Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1715: Underground Secret

The God of War Dan Fuge is completely famous this time!

Gao Yang taught Ji Chen and Master Yunyang fiercely, and made the entire capital city look at him. I don’t know whether it is because of the Great Zhou Shenguo and Dan Fushan. , Which made everyone curious.

And a scene on Zhoutian Street spread throughout the capital city, Liu Da took three robbery pill, but directly broke from the realm of the second to the half holy to the realm of the four and a half holy, which shocked everyone. One by one ecstatic, Po Hei Dan became the best-selling Elixir of the God of War Dan Fuge, and countless strong men lined up to buy Po Hei Dan.

The Pill of Robbery was originally very expensive. This can be said to have made a fortune, and it can be imagined that the future will surely have a wealth of money. The Pill of Robbery has become the hallmark of the Pill of God.

And all this is given by Ji Jichen and Yunyang son!

The gate of the God of War Dan Fu Pavilion has been repaired, and it is more impressive than before. Seeing countless people pouring into the God of War Fu Dan Pavilion, Bai He's face is full of bright smiles.

The fifth floor of the God of War Dan Runge.

"The old man sees the dragon... Shi Shizu, see the saint and the two sons. I didn't expect the old man just to leave a few days, this happened to the **** of war Dan Fuge, the old man is ashamed!"

Chen Xian is an old man with all his hair, and he looks very spirited. He is not only the cabinet master of the God of War Dan Fu Pavilion, but also a powerful god-level alchemist.

Chen Xian paid a tribute to Ling Xiao and Nisang, etc., a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"Chen Pavilion Master does not need to be more polite! You are also a strategist for the traitor, and they just want you to leave the God of War Dan Fu Ge, so as to achieve the purpose of occupying the God of War Dan Fu Ge!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, coldly.

Chen Xian has explained the reason why he left the God of War Dan Fu Pavilion. A few days ago, someone found the whereabouts of the Pluto Flower outside the Heavenly Capital City. Chen Xian suddenly got the treasure and went to take some of the protectors of the God of War Dan Fu Ge. Looking for Pluto Flower, I did not expect such a thing to happen to the God of War Dan Fuge after he left.

"Dragon...Master Shizu, our God of War Dan Fu Pavilion is just a slightly more prosperous place. Why should Ji Chen and Yunyang deliberately take away the God of War Fu Run Pavilion?"

Chen Xian was very old, and he called Ling Xiaoshi's uncle Zu still a little hindered, and asked with some doubt.

"This is also where I doubt it! Their ultimate goal is the God of War Dan Fu Ge, which shows what the God of War Dan Fu Ge has, so that they are determined to get it!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed and finally fell on Liu Da.

Liu Da had completely offended Yunyang before. At this moment, he turned to Ling Xiao. He naturally wanted to make a contribution to let Ling Xiao see his value. When Ling Xiao looked at him, he quickly said: "Long Shao, Although Yunyang and Ji Chen have very strict mouths, I overheard one time. The reason why they played the warlord Dan Fuge is because there is something underground in the war **** Dan Fuge!"

"Underground? What is it?"

Ling Xiao, Nishang, Chen Xian and others all couldn't help but blinked their eyes and asked quickly.

"I don't know very well! Just listen to them saying this faintly!"

Liu Da shook his head.

"In this way, it can be explained! No matter what treasures, ruins or even caves are in the underground of the God of War Dan Fu Ge, they must first have the God of War Dan Fu Ge in their hands to get them!"

Ling Xiao said slowly.

"I also thought of it! A mysterious person had contacted me before and said that he was in love with the God of War Dan Fuge and wanted to buy the God of War Dan Fuge at a high price, but I did not agree!"

Chen Xian said suddenly, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"It seems that it is not the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty Kingdom, but the people of Dan Fushan! Since the treasure is under my war **** Dan Fu Pavilion, that is what I have in the temple of war gods, Ji Chen and Yunyang, the two scum, I really do not know Life and death!"

Gao Yang sneered.

"No matter what, let's check it out first. Let's first look at the underground of the God of War Dan Fu Ge, what is the mystery!"

Ling Xiao finally said.

Everyone was silent, and the God of War Dan Fuge is still in business, but in a day, all the robbed Dans of the God of War Dan Fuge in these years have been sold out. The managers were all very excited, and Ling Xiao's eyes were full of reverence.

What they saw clearly during the day was precisely because Ling Xiao resolved the crisis this time, and also made Po Hei Dan famous and detonated the entire Tiandu City.

In the evening, Ling Xiao directly used Fan Tianyin as a crackdown, urging the large array of God Rune Pavilion, isolating all breath and exploration, and preparing to see what mysterious underground there is.

The underground of the God of War Dan Fu Pavilion is hard rock, but they also cannot conceal the spiritual perception of people such as Ling Xiao and Nisang. They even probed below the limit, and the result was still nothing.

"Nothing? It's weird!"

Chen Xian's eyes are full of God of War Dan Fuge's underground is in everyone's perception, clearly, there is nothing.

"The things Ji Chen and Yun Yang are looking for cannot be deep underground, otherwise they will not have to spend a lot of trouble to get the God of War Dan Fuge, just dig it from the side!"

Ling Xiao nodded and said that his perception was extremely sharp, but he also found nothing.

"Long Aotian, I once heard a legend, but it was a million years ago. I am afraid that few people know it now!"

Ji Feixuan suddenly said.

"What legend?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"My ancestor of the Great Kingdom of God, there was a legendary supremely great emperor, but it was too long ago, there was a cut off in the blood of our Ji clan, and the blood of the emperor clan was unsustainable, so in the end it would become A divine kingdom! But at the beginning of the Great Zhou Kingdom, the prince inadvertently awakened a powerful bloodline, but could not control the power contained in the bloodline, causing the whole person to go crazy and slaughter tens of thousands of the same family !

When the prince was awake, he was desperate to live. In order to stop harming his kin, it is said that he committed suicide in a secret place in the city of heaven, and since then he has completely disappeared! Later, some strong people of the Ji clan believed that the prince was likely to awaken the blood of the imperial clan! "

Ji Feixuan said slowly.

"You mean...below the God of War Dan Fuge, it might be the Prince's place of self-death? This... this is too incredible?"

Gao Yang could not help but exclaimed.

"It's very possible! Legend has it that the prince's self-destructive place, Nasu Miyu mustard seed, even when a saint came to the Tiandu City, no trace was found!"

Ji Feixuan said.

PS: The fourth is over, everyone rests early.

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