Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1681: Against the sky!

The entire Battle Mountain is like a dead wood and spring. After a million years of silence, it has finally begun to bloom a vast and majestic vitality!

And because Fan Tianyin finally has a master, this supreme treasure has inspired the vast laws of heaven and earth, so that the disciples of the War Hall have been unimaginably transformed.

The power of the five elements between heaven and earth converged, and the yin and yang divine light spread horizontally, and the avenue really poured into the body of Tian Gang and others, allowing their cultivation to advance rapidly.

Originally, the powerful in the realm of God's King, if they want to break through to the realm of semi-holy, they must condense the laws of comprehension into the true meaning of the avenue and form their own source of holy path before they can break through.

This process is extremely long. Even a lot of genius disciples will be able to conquer the God Realm for countless years before they can realize the epiphany.

Just like Tong Yuan, the dean of the God of War Academy, he has stayed in the Shenwang Realm for thousands of years. This is the process of water milling, it is also the process of polishing the state of mind, polishing the practice, and understanding the true meaning of the avenue. Fortune and opportunity are impossible at once.

Even if Tian Gang and others are talents with extraordinary talents, but if they want to break through to the semi-holy realm, I am afraid they will have to practice for at least a hundred years or even thousands of years, but now they have encountered a supreme creation and chance. This process has been shortened by a factor of a thousand and ten thousand. The Tao heart is perfect and the cultivation is completed. In the process of absorbing the true meaning of the Avenues of Heaven, he gradually found his own holy way.


A mysterious sacred breath came out of Tian Gang and others, making their breath extremely mysterious, containing a magnificent force, as if to break through at any time.

"They... are they going to break into the half-saint realm?!"

Someone exclaimed, his eyes full of unbelievable look.

"Why is Zhanshan such a great fortune? Could it all be caused by the guy named Long Aotian?"

Some disciples' eyes were full of jealousy.

You should know that breaking into the half-holy realm is a major event in any immortal holy place. The Zongmen will hold a celebration ceremony and be eligible to be promoted to true disciples.

Among the twelve immortal holy places, the strongest at the level of the saint is the root. The half-saint is the person who has the most hope to preach the sanctification, and the status will become unparalleled, far beyond the disciples of the **** realm.

If all the dozens of people in Battle Mountain are promoted to the half-sacred realm, it will definitely be a big event and will shock the whole event of the Temple of War!

"Not caused by Long Aotian! But...Fan Tianyin!"

"Yes! Million years ago, the Hall of War was the first of the nine veins, the weather was magnificent, and the strong people gathered, the Red Dragon God of War was in charge of the sky, sweeping the world! The Hall of War must reproduce the weather of the million years ago. Yet?"

The elders with old faces seemed shocked as if they thought of something.


At this moment, Fan Tianyin exuded a brilliant light, and instantly covered the entire War Mountain, forming a dazzling enchantment, directly locking the profound mystery of law and the true meaning of the avenue. .

The traces of the original leak were also gone, and the disciples gathered outside the Battle Mountain all showed a look of great regret.

You know, just a hint of breath leaked by Fan Tianyin made them feel that they had achieved a great fortune, comparable to the hard work of a few months.

On the top of Battle Mountain, Tian Gang's body was full of blood and blood, and the emptiness of the Quartet was trembling in an instant. A majestic holy way of truth was about to pour out from him, as if he could no longer suppress cultivation, he would break through It's time for the Half Holy!

"not good!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, and he immediately controlled Fan Tianyin. A majestic seal of force was ejected from Fan Tianyin and directly poured into Tian Gang's body, suppressing his violent repair as a stop. He broke through to the semi-holy realm.

After all, Tian Gang broke through to the realm of God King Realm, and today's creation is enough. If you forcibly break into the Realm of Half Saint at this moment, it will inevitably have unstable foundations, so Ling Xiao is not willing to make such a breakthrough.

More importantly, Ling Xiao can feel that with Tian Gang's breakthrough, the blood seal in his body seems to be a little overwhelming. Tian Gang is the heir of Pangu Emperor, and the most important thing is the Chinese nation of God Realm and Heaven Mantra I am afraid that Zonggu will no longer monitor the blood of the Pangu family from time to time. If Tiangang reveals the blood of the Pangu family because of his breakthrough, he may be in trouble soon.

If the Chinese and Tianzong Zong joined forces, neither the Temple of War could bear it, and it would be impossible to fight these two superpowers for Tiangang!

Immediately afterwards, Ling Xiao continued to exert the power of the seal, forbidding the cultivation practices of Xuanwang, Iron Cow, Black Donkey and others, helping them suppress the cultivation practices in their bodies, and not letting them break through to the semi-holy realm. They continue to understand the true meaning of the vast avenues and enhance their own heritage.

Fan Tianyin has accumulated millions of years of power, and only a few aftermaths have given Tiangang and others a supreme fortune. Even the vitality of the elder Liu Wenzheng has become vigorous, although Xiuwei has no breakthrough, But the breath is also stronger.


The world is shaking, and the entire battle mountain is changing at the moment.

The mountains are magnificent and the ancient trees are surrounded by old vines, all kinds of exotic flowers and plants blooming, exuding a strange fragrance, all kinds of rare birds and animals walking between the mountains and forests, waterfalls and springs The strange and strange stones, the majestic and vast spiritual fog shrouded between the mountains and forests, let people feel comfortable with a sip.

The battle hall on the top of the mountain bloomed with thousands of colors and radiance, ancient and mysterious, so that the four sides of the void were trembling violently. The vicissitudes and ancient atmosphere seemed to tell everyone that the battle hall was once brilliant And glory!

Standing in the sky, Sheng Xue in white, slender and magnificent in figure, with a calm face, my body exudes a mysterious glow, and the whole body is covered with a faint chaos of mist, as if it has become the center of the whole world, making people feel trembling.

More importantly, Fan Tianyin became the size of a fist, and fell in his palm. The whole body was as dark as ink, but there was a kind of ruining the world, and the waves of suppressing the heavens diffused.

Fan Tianyin and the Hall of War are in harmony, which makes Ling Xiao's eyes have a power to see through people's hearts. Even Lei Qianju and Xing Jun and others are afraid to look at Ling Xiao, and they can't help but bow their heads. Come.

"Fan Tianyin, it should have been mine, mine!"

Zhan Tianxing's handsome face was extremely distorted, full of mad killing and jealousy.

In front of Ling Xiao now, let his heart produce an inexplicable feeling that is not as good as Ling Xiao, so that his always arrogant heart is full of anger and killing.

"This son, never stay!"

Lei Qianjue and Xing Jun looked at each other, and they both saw the fear and fierce killing intention in their respective eyes!

Ling Xiao is still just the perfect cultivation of God King Realm, but he is in charge of Fan Tianyin, which has caused such great movement in front of him, so that both Lei Qianju and Xing Jun felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in their hearts.

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