Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1712: Poor!

Ji Chen and Yun Yang looked at each other with a sigh of relief, a sneer in their eyes.

The two of them had been staring at Ling Xiao's hands before. After all, the several robbery pill had done their hands and feet. If they were accidentally given away by Ling Xiao, the fun would be bigger.

Fortunately, Ling Xiao did not find the problem of robbery Dan, and there was no chance to drop the package.

"Liu Da, swallow the three robbed dans, you can rest assured that even if you are caught in a wicked spirit, the son will be able to save your life, and afterwards, you will ask the master for a sacred sacred pill to help you recover from the beginning. !"

Yunyang son threw three robbery pill to that black robe middle-aged humane.

Although Liu Da was under the hands of Master Yunyang, the scene of taking the robbery Dan and getting into the magic was vivid in the past. He didn’t want to go through that kind of scene at all, but Master Yunyang spoke, he had to obey, even if It is to let him die now, and he has no room for rejection.

"Yes... son!"

As soon as Liu Da gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of sorrow.

Previously, a robbery pill made him go into flames and fell to a level. If these three robbery pills were swallowed, I might be able to fall directly to the **** king realm.

Liu Da took the three robbery pill, immediately sat down, swallowed all three robbery pill in one mouth!

Everyone around was looking at Liu Da, wanting to see if this robbery Dan is really like Yunyang, said, can make people get into trouble.

"Three robbery pill... if there is really a problem, won't you eat the dead directly?"

Someone's eyes were full of suspicious looks.

"I'm not sure! If there is really a problem with the robbery Dan, then we will shoot together and smash this **** warrior Dan Fuge!"

Someone said bravely.

"I hope that there will be no problems with Robbery Dan, otherwise our father will break my leg, but I bought him a lot of Robbery Dan here!"

"Who knows? Now these shops are all profiteers!"

"The background of the God of War Dan Fu Pavilion is the Temple of War, even if the medicine is fake, how can you get to them?"

"It's still the righteous son of Yunyang in Danfu Mountain to make a statement. I heard that Danfu Mountain's shops, Danfu Baolou will open soon. Then we should go to Danfu Baolou to buy the Elixir!"


There was a lot of discussion, but most people accepted Yunyang's words from their hearts. I am afraid that there is really a problem with the robbery of Dan.

Ling Xiao watched with cold eyes, and his heart became even more angry with the envoy behind the scene.


After Liu Da swallowed the three robbery pill, the majestic power exploded in his body, the whole person's breath began to increase slowly, and the pores all over his body sprayed out a dazzling divine light.

Not only can the Pill of Robbery turn robbing vitality into life, but it also contains the majestic power of the Holy Spirit, which can help the powerful in the semi-holly realm to break through.

When Ling Xiao just checked Po Dan, he had covered his movements with the occult occult, and swallowed the air into Po He, so Ji Chen and Yun Ben didn't notice it, and among them There is no change in the power of robbing the soul.

But after Liu Da swallowed the three robbery pill, the air swallowing suddenly exploded, swallowed the power of looting spirit among the robbery pill, and engulfed the power of looting spirit that was originally lurking in Liu Da. And all the toxins have been resolved.

Liu Da was originally the cultivation practice of the Three-and-a-half Saint, only because of the power of taking the spirit caused the cultivation practice to fall to a level. At this moment, the majestic powers of the three robbery pill burst out, and his breath surged instantly. stand up.


As if it was unstoppable like a volcanic eruption, Liu Da's breath skyrocketed rapidly, and he quickly regained the realm of three and a half sages!


Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

They were all waiting for Liu Da to go into flames, but instead Liu Da became a dragon and a tiger, and his whole body was strong and unmatched, with no signs of weakness.

Could it be that there is no problem with this robbery?

Everyone looked at Ji Chen and Yunyang with some doubt.

Some of Ji Chen's face couldn't be hung, and he heard the voice to Yunyang: "Yunyang son, what is Liu Da? How did he restore the practice of the three-and-a-half holy saint? Could it be that the robbery Dan was the dragon proud It’s been lost?"

"Never possible!"

There was a sharp edge in Master Yunyang's eyes, and he said confidently: "This is probably just the medicine in the robbery pill. Long Aotian has no chance of losing the pill, because the power to capture the spirit is still there. , I feel very clear! If you wait and see, with the power to capture the spirit, Liu Da will soon get into trouble!"

"Okay! I always feel that Long Aotian has some evil doors!"

Ji Chen nodded.


The atmosphere of Liu Da's body is getting stronger and stronger. The three robbery pill contains the majestic power, plus the trace of the sky swallowed into it by Ling Xiao, as if it has completely urged the three broken The medicine effect of the robbery Dan allowed Liu Da to quickly restore his victorious strength and reached the pinnacle of the three-and-a-half Saint!

Liu Da was originally the pinnacle of three-and-a-half and stayed there for many years, there is no way to break through the realm of the four-and-a-half Saint. Before taking the robbery Dan, he would get into trouble, in fact, even he himself did not know The power to capture the soul is a secret, and only Master Yunyang knows it.

But now, Liu Da has not only recovered to the pinnacle of the three-turn half-stallion, but under the urging of the three robbery pill, his bottleneck has also been loosened, and he is about to break through to the four-turn half-stirred state.

"Not good! Why is this robbery Dan really no problem? But if I break into the realm of the four-turn half-sage, Yunyang will never let me go! No, I can't break through, I must get out of my way!"

Liu Da suddenly shook his heart, as if thinking of something, the whole person seemed to be poured into a pot of cold water.

He is under the hands of Master Yunyang, and he knows the poisonous ways of Master Yunyang very much. If he really breaks Master Yunyang's event, I am afraid that Master Yunyang will never let him go.


But Liu Da wanted to stop now. It is impossible to stop. The majestic power of the three robbery pills contains unmatched power, which promotes his cultivation to erupt like a volcano. There is a mystery all over his body. The breath of Nirvana was aroused!

The vitality in his body began to become weak, the flesh, the Yuanshen and the divine power in the body began to weaken, and the whole person was about to enter the state of returning to the ruins.

Nirvana, live through life, and die through life!

If Liu Da is now forcibly suppressing his cultivation behavior, it is nothing like finding death!

At this moment, a bland voice came into Liu Da’s sea of ​​knowledge: “Liu Da, my Long Aotian is not only a disciple of the Temple of War, but also the Lord of the Temple of War. As long as you break through with peace of mind, don’t think about it, Afterwards, I guarantee you to join the Temple of War. Isn’t it better than being a dog for Yunyang? With me in, he can’t kill you! But if you have concerns, I’m afraid you will die in Nirvana!”

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