Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1634: Fight against law enforcement disciples!

More than a dozen half-holy strong men were slaying towards Ling Xiao at the same time, and their whole bodies were filled with anger, as if they were coming out of the **** sea of ​​Daoshan. They shot fiercely and ruthlessly, and walked towards Ling Xiao's whole body.

After a short temptation, they found that Ling Xiao's physical power was extremely horrible. He no longer chose to confront Ling Xiao, and they all exhibited powerful holy methods and holy treasures to attack Ling Xiao from a distance.


A black blade of light cuts through the sky, contains the power to destroy everything, and heads down towards Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, the heavenly chaotic stele encircled by the faint light of chaos, thick and ancient, directly greeted him, smashed the sky's sword light, and then blasted towards the law enforcement disciple.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Behind Ling Xiao, there were several fierce sword lights rising, intertwined with each other's monstrous aura, shot at his head, heart, dantian and limbs, and shot very tricky.

If Ling Xiao insists on attacking the law enforcement disciple who made the sword, the entire person will inevitably be stabbed by those swords, and will likely be hit hard.

These law-enforcement disciples not only acted ruthlessly, but also cooperated with each other to the utmost. They were most aware of the weaknesses of these true disciples, and were able to adapt themselves to choose the most appropriate means of attack.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed coldly, and he didn't even see the fierce sword lights behind him. At the foot of the move, he moved to the law enforcement disciple in front of him, and the heavenly chaotic monument smashed towards him. Down.

"court death!"

The face of the law enforcement disciple who changed his sword changed, but he did not expect Ling Xiao to choose this kind of life-threatening style of play. He immediately urged the sword in his hand, and the whole body's holy power exploded, welcoming toward the Chaos Monument of Heavenly Dao.


The Heavenly Path Chaos Monument weighs hundreds of thousands of yuan, just like an ancient god, the power of the inexhaustible holy treasure explodes, and directly shoots that sword of war into powder, and smashes it **** the chest of the law enforcement disciple!

A clear voice sounded, and the chest of the law-enforcement disciple suddenly collapsed, and a huge blood hole appeared directly. Blood spewed wildly in the mouth, and the whole person flew out directly.

At this moment, the sword lights also enveloped Ling Xiao.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Ling Xiao did not hide or shine, but when those sword lights fell on him, the sound of gold and iron clashes erupted, Mars was shining, and there was a purple air spreading around Ling Xiao, and the whole person exuded eternity. Immortal breath fluctuates.

"Go away!"

Ling Xiao drank a bit loudly, and the Heavenly Chaos Stele swept away, smashing the sky's sword light directly, and then the whole body was shining brightly, kicking out a few feet, surpassing lightning, and accompanied by the wind and thunder, as if Even a mountain can collapse directly.

The law-enforcement disciples who followed behind failed to dodge. They were suddenly struck by lightning and kicked out by Ling Xiao.


Ling Xiao's blood was rising around his body, and there was a purple qi. The sound of Long Yin shook the world. He seemed to turn into an ancient ancient dragon, sweeping the four sides, and there was an invincible momentum.

Although the law-enforcement disciples cooperated well with each other and had a strong fighting force, they seemed to have no lethality in front of Ling Xiao, and they were repelled by Ling Xiao. That is to say, only the second and a half Saints can barely resist Ling Xiao's attack.

"He actually used his flesh to resist the Treasure of the Half Saint, how could his flesh be so strong?"

Tang Yao exclaimed, his face ugly.

The stronger Ling Xiao's cultivation base was, the more shock and jealousy she felt in her heart, and there was even an uncontrollable hunch that made her feel uncomfortable.

"It seems that I really underestimated him! This child's physical strength is really rare! Even the demon and demon who are known to be powerful are not as good as him!"

Lu Hun's eyes also showed a trace of shock.

He could see that when the attacks of the law enforcement disciples fell on Ling Xiao, a slight ripple appeared like a water wave, and Ling Xiao had a kind of wave that could not be violated.


An unmatched spear came out in the air, exuding a purple-gold luster, just like a divine dragon piercing towards Xiao Xiao, powerful!

At the same time, there was a giant axe exuding a fierce and fierce atmosphere, slashing down towards Lingxiao as if it could split the world.

Among the law-enforcement disciples, the two most powerful three-and-a-half shots were shot.

The two of them struck at the same time towards Ling Xiao, and the one shot was a coercion, which made people tremble.


Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in the center, and the strength of these two three-turn half-saints was so strong that he also felt a hint of threat. The Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument in his palm rose into the sky in an instant, and a haze of chaos smashed him Enveloped, so that his breath has become irrelevant.


Ling Xiao, like an invisible shadow, instantly penetrated the heavy void, collided with the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument and the gun, bursting into each other a dazzling divine light.

Ling Xiao bullied himself straight up, punched at the three-turn half-sacred horror, and at the same time, the Heavenly Chaos Monument flew off and greeted the giant Bang!

The earthquake shook, the vast Shenghui bloomed, and the three-turn half-staff did not expect that Ling Xiao was so fast. He had to urge the whole body Sheng Hui to shoot a palm towards Ling Xiao, and at the same time the streamer flashed under his feet. It's going to back away.

Ling Xiao broke that palm print with a punch, and then the whole person's speed was faster, like a golden lightning, coming from the sky, and blasted hundreds of punches towards the three-turn half-sanctuary in front of him.

Ling Xiao's advantage is the flesh. Even with the power of the flesh, even with Cheng Ying of the Sixth Half-turned Saint, he can't be weak.

Coupled with Ling Xiao's secret removal technique and occultation technique, the whole person is haunted. Although these law-enforcement disciples know Ling Xiao's weakness, they can't avoid it at all.

Ling Xiao is like a piece of brown sugar, as shadows follow, hundreds of fist prints are terrifying, so that the three-turn half-sacred can't help but change his face, although he struggles to contend, but also constantly retreating!


After the collision between the Heavenly Dao Chaos Monument and the giant axe, a bright light exploded above the sky dome, and at the same time, it was flew out by the three-turned half-sage.

"Good opportunity! Kill!"

The three-turned half-saint holding a giant axe all had a bright eye. At this moment Ling Xiao's Heavenly Chaos Monument flew off his hand. Without the resistance of this treasure, it was the best opportunity to deal with Ling Xiao.

Suddenly, all law-enforcement disciples were intertwined with holy forces all over their bodies, and the most terrifying offensive force broke out, just like a bright storm of divine light, coming towards Lingxiao.

"go with!"

And the three-turned half-sage of the Zijin War Gun, fighting a few punches against Ling Xiao, coughing up blood in his mouth, staggering back, but the Zijin War Gun in his hand flickered in the void, directly transformed into A purple gold chain twisted Ling Xiao.

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