Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1577: Compete with the sky for robbery!

Everyone was secretly laughing, and the black donkey was so miserable that they couldn't bear to look straight.

Ling Xiao is also slightly guilty, turning his head to stop looking at the black donkey. To be honest, he did secretly remediate the black donkey. Although Feng Ya and Yin Tiancong have the same deep foundation, Ling Xiao protects them in thunder. , To prevent them from being hit hard, and use Lei Di Jue to guide the power of Thunder Tribulation to cleanse their flesh.

However, the treatment of the black donkey Ling Xiao was much more rude. Ling Xiao directly added 20 robbing qi into it, which caused the original black donkey **** king robbery to be only at the level of the level. As a result, because of Ling Xiao's interference, it directly became Heaven-level **** king robbery makes the black donkey desperate to die, and it is understandable that he has a grudge against Ling Xiao.

"Sister Xuanwang, do you want to cross the robbery?"

Ling Xiao looked at Xuan Wang with a slight smile, and there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

Although Xuan Wang is now only the perfect practice of Heaven and God Realm, but Xuan Wang has broken through to the completion of God King Realm in the Virtual Holy Realm, and already has the realm of God King Realm. There is no bottleneck.

Moreover, Ling Xiao thought of her body, the inheritance of the figure like a peerless female emperor, even more looking forward to the level of her **** king robbery.

"I also choose to cross the robbery today, there is Brother Lao Long!"

Xuan Wang smiled lightly.


She stood up, exuding brilliant light all over her body, flying black hair, and peerless in white clothes. The whole person exuded a graceful, dignified and mysterious temperament.

After Xuan Wang let go of the breath of his whole body, an immense glare suddenly rushed to the sky.


Above the Battle Mountain, the sky dome seemed to break apart in an instant, and all things died out, and a black bolt of lightning appeared silently, intertwined like a black dragon, and at the same time it was filled with a faint luster of chaos.

Leihai rises, vast and unmatched, and even in the middle of Leihai, there is an ancient mine pond, as if it is the light of the earth, and a horrible figure emerges from it.

"what is that?!"

Zhou Daoji and others were all trembling, with an unbelievable look in their eyes.

They have never seen such a **** king robbery. The figure in the ancient Lei Chi is like a peerless emperor who has been pushed horizontally for nine days and ten earths, invincible in the heavens and tens of thousands of realms, and the Sifang Sky Dome was violently shaken as soon as it appeared.

At this moment, Xuan Wang's eyes also became extremely bright.


I saw her sneering, and the whole person suddenly turned into a stream of light rising from the sky, exuding mysterious and vast fluctuations, killing the figure in the thunder.

"The figure of the emperor...much like the female emperor in Wu Dao sea in the virtual saint realm!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, revealing a dignified color, and at the same time a little puzzled.

When he went through the robbery, it was the nine emperors with the same glory. The figure of the nine emperors reigned over the ages. If the power of thunder robbery was not exhausted in the end, he might not be the opponent of Nine Emperor's virtual shadow.

And now, when Xuan Wang crosses the robbery, there is also an imaginary image of an emperor, but it looks like the female emperor encountered in Wudaohai.

What is the relationship between Xuanwang and the emperor?

Ling Xiao's gaze flickered in his eyes, but he instantly performed the sky-covering mystery technique and flew towards the thunder king's thunder robbery. Ling Xiao could feel that the emperor's phantom contained extremely rich Robbery.

The faint chaos in Ling Xiao's body permeated him. He operated the holy law of immortality and wanted to absorb the hijacking energy contained in the shadow of the empress.


The emperor seemed to be aware of it. Suddenly, her eyes showed a very fierce blaze, fell on Ling Xiao's body, and then slapped on Ling Xiao's body with a slap, directly pulling Ling Xiao out.


Ling Xiao was shocked, and there was an incredible look in his eyes. The figure of the emperor was all the brand of the world, how could he have his own will? Actually slammed Ling Xiao out.

Even Tian Gang, Zhou Daojie and others all had their eyes widened, and they watched Ling Xiao fly away by the figure of the emperor.

"Hey, this kid has done a lot of bad things, has he been retaliated?"

The black donkey grinned wide, showing white teeth and laughing out there happily.


Ling Xiao was pumped out of Lei Hai, almost breaking the occult spell, he was frightened and quickly stabilized his body. At this moment Ling Xiao found that he was close to Lei Hai The ancient mine pond on the other side.

In the Thunder Pond, the thunder light was fiercely dazzling, and the Thunder Tribulation Liquid exuded mysterious and vast energy fluctuations, and the two forces of destruction and vitality were intertwined, which seemed extremely mysterious.

"That's... robbery?!"

Ling Xiao was shocked, he suddenly found that there was a robbery and ups and downs in the Lei Chi, exuding extraordinary power, as if containing the laws of the Avenue, so that this Lei Chi was inviolable.

"I didn't expect that the anger was born from the Lei Chi, and I can't let it go anyway!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

He immediately jumped into the thunder pool with a direct figure, and the vast expanse of thunder robbery exploded, and the terrifying power of destruction exploded.

Although Ling Xiao performed the occultation technique, he jumped into the thunder pool, just like stabbing the horse's honeycomb. There was no way to withstand the sky-long thunder.


The heavens and the earth seemed to be furious, and the vast thunderstorm fluid in the thunder pool rolled, and a fierce ray of thunder fell towards Lingxiao, and he was to be completely turned into powder.

"Swallow me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes have a hint of madness, he can feel the horrible fluctuations in the Lei Chi, but in order to be angry, he also intends to At the same time, he also performed the mystery of engulfing the sky and the mystery of covering the sky, just like the whale swallowing the sea in the thunder pool. .

All the robbing qi was like a blade, was introduced into the body by Ling Xiao, and began to explode in his body. Those robbing qi could not be collected at all, and he could only swallow it with the most rude choice.

Ling Xiao is like competing with Heaven and Earth for robbing Qi, and suddenly it causes Heaven and Earth to start furious!


The terrifying thunder rose from the thunder pond, and it started as a black thunder, and the back turned into purple and gold thunder, intertwined into a monstrous net, which enveloped Ling Xiao.

At the beginning, Ling Xiao was able to contend with physical strength, but in the future the thunder became more horrible, and even Ling Xiao couldn't even contend with it. The body was directly penetrated by several blood holes.

Moreover, the more terrifying thunder rises from the endless chaos and continues to fall towards him!

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