Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1334: Killing intention!

A gleam of light flashed into the palm of Ling Xiao, and the Demon Saint's body was directly included in the Wordless Book.

The demon corpse contains the power of the holy way. General artifacts and even semi-holy treasures cannot contain the deity corpse, and only the complete holy treasure can contain it.

Only Ling Wu's body can only receive the Demon Saint's body. The goal of everyone is the Demon Saint's body, and it is only safe to collect the Demon Saint's body!

"Hand over the demon corpse!"

Ji Yuanlong saw a boy in the late real **** realm, and put away the demon corpse, and suddenly his face was cold and he screamed.

At the same time, he was also shocked in his heart, able to put away the demon corpse, indicating that there must be an indispensable space holy body on the kid in this God of War Academy!

You know, the Xuan Kun sword just in Ling Xiao's hand has attracted countless people's attention, plus the space holy treasure on his body, that is to say, there are two indispensable holy treasures on this kid!

Even if Ji Yuanlong's eyes showed a trace of the greedy corpse I got, this brother may be late! "

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and said lightly.

"This younger brother, the demon corpse is not something that you can take away. Give it to me. Whether it is a **** stone or a **** crystal, I can satisfy you!"

Ji Yuanlong's eyes were cold, and he stared at Ling Xiao with death.

"Sorry, the truth that the things in my hands have never been taken out! This fellow, speaking of it, if I hadn't solved the worms, I'm afraid you are still trapped in the black net. Some kindness will revenge?"

Ling Xiao said lightly, his expression was very calm!

"Only you can solve the eclipse? You can't do it yourself! Since you are so ignorant, then don't blame Brother I am welcome!"

Ji Yuanlong's eyes flashed with a murderous glance, and he slid down towards Ling Xiao with a palm in the air!

"You despicable people, killed my eclipse insects, you all have to die!"

Bo Jie is even more flamboyant, full of extremely fierce killing intentions, he also hates Ling Xiao to the extreme, if not Xiao Xiao and Bu Tian Shendie, his erosion insects will not die!

He suddenly erupted an unmatched magic light, knocked back the three silver warriors, and then summoned the black giant snake to kill the three silver warriors. He himself was killed towards Ling Xiao!

Ji Yuanlong wanted to **** the demon corpse, and Bo Jie wanted to kill Ling Xiao. At this moment, the two strong men of the human race and the demon attacked Ling Xiao at the same time.

Seeing Ling Xiao is about to fall into a dangerous situation!

Seeing this scene, Qinglian suddenly froze and yelled at Ji Yuanlong: "Ji Yuanlong, it's important to deal with the devil! Do you want to hurt your loved ones, is the enemy fast?"

She was stopped by Hu Gong, Wolf Mountain and Ying Jue at this moment. Although her combat power was extremely strong, she had suppressed the three great demon powerhouses, but she couldn't get away for a while.

Qinglian's voice oscillated in the void, but Ji Yuanlong didn't seem to hear it at all.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, and the two drops of saint in his mouth swallowed instantly. The majestic divine power that had been used up was filled up again, and the Xuan Kun sword became dazzling again. Jianyi broke out!

A black divine light was surging. Behind Ling Xiao seemed to appear a black ocean. Xuan Kun sword rose up in the sky, wrapped in the torrential waves, and fell towards Ji Yuanlong and Bojie!


-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---


Ji Yuanlong's gloomy eyes, the purple gold sharp gun in his hand pierced in the sky, a burst of purple thunder light exploded in the void, and collided with the Xuan Kun sword in front of him!


The blazing light was dazzling, and Xuan Kun's sword was extremely terrifying. Although Ji Yuanlong and Bo Jie exploded into extremely powerful forces, they were repelled by this sword!

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a helpless look, but unfortunately his own practice was still a little worse, and he could only rely on the power of Xuan Kun Sword, but Xuan Kun Sword was too expensive to consume the Holy Liquid. , The Holy Liquid he got was going to run out!

"No, you must go!"

A glimmer of glance in Ling Xiao's eyes directly collected the cocoon transformed by the Sky Butterfly into the Wordless Heavenly Book, and when he turned around, he flew away beyond the Demon Valley!

"Where to go? Leave me!"

In Ji Yuanlong's eyes, a murderous flash struck, and the Zijin sharp pierce instantly penetrated the void and spurred towards Ling Xiao!

"Despicable human race, die for me!"

Bo Jie also roared loudly, his whole body was violently murderous, and he was violent, and the black magic knife seemed to be wrapped in a huge wave, and he was also slashing towards Lingxiao!

"Stop it for me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with precision, ready to let the three silver warriors shake Ji Yuanlong and Bo Jie's blow, and then he could escape.

However, I haven't waited for the three silver warriors to shoot, and the sky seems to light up at this moment!


It was a brilliant sword light that exploded in the void, as if it contained immeasurable light, illuminating the immeasurable world, and at the same time a magnificent vitality rushed in turned into a sky river, It seems to cut off the world, but also cut off Ji Yuanlong, Bo Jie and Ling Xiao!

Everyone can see that in a bright light, a figure in black lingers around the endless sword spirit, slashing a sword towards Ji Yuanlong and Bo Jieyao!

"This is... the sword of the holy way?!"

Ji Yuanlong roared loudly, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

That sword light, as if it were the eternal sun, contains vitality, like the land of spring, and both Ji Yuanlong and Bo Jie should be buried in it!

"Shenxiao Dragon King changes!"

"Miscellaneous Demon Skills!"

Under this horrible sword, both Ji Yuanlong and Bo Jie felt a deep crisis, and they both screamed wildly and exhibited the most powerful means!

Ji Yuanlong's purple air rose throughout his body, and the thunder light filled him. His whole person turned into a purple dragon, exuding the divine supernatural power, setting off the sky's thunder light, and blasting towards that sword!

Bo Jie was tumbling around his body, and the tremor in the void behind him appeared a very phantom figure. The figure seemed to come from the endless time and space, and a punch fell down on the sword!


The bright sword spirit exploded as if to destroy all vitality.

The purple magic dragon transformed by Ji Yuanlong exploded in a sudden burst of thunder, and his entire body flew out suddenly, coughing up blood in his mouth, and his face became extremely pale!

Bo Jie was even more miserable, his arms were suddenly broken and the whole person flew out!

"This is...Life Kendo?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, a look of extreme surprise appeared in his eyes, and suddenly looked at the figure in the void!

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