Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1641: Stimulate nirvana!

Tang Yao and Lu Hun both hated Ling Xiao.

Tang Yao was naturally resentful because Ling Xiao injured her younger brother Tang Fei, but now feels the fear inside because of Ling Xiao's strength.

Lu Hun had to capture Ling Xiao in one fell swoop, but because of the thunder of Wang Lei Ling's birth, he was seriously injured and defeated. He broke his face in front of everyone and made him feel ashamed and angry, all turned into Ling Xiao. anger.

Now, finally let them find an excuse to shoot Ling Xiao.

Ling Ling's servant King Thunderling, would actually kill Xiao Xiao in the world, but this is the peerless holy law of the Temple of War, and it is not allowed to be spread at all. Even the true disciples who want to practice will be subject to extremely strict assessment. The servant learned, Ling Xiao must also blame.

A silver long sword appeared in Tang Yao's hands. The sword was sharp and sharp, and was approaching the extreme. He shot towards Ling Xiao's whole body.

Lu Hun was surrounded by a blazing flame, and his palms were shot towards Lingxiao, and the endless flames rose up, as if to burn Lingxiao to ashes completely.

Both of them hated Ling Xiao to the extreme, so the shot was a killing trick, and they were not merciless at all.


The sky shook, the sword light and flame intertwined in the void, and rushed towards Ling Xiao, the momentum was amazing.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed in cold glance, and suddenly nine heavenly chaotic monuments rose up in the sky, radiating a bright holy glow, and greeted Tang Yao and Lu Hun!


The sky's sword light annihilated, the heavenly chaotic monument collided with Tang Yao, and Tang Yao was so full of blood and blood that the ancient sword in his hand almost all flew away.

But Lu Hun is breathless and terrifying. The giant palm of flame contains the power of terrifying terror, collides with the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument, directly shoots the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument, and then kills towards Lingxiao!


Ling Xiao's horrible divine power rose all over his body, punching out towards the landing, chaotic fist prints were unparalleled, and Lu Hun suddenly collided, and an endless flame erupted in a flash, the sky was a huge shock, and Ling Xiao couldn't help but cross Flew out.

"Is this the fighting strength of the Six-Turn Half Saint?"

Ling Xiao's eyes shook, and the fighting in his eyes grew fiercer.

Lu Hun is now badly hit, but his combat power is still terrifying, especially his holy law of burning the sky, which contains the fierce and true meaning of the three-legged Jinwu, as if it can burn the sky and destroy the earth. Flew out.

Those flames even burned Ling Xiao's skin, so that his extremely strong body had a sign of breaking.

"Long Aotian, you die for me!"

Lu Hun said indifferently, his whole body breath rose, and the killing intention in his eyes was like the substance, full of cruelty.


The sky shook, a flame rose from behind him, and a sharp scream suddenly sounded, and the three-legged golden black rose from the sky, rushing towards Lingxiao.

Ling Xiao's eyes were fierce and fierce, nine heavenly chaotic monuments merged into one, and they swelled instantly, just like an ancient god, exuding a majestic and ancient momentum, was lifted up by Ling Xiao, toward three Zu Jinwu smashed the past.


The quake shook, the three-legged Jinwu collided with the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument, and the endless flame exploded in a flash, forming a blazing flame, which came to the sky.

The scorching breath seemed to be able to burn everything into nothingness, so that Ling Xiao became red all over, and even began to flesh and flesh.


Ling Xiao didn't feel the pain in his body at all. He cast the secret technique of removal and rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, and then punched towards the landing!

"act recklessly!"

Lu Hun sneered with a sneer. He didn't expect that Ling Xiao didn't dodge, but he dared to take the initiative to attack. Suddenly, a fiery flame was shrouded on his fist, and he came towards Ling Xiao!


The two fists collided, the void tremored violently, and the flame above Lu Hun's fist spread towards Ling Xiao's arm, watching Ling Xiao's arm start to burn.

But Ling Xiao's eyes were extremely calm, and even had a trace of profound calmness, which made Lu Hun feel something wrong.

"Not good! It's arrogant!"

Lu Hun shuddered, and suddenly felt a mysterious and ancient power, like a blade, through Ling Xiao's fist, entered his body, and enveloped him all.

This is anger!


In an instant, Lu Hun's breath became extremely violent, and there seemed to be a burst of power to explode in his flesh. The whole person's breath became extremely chaotic, and a wave of life and death intermingled from him. The body is filled!


Lu Hun's Nirvana was triggered!

Lu Hun’s Xiuwei had already reached the six-turn half-holy peak, but because he was not sure about the seventh Nirvana, he kept suppressing Xiuwei, but he was just seriously injured by the Thunder King, and he did not suppress it. Living.

And Ling Xiao was aware of Lu Hun's state at the moment, so he did not hesitate to urge the immortal holy law of ten thousand robberies, and broke the body's qi into Lu Hun's body, and instantly caused his violent repair. For the fluctuation made him unable to suppress the cultivation behavior in the body, Nirvana came at this moment.

Although Ling Xiao's anger was only an introduction, it came just right.

"Ah... save me... I don't want to go through nirvana... I don't want to die..."

Lu Hun trembled, and his eyes were filled with terrified expression, and he began to shout desperately.

When he was not seriously injured, he didn’t dare to spend the seventh Nirvana in his heyday, let alone he is now healed, and the seventh Nirvana was hurriedly ushered in.

But Nirvana can only go by himself, others are helpless and can't help at all!


Lu Hun exuded a very terrible breath fluctuations, like the intertwining of life and death, so that his flesh began to collapse, his entire body was filled with a strange light rain, and his breath gradually changed. If there is nothing to rise, like a gradual death, a rain of light flew from his body.

"What?! How could Lu Hun cross Nirvana at this time?"

Everyone was shocked, his eyes full of incredible looks.

Before, Lu Hun was still fighting Ling Ling and wanted to suppress Ling Xiao, but in an instant Lu Hun was overwhelmed, Nirvana broke out, and the whole person fell to the brink of life and death.

"It should be that Long Aotian didn't know what method was used, which caused Lu Hun's Nirvana! Otherwise, Lu Hun couldn't even suppress his own cultivation behavior!"

A true disciple with a harsh eye said slowly, his eyes full of dignity.

"Long Aotian's means?!"

Everyone trembled, and looked at Ling Xiao as if they saw a ghost!

ps: The fifth is over, everyone rests early.

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