Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1666: Reinvent the King of God!


The king of the **** Xiaoxiao was suppressed with a palm. The horrible palm print contained no blazing thunder. The fish demon roared again and again, feeling the threat of this palm storage. I didn’t want to escape to forget the Chuan River, but But there is a mysterious power, which is fixed in the void.

The fish demon's eyes were full of panic-free expressions, and even the roar could not be screamed, which was directly shot by the king of the **** Xiaoxiao into the powder!

At this time, the horrific killing intention emanating from Zhan Tianxing locked the King of Xiaoxiao!

"Huh? Looking for death!"

The eyes of King Shenxiao were cold and cold. He even felt a sense of uneasiness from Zhan Tianxing's body. He didn't even want to think about it. He controlled the sky of thunder and drove towards Zhan Tianxing!

"Stop him! I need ten breaths!"

Zhan Tianxing shouted.

His hands began to seal at a rapid speed, and there was blood rising around him, making him a very strange breath, half dead and half alive, as if trying to blend into one another, but life and death Reincarnation, if it is understood that nature can prove sanctification, Zhan Tianxing naturally does not understand life and death reincarnation, he just wants to use this power to cause the greatest possible damage!

"Leave it to me!"

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a dignified look, his terrifying power rose up, he directly cast the sixth form of the rebellious eight styles, twelve times the power bloomed, so that his punch has no terror The power fluctuates.


Ling Xiao and Shen Xiao Wang collided in a note, and suddenly the sky of thunder came down, and death and vitality were entangled. The chaotic reincarnation power seemed to turn everything into powder.

Ling Xiao suddenly felt the horror power of Shen Xiao's body, just like Huang Huang Tianwei, making him almost unable to resist!


One of Ling Xiao's arms suddenly exploded into powder, and he was blasted out by the king of Shenxiao. The fierce thunder light enveloped him. If his skeleton was not strong enough, it might have been completely broken.

"Ant! Let me die!"

Shen Xiao Wang said indifferently that he didn't even look at Ling Xiao. He wanted to take a palm towards Zhan Tianxing.


At this time, Ling Xiao's ray of consciousness of the sea was dazzling, and a heavenly chaotic stele filled with chaotic light flew out in a flash, and suddenly rose up in the sky dome, containing the mighty power, like an ancient god, directly Towards the suppression of Shenxiao King!

When Ling Xiao broke into the realm of Zijin Skeleton King, he finally broke the seal of the world to the wordless sky book. Ling Xiao had hidden the heavenly chaotic monument in the wordless sky book before, so he can summon this piece completely No holy treasure!

"This kid is not ordinary! Can he bring in the indispensable holy treasure?"

Zhan Tianxing's eyes showed a hint of fineness, and the light between his hands became more and more radiant, more and more blazing, as the power of that drop of colorful blood beads was consumed, it made his palms appear as if illuminating three thousand The first light of the world!

"For the other shore flower, fight! But what about you, Long Aotian, if you have an indispensable holy treasure? You still cannot be the opponent of King Shenxiao!"

Zhan Tianxing heart sneered, playing Ling Xiao after being hit hard by King Shen Xiao.

He did not think that Ling Xiao could hold a few moves in Shen Xiao Wang's hand.

"An indispensable holy treasure? This baby is good, Ben Wang smiled!"

Shen Xiao Wang's eyes also shook slightly, his eyes suddenly brightened up, revealing a ray of hot light, a punch blasted towards the Heavenly Chaos Stele!


Void tremor, a crack appeared, and the violent tremor of the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument flew out again in an instant.

King Shenxiao possesses the fighting power of a sage, horror is unmatched, it is an indispensable holy treasure, and it is not his opponent at all.

However, the power of the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument was extremely terrifying, and the King Shenxiao was also shocked, and could not help but take a few steps backwards.


Ling Xiao's breath around him became more and more horrible. He screamed and raised himself directly, grabbed the huge heavenly chaotic monument, and once again exerted the power of the eight types of rebellion, suppressing toward the King of Xiaoxiao.

Time has passed by six breaths, but Zhan Tianxing still shows no signs of hands-on!

Ling Xiao sneered, he had guessed Zhan Tianxing's plan.


Thunder and light rose behind King Shenxiao, and the purple thunder was as thick as a mountain. With his palm falling down, he once again photographed the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument, Ling Xiao’s other arm also exploded, and the whole person After flying out, the breath became non-weak.

"Go away!"

Shenxiao Wang took a cold voice, and then fell down, just like the foot of the Emperor of Heaven, to break this land, imposing momentum, stepped directly on the Heavenly Path Chaos Monument, and immediately put Ling Xiao and Heavenly Path Chaos Monument together It's stepping into the Forget River!

The waves are tremendous, the light is dazzling and the weather is amazing.

The King of Shenxiao was killed towards Zhantianxing.

"That Long Aotian is immortal, I am afraid it has also been hit hard? Enter the Wangchuan the title of Skeleton King, it will definitely die! The other shore flower is destined to be mine!"

Zhan Tianxing said indifferently to himself, and the dazzling light of the beginning between his hands bloomed, and he shot towards the King of Xiaoxiao!

Suddenly, a halo appeared in the sky dome, filled with the power of life and death, as if to pull the king of Xiaoxiao into reincarnation.


The King Shenxiao was furious, his eyes full of incredible expressions, and he roared repeatedly, as if he had fallen into the muddy, that mysterious light was actually extracting the vitality in his body, making him dead.

After all, Shen Xiao Wang itself has run out of life, this time to **** the other shore flower, also for life.

But Zhan Tianxing had such a means to extract the vitality and Shou Yuan in his body, so that the face of King Shenxiao finally changed greatly. , Want to break the strange aura and escape from it.

"King Shenxiao! You are going to die!"

Zhan Tianxing sneered, his mouth full of cruel looks, he instantly urged the colorful blood of his heart, and suddenly made the mysterious aura more and more fierce, as if to imprison the King of Xiaoxiao In its same.

The power of the colorful blood beads gradually dimmed, and it was also a small circle. Although Zhan Tianxing was heartbroken, he knew that in order to win the other side of the flower, it was only a price that must be paid.


At this time, the other shore flower is in full bloom!

Nine-color Shenxia brightly dazzles this heaven and earth. The petals are crystal clear and contain the different waves of life and death. The stamens tremble slightly and float in the Forget River, as if it has become the heart of heaven and earth in an instant.


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