Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 9 Chapter 1548: Heart Circle Symbol and Zhu Heart Symbol!

Ling Xiao spent a month in the Fu Dian and failed thousands of times before finally refining the Heart Realm and Zhu Xin Fu!

"This Heart Symbol and Zhu Heart Symbol are too difficult to refine. This is still in the Fu Dian. If I find it out from the outside, I am afraid it will take at least a few years!"

Ling Xiao sighed, with a trace of tiredness on his face.

Making the amulet in the rune hall, the power of the heart can communicate the mysterious road mark in the rune hall, and it is easier to refine the rune out.

It's just that the heart symbol and the heart symbol are too wonderful, not only involving the application of the heaven and earth avenue, but also involving the understanding of the heart.

In the process of refining Xinjie and Zhuxinfu, Ling Xiao's understanding of the power of the heart has become more and more sophisticated. With the understanding of the power of the heart, Ling Xiao gradually understands the humility of the humiliating scriptures. Powerful, it turned out that all he had learned was fur.

The Heart Bound and the Heart Blow are both made by Ling Xiao with the Wannian God Jade, which looks like a slap, and there are many strange patterns on it, which makes people feel as if they are shaking their hearts.

It is very simple to urge these two runes, as long as they are inspired by the power of the heart!

"Xu Bo, what do you think of the heart symbol and the heart symbol I refined?"

After Ling Xiao left Fu Dian, he immediately showed the Heart Bound and Zhu Xin Fu to Xu Bo.

"Yes! It is indeed the Heart Rune and Zhuxin Rune. With these two runes, there is no problem dealing with a wave of Demon Saint!"

Xu Bo smiled lightly.

"Okay! Uncle Xu, I'll say goodbye first!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, a look of anticipation appeared in his eyes.

Although he has been in the Taixu Temple for a month, Ling Xiao has a hunch in his heart. He will also see Bo You Mo Sheng. Not only does he want to get the menstrual period on Bo You Mo Sheng, but also Bo You Mo Sheng To get his menstrual period and years compass.


Ling Xiao's body was shining brightly, and he instantly communicated with his heart. The whole became a brilliant light, traversed a lot of time and space, and returned to the mountain range where he was.

This mountain range has been turned into a large area, and dozens of mountains have been turned into powder, completely disappeared, the earth has sunk, and seawater has poured into it.

At that time, Ling Xiao's turbulence was too strong, and almost all of this place was sinking.

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered in his eyes, carefully looked around, and did not notice the breath of the wave ghost demon sage, he was ready to fly in the direction of Yuanlong City.

"Ji...boy, I knew you didn't run away at all! You still showed up, hey, how could you resolve the demon prohibition I left behind?"

Suddenly, a murky voice sounded in the void, the black magic energy surging, and the wave of the demon holy shrouded in a magic light and appeared in front of Ling Xiao.

There is a trace of surprise in his eyes. You must know that the Heaven Demon forbidden is very powerful. The general half-sacred cannot be cracked. This Long Aotian is nothing but the cultivation of the Divine King Realm. How can it be solved so quickly? opened?

"Bo You Mo Sheng, haven't you left yet? Did you stay to die?"

Ling Xiao said lightly, his eyes very calm.

Despite the terrifying breath of Bo You Mo Sheng in front of him, Ling Xiao was keenly aware that the injury on Bo You Mo Sheng was very heavy. I am afraid it was the aftereffect of Mobei Shuangsha's explosion.

Mobei Shuangsha is also a sorrow reminder, originally wanted to chase Ling Xiao, but unfortunately was killed by Bo You Mo Sheng.

"Boy, Mo Yao bluff, today I want to see how you can escape my palm!"

Bo You Mo Sheng sneered, with a hint of mad killing in his eyes.


The magic light around him was turbulent, and the world and earth were trembling violently. A ray of blood burst from his body and instantly turned into a ray of blood rushing towards Lingxiao!


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and he punched directly.

The dazzling fist marks exploded in the void, containing vast and unparalleled divine power, as if to be able to destroy everything. The blood shadows had not even approached Ling Xiao at all, and they all exploded directly.

"Bo You Mo Sheng, with your strength, want to kill me?"

Ling Xiao sneered, his whole body was bloody, and even turned into a blood dragon, coiled around his body, making him look majestic and mysterious.

Bo You Mo Sheng's eyes became hotter and hotter, and he licked his lips and said, "What a powerful flesh, if such a **** food can be swallowed up, it will definitely make my injury completely healed, boy, you give this book Come on, obediently!"

Bo You Mo Sheng shouted, the blood around him became more and more flaming, and finally his whole body was transformed into a blood shadow, and then suddenly rushed towards Ling Xiao.


The vast sea of ​​blood permeated, and the world and earth were burned into crimson blood, and the blood water boiled in it, as if a mysterious ancient corpse was slain towards Ling Xiao, making the heart tremble.

However, Ling Xiao's expression was very calm, and there was a hint of taunt in his eyes.

When the wave ghost demon was about to pounce on Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao's body suddenly exuded a very mysterious atmosphere fluctuation.

A vast world seems to emerge out of nothingness, and it is instantly suppressed towards the wave ghost demon!

A chain of order gods even traverses the void, containing the power wave of incomparable terror, and instantly descends from the sky, directly entangles the wave ghost demon, and then pulls into that vast world!

Heart broke out!

Ling Xiao communicated the world with the power of the heart, forming a vast heart realm, directly suppressing the wave ghost demon saint. This is the power of the heart realm, so the wave ghost demon saint can be said that there is no precaution at all.

"What is this place?!"

A wave of trembling color appeared in the eyes of Bo You Mo Sheng, the tremor trembles violently in the heart, the holy glow of horror all over the body, as if to break this world and escape from it.

"Bo You Mo Sheng, this is the heart symbol I prepared for you, you can enjoy it honestly! Zhu heart symbol, go!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly, her eyes full of sharpness.

At the same time, he urged the Zhuxinfu, and the black Shenhong emerged in an instant, and turned into a black sword light, and suddenly rushed towards the wave of Demon Saint in the heart.

"This is...the power of the heart?! The path of the heart-saint you have taken? How is this possible?"

Bo You Mo Sheng's face changed greatly, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

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