Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1652: Purple Gold Skeleton King!

A huge black palace stands on the top of the mountain. It is majestic and magnificent, exuding an ancient and majestic momentum.

Outside the palace, there are a lot of powerful skeleton guards, the weakest of which is actually the gold skeleton. In addition to the gold skeleton, there are nine full-body snow-white like jade, exuding immortal luster, like a diamond-like solid diamond skeleton, they Each one has a height of more than ten feet, holds a huge bone knife and a shield, and the white flame in the eye socket is dazzling, just like the sun.


   The gate of the palace burst into a hole, from which came out a human-shaped skeleton with a height of hundreds of feet. The whole body exudes purple light. The bones are as crystal-clear as crystals.

   There are two groups of purple robbers in its eyes, which are as gorgeous as the purple Shenyang, and at the same time there is an inexplicable emotion!

   As soon as the purple skull appeared, the majesty of the king instantly filled a thousand miles, so that all the dead creatures in this mountain could not help shaking, and then bowed deeply.

   Their king is awake!

   "I'm the Zijin Skull King...and...Zhantianxing!"

The purple human-shaped skull, the robbery in the eye socket exudes an inexplicable fluctuation. In his heart position, there is a drop of nine-color blood, where he slowly beats, and every time he beats, there will be endless robbers around him. The influx made it more terrifying.

   "Ten years have passed! My layout is still there, this is destined to be my world!"

   Zijin Skull King said excitedly.

   He is Zhantianxing!

Ten years ago, when Zhan Tianxing first entered this world to accept the inheritance of Fan Tianyin, he had not yet condensed the indestructible robbery, but because he had the blood of the Zhan clan, he was able to The first time to awaken the sealed memory, in this world, he conquered the Quartet, continued to practice, using the talents brought by the blood of the War Clan, from a small black iron skeleton, has evolved into a purple gold skull king!

   It was just that ten years ago, because he did not condense the immortal robbery, and wasted a lot of time at that time, so until the end of the time, he still did not find a way to refine Fan Tianyin, and he could only leave in a hurry.

  Before he left, he announced that he was retreating and practicing in the palace and let his hands down to protect the law. He did not expect that ten years later, his men still remained loyal and supportive outside, and did not even want to go in and check it out.

   This made Zhan Tianxing very satisfied.

   "Although I don't know how to control Fan Tianyin, the nine Skeleton Kings must know! As long as they are all killed and swallowed their robbery, I will be able to completely control Fan Tianyin!"

  Zhan Tianxing's eyes looked into the distance, with a gleam of glow.

   In the very center of this world, there are nine immortal holy mountains. Each holy mountain has a titled Skeleton King. The nine titles are also the most powerful existence in this world.

Ten years ago, it took a lot of money to become the Purple Gold Skeleton King, but he saw with his own eyes that a Skeleton King titled Shenxiao, slashed dozens of Purple Gold Skeleton Kings with a single blow. !

   The gap between the Purple Gold Skeleton King and the Title Skeleton King is just like the gap between the Half Saint and the Saint.

   "War One!"

   Zhan Tianxing said lightly.

Suddenly, the strongest of the nine diamond skeletons stood up and bowed respectfully in front of Zhan Tianxing, exuding a wave of awe-inspiring spirit: "War I see the master! Congratulations to the master, Great advancement, sweeping the world!"

  Zhan Tianxing knows that black iron skeletons, bronze skeletons and silver skeletons are all low-level creatures. There is no spirituality, only instinct, but above the golden skeleton, there is no weaker mentality than humans, and there is no difficulty in communicating.

However, the Skeleton family is very important to the upper and lower respect. The lower skeletons will only submit to the upper skeletons, and they dare not resist, and these nine diamond skeletons are named as War One to War Nine. It was cultivated by Xing himself, and refined by secret methods, and he was loyal to him and hardly betrayed him.

   "What can happen in these ten years? Did the nine skull kings ever show up?"

  Zhan Tianxing asked.

"Master Qi! Nothing major happened this decade. The other Zijin Skeleton Kings are relatively honest. Since the King Shen Xiao killed dozens of Zijin Skeleton Kings ten years ago, they are honest! But recently they have Something was about to move, and the legendary Forget River appeared again!"

  Zhan Yi answered honestly.

   "Forget about the river, the other bank is blooming?!"

  Zhan Tianxing's eye sockets, the purple indestructible roaring kind of light was blazing, showing a trace of shock.

In this place of death, there was once the legend of Wangchuan River. It is said that Wangchuan River is a river separating Yin and Yang. The other side of the river grows. If you can swallow the other side of the flower, you can live from death to become real. 'S the existence of nine skull kings!

  Zhantianxing knows that the nine skeleton kings of this world are born from death, have real flesh and blood, and have the power of Aoshi world!

   This is the whole place of death, the temptation that countless undead creatures cannot resist!

   "Very good! War I. Now I will give you a mission. As long as you can complete it, I will take you to the Forget River and give you Zijin robbery to help you break through!"

  Zhan Tianxing said slowly.

   "Master, please command! I will wait for death!"

  The first nine diamond skulls in the first-class battle are all exposed to extremely exciting mental fluctuations, and then bowed down towards Zhantianxing at the same time.

   "There are eight people here, they are in this place of death, they should be very weak now, and their strength is definitely not as good as you! Bring all eight of them to me, regardless of life or death!"

  Zhan Tianxing's indestructible robbery, instantly eight light groups flew out and fell into the hands of the first class.

   This is the atmosphere of Ling Xiao, Geng Long, Geng Hu and other eight major inheritors. Before entering the inner world of Fan Tian Yin, Zhan Tianxing captured it in a very secret way, for today's plan!

Because Zhan Tianxing has the blood of the Zhan tribe, he can awaken the true spirit and memory as soon as he enters this world. He even inherited the power of the last Zijin Skeleton King, but he does not believe that Ling Xiao and others can also Awaken the true spirit and memory.

  According to his experiment ten years ago, the inheritors who entered here must at least break through the realm of the Zijin Skeleton King in order to break the world's confusion and awaken the true spirit and memory.

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