Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1571: Cover the sky

"If you want to cultivate the holy law of immortality, there is a long way to go! But if I can congregate the robbery, I will have much more opportunities to win the control of Fan Tianyin from the hands of Zhan Tianxing!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, thinking secretly.

Zhantianxing is a member of the Zhan tribe, and Ling Xiao believes that in order to control Fan Tianyin, Zhantianxing must have also practiced the holy law of immortality. Maybe he has already condensed the robbery, and he also feels very much. Great pressure.

"The easiest place to gather qi is when the warrior crosses the thunder robber! Maybe I can help the master brothers to cross the **** king robber!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I am afraid that only Ling Xiao can help others to cross the God King. He believes that even Tiantian Xing would not dare to use this method to collect the robbing qi.

Because Thunder Tribulation is the test of the warrior in heaven and earth. If someone else helps to cross the Tribulation, it will only multiply the power of Thunder Tribulation.

However, Ling Xiao is in the thunder robbery, but can completely shield her breath from stealing the sky, stealing the robbery, and helping the robbery get through the robbery more easily.

The sky-covering mystery technique is claimed to be able to cover even the sky. Ling Xiao obtained the complete sky-covering mystery technique. The more you practice, the more you can feel the magical effect of the sky-covering mystery technique.

Ling Xiao left Chuan Gong Hall.

Outside the Chuan Gong Hall, Cheng Ying did not leave, still waiting for Ling Xiao.

"Sister Dragon, did you come out so quickly? Could it be that you have not inherited the holy law of immortality?"

There was a trace of surprise in Cheng Ying's eyes, and he was also disappointed.

"How long have I stayed inside?"

Ling Xiao froze for a moment, and he felt that he had spent a long time in that scroll, but it didn't look like Cheng Ying.

"You don't know how long you have stayed in it? I just came out, not even a quarter of an hour, you just came out!" Cheng Ying looked at Ling Xiao strangely.

"A quarter of an hour? I thought I stayed in it for a long time!"

Ling Xiao was stunned for a while. He enlightened the holy law of immortality in that scroll, and he must have enlightened for a very long time. This can only be said that the mysterious space in the scroll and the outside world have different time flow rates.

"Senior Dragon, although the holy law of immortality is extremely difficult to comprehend, you don't have to come out so quickly? Is a chance wasted in vain!"

Cheng Ying said with some pity.

"Sister Cheng, I have already inherited the holy law of immortality!"

Ling Xiao looked at Cheng Ying and smiled slightly.


This time Cheng Ying was shocked.

"Brother Master, within a quarter of an hour you have inherited the holy law of ten thousand robberies? This... how is this possible? It is said that Lian Zhantianxing is claimed to be the fastest one to realize the holy law of ten thousand robberies in millions of years. But I also learned three days and three nights! You... still really gave me a surprise!"

Cheng Ying said with emotion, looking at Ling Xiao carefully, as if it was the first time he saw Ling Xiao.

"Did Zhantianxing spend three days and three nights?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and there was some speculation in his heart. I am afraid it was because he entered the picture scroll. I don't know if everyone will enter the picture scroll to get inherited. It seems that I need to go back and ask Ask Brother Liu Wenzheng.

"Yes! But now, it seems that Zhan Tianxing and Brother Long are far worse than you as shit! Hey, Brother Dragon, you have inherited the holy law of indestructibility. Right?"

Cheng Ying exaggerated Ling Xiao's sentence first, and then said a little embarrassedly.

"Yes! I do need anger to condense the seeds!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly, his mind vaguely guessed Cheng Ying wanted him.

"Sister Long, I won't hide you! I'm going to go to the sixth Nirvana, but the nine-turn Nirvana of the Half-Holy is more dangerous each time, even I don't have much confidence, so I hope you can help me Once, I believe the anger in my Nirvana is also important to you!"

Cheng Ying looked slightly correct and looked at Ling Xiao seriously.

"Let me help you to ride Nirvana? Sister Cheng, you look too high on me? Are you not afraid of my participation, which makes Nirvana more dangerous? And Zhan Tianxing also cultivated the holy law of immortality, Cheng Why did sister find me?"

Ling Xiao looked at Cheng Yingdao somewhat curiously.

"Sister Long, I know you have a lot of doubts in my heart, I will explain to you one by one!"

Cheng Ying said seriously: "Let you help me through Nirvana, if there is no means, it will indeed make Nirvana more dangerous, but I have a heavenly rune in my hand that can perfectly cover your breath, no Let heaven and earth perceive your existence, so that you can refine your qi!

As for why not look for Zhan Tian Xing, one reason is that the ancient sky covert in my hand was obtained from an ancient ruin. Some are incomplete and incomplete, and can only be used by people below the half saint! Second, I don't like I can't believe him! "

"Covering the ancient runes?"

Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, but he didn't expect Cheng Ying's hands to contain such treasures.

The ancient cloak of the sky is a rune holy that has been covered with the mystery of the sky in the ancient times. It is a magical amulet that can perfectly cover all the breath of the warrior, even the traces of the true spirit and fate. , But much more powerful than the stealth.

However, there are not many Rune Saints in the Divine Realm today, and the Covering Mystery Technique has also become crippled, so no one has been able to refine the Covering Heaven Rune.

If Cheng Ying had the Ancient Sky Rune in his hands, such a plan would indeed work, and it would also prevent Ling Xiao from exposing the Heaven Cover Run.

"Look, this is it!"

As soon as the light flashed in the palm of Cheng Ying, a black jade rune appeared. There were many mysterious rune lines on it, which outlined the Yunzhang seal, which is very magical.

It's just that this jade charm is missing a corner, no wonder it can only be used by the strong men below the half-sage.

"Sister Cheng, when are you going to cross Nirvana? I have a reluctant request. Can this ancient covert rune be studied for me first?"

Ling Xiao looked at Cheng Ying with some embarrassment.

The reason why Ling Xiao wanted to cover the ancient runes was because he wanted to study the refining method of covering the ancient runes. If he could develop the refining method of covering the ancient runes, even if he could not produce the holy runes, It's just enough to refine the rune.

Cheng Ying hesitated a little, but nodded his head and said, "Yes! But there is only one last chance to use the Tiantian Rune. You can study it, but be careful. I count on Nirvana! "

"Sister Cheng is relieved, I just study it, maybe I can still make out the Tiantian Ancient Rune!"

Ling Xiao smiled slightly.

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