect be in front of you?


The purple gold spear in Ji Yuanlong's hands erupted into a terrifying divine power, and the purple thunder light spread across the sky, instantly sweeping the three tigers, Wolf Mountain and Ying Jue, and wanted to kill the wave above the altar.

"Unrestrained! To welcome the advent of my eclipse, you should be honored today to be its food!"

Bo Xun sneered with a strange light in his eyes.


The eclipse worm shuddered slightly around its body, eight wings fluttered into the void, and a terrifying magical energy burst out at the same time, and at the same time a very sharp tweet came out of its mouth, terrifying.

puff! puff! puff!

That horrible sound wave swept the four sides, containing the power fluctuations that destroyed the soul of the soul. Some strong people who cultivated for the weaker instantaneously exploded their brows, and the Yuanshen directly turned into nothingness, which was directly shocked by this sound wave.

Even Ye Liangchen, Feng Ya, Yin Tiancong and others are suffering from a terrified eyebrow. If the Xuanwang didn't protect them in time, I'm afraid they would be hit hard!

"What a horrible erosion insect, bastard, it's so bad!"

Ye Liangchen's eyes widened, and he glared sadly at the eclipse insects and the wave-shaped Jie above the altar.

Swish swish!

At this moment, thousands of black lines suddenly spewed out of the mouth of the eclipse insects, and those black lines were intertwined and entangled with each other, even turned into a huge net, covering the entire Demon Valley!

All of a sudden, the spirits of the gods erupted, and there was an extremely powerful force of corrosion, which was looming towards everyone.

Everyone was horrified to find that the magical power in their bodies was losing rapidly, as if some mysterious force had eroded into their bodies.

Even Ji Yuanlong and Qinglian couldn't help but change their faces, because they also felt the speed of the body's power passing by quickly.

"Give me!"

Ji Yuanlong roared with a roar, and the purple gold sharp gun in his hand turned into a gigantic divine dragon rising from the sky, trying to break through the black giant net.

But when contacted with the black giant net, Zijin Shenlong instantly annihilated, and turned into a Zijin God Gun, flying back to Ji Yuanlong.


Qinglian is also full of sword spirit, and the ancient sword rises to the sky, trying to break through the black giant net, and ultimately failed!

"Useless! In the Luodiwang this day, all of you have only one ending, that is death!"

Bo Jie looked at many people indifferently

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

The strong said.

Just in this moment of time, there were several human clan strongmen who were invaded by the gods and demons, and directly exploded and died!

The black giant snakes, tiger gangsters, wolf hills and eagles and other demon strong men, under the command of Bozen, were killed towards Ji Yuanlong and Qinglian and other people. For a time, the human race strong men were in danger. in.

Ling Xiao stood near the altar, surrounded by fierce battles. He stared at Bo Xun and the erosion insect on the altar, his eyes showing a strange look.

He also has three silver warriors in his hands, and he can't catch a blow with a sudden attack, which is enough to make Bo Jie busy and even push him back.

As long as Bo Jie is forced to retreat, Ling Xiao can naturally grab the demon corpse in his hand, but the most critical thing is how to deal with the erosion insects!

This erosion insect is very dangerous to Ling Xiao. It is not comparable to those defective products. If it can't deal with erosion insects, Ling Xiao itself is dangerous under the attack of erosion insects and wave Jie!


But just as Ling Xiao thought about it, a ray of nine colors appeared on the altar in an instant, and the speed was so fast that even Bojie did not react.

It was a butterfly with nine-colored light flowing, its wings thin as a gauze, and it looked incredibly beautiful, exuding a mysterious wave, directly rushing towards the erosion insect.

It is the celestial butterfly!

Ling Xiao was stunned for a moment, but did not expect that the celestial butterfly rushed towards the eclipse insect at this time, and a fierce battle broke out between the two!

There was an extremely sharp tweet in the mouth of the erosion insect, even with a hint of fear. After all, it was only a defective product, not a complete erosion insect. When faced with the celestial butterfly, the natural instinct Will be afraid.

The eclipse worm suddenly squirted a black magic I want to trap the goddess butterfly, but the nine-color glory of the goddess butterfly is extremely mysterious, and those black magic wires disappear directly Too.

The wings of the celestial butterfly fluttered, and a nine-color **** needle appeared in his mouth.

Bo Jie above the altar saw this scene slightly for a moment, but then he was furious, and he directly patted toward the Sky God Butterfly.

Although he didn't recognize the supplementary celestial butterfly, the supplementary celestial butterfly wanted to destroy his erosion insects, which suddenly made him unbearable!

"good chance!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and he instantly rose up into the sky, the unparalleled divine power exploded, and a punch blasted towards the erosion insect!

The three silver warriors also appeared in the void in an instant, and a terrible breath broke out all over the body. Three silver war guns penetrated the void and stabbed toward the whole body of the wave!

"Asshole, who?"

Bo Xun was frightened and angry, and suddenly his whole body was thin, and a black war knife appeared directly in his palm, suddenly slashing towards the three silver warriors in front!


The Void Shock, the silver war gun and the black war knife collided, and a bright light erupted!

But because Bo Jie was in a hurry, the silver warrior was indestructible, and possessed the divine power, and immediately blasted Bo Xun out!


Ling Xiao also hit the body of the erosion insect with a punch, and at the same time, a powerful force of swallowing the heavens directly hit the body of the erosion insect!

The eclipse worm trembles all over the body, and the power that swallows the heavens is like adding fuel to the fire, and an extremely chaotic force suddenly erupts in the body of the erosion insect!

PS: Thirdly, everyone take a break early.

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