Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1723: Set up!

Even Niang and Wuxiong, although they had no words, had a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

Gambling is an irresistible temptation for everyone.

Especially when I saw the watermelon stone chosen by the black robe youth, the green **** flower was cut out, so that everyone could see the infinite possibility. After all, God Realm has had a "sacred and unbreakable jade" method since ancient times, although There may be a special mystery that can see some clues, but until the moment when the Chaos Stone is cut out, no one knows what is in the Chaos Stone.

Gambling stone, playing with heartbeat.

"Don’t panic! The young black robe is their set. These chaotic stone scraps may contain treasures, but most of them should be some waste stones. If you go to gamble stones, I am afraid that you will also give Ji Tian a saint. !"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine glance, and passed on to the four people of Niang.

"The set? Is this...impossible? Although the blood elemental Dan Sheng is awesome, he cannot know whether there are treasures in the chaotic stone, nor can he know if there is a green **** flower in the chaotic stone?"

Gao Yang has some incredible voices.

"Do you really think it's Chaos Stone?"

Ling Xiao smiled coldly: "That is not a chaotic stone at all, but a versatile stone, which can be varied and disguised, and has absorbed the air of chaos. It looks like there is no difference from the chaotic stone! , I am afraid someone has put it in early! If you go to gamble now, you will have no money to return!"

"What?! Vientiane Stone? This Ji Tian is so **** fooled so many people!"

Gao Yang became angry.

He has also heard of Vientiane Stone, which is a kind of natural material and treasure. It can be varied and disguised as various treasures. It is mysterious and unpredictable. Although Vientiane Stone is also precious, if it can be used as a scam, it is worth it.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with a fine gleam, and it was transmitted to Gao Yang: "Wait a moment, you will take away the waste materials cut from the watermelon stone. Be careful not to attract the attention of Ji Tian and Blood Yuan Dan Sheng!"

Gao Yang met, nodded and said: "Relax, my son Gao Yang is known to be empty, Ji Tian that bastard, I want to make him look good!"

"Uncle Dragon Master, is it that you think these chaotic stones are really all scraps? Are there no treasures at all?"

Nisang asked curiously.

After all, the sacred and indestructible jade, even if it is the chamfer of chaotic stone, no one dares to have any treasure in it, but Ling Xiao's assertion makes Nisang feel curious and surprised.

"There are no treasures, that is impossible! It's just that these chaotic stones' scraps have been selected by people, most of them are waste stones! Sister Nixian should be able to know that there is another person in this world who can penetrate falsehood, See through everything, and even claim to be able to see the long river of destiny, and see the past and the future!"

Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"Are you... Heavenly Master?!"

Niang's eyes also dignified.

Heavenly Master is a kind of person who can make God Realm, and even Heaven and Earth Realm tremble and value!

Heavenly Masters have different abilities. Some people have perspective eyes, which can see through all falsehoods, some people can see the heavens and the world, some can see through life and death, and some can see through to the future.

Heavenly Masters are a group of lucky people in the heavens and earth. Their talents come from the power of heaven and from the power of heaven. Their status is even more than that of ordinary saints. It surpasses the so-called Dan Sheng and Fu Sheng. Honorable profession!

For example, the alchemy refinery can be cultivated through the acquired day, but the heavenly master is a godsend. Although the talent of the heavenly master can be improved with cultivation, this talent cannot be inherited or learned.

It is rumored that in the ancient times, the heavenly master could even guide others to preach the emperor and become the teacher of the great emperor.

"Perhaps yes, maybe not! After all, Tianshi is too scarce, but the origin of these chaotic stones is a little bit interesting!"

Ling Xiao said faintly.

Ling Xiao is naturally not a Heavenly Master, but what others don't know is that Ling Xiao, who has a wordless book, has the talent of a Heavenly Master.

In the God of War Realm, Ling Xiao has also participated in gambling stones, but those are ancient stones derived and buried under the earth, not real chaotic stones. Ling Xiao has a wordless book, and his own perception seems to be amplified by a thousand Times and times, can clearly detect the change of the chaotic stone, so as to find out whether there are treasures in it.

Therefore, Ling Xiao was able to find the flaws of the watermelon stone, and also found that among the chamfers of the chaotic stones, except for a very small part, the others were mostly waste stones.

In the stone forest, everyone started to choose the Chaos Stone with enthusiasm, and all eyes were full of excitement.

But soon, most people were splashed with cold water.

Because they spent a lot of holy liquid, they finally found nothing in the chaotic stone that was cut open, and the blood was lost.

Of course, there are a few people who cut the chaotic stones and found the treasures. As a result, those chaotic stones are the most precious pieces in the stone forest. The value is very high. The treasures cut out are far less than the sacred liquid they paid.

"It seems that we all have no luck to bet on stones! So many chaotic stones Why are there so few treasures?"

Someone sighed with a disappointed look in his eyes.

"Colourful, brilliant! This is colorful glow, what a treasure?"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, and the voice was full of excitement.

I saw that in the stone forest in the distance, after a chaotic stone selected by Yunyang was cut by the stone-cutting person, the five-colored rays of light diffused out, exuding a magnificent qi, mysterious.

Everyone's eyes were attracted. His eyes were full of excitement. The disappointment and suspicion just swept away in an instant.

"That's...Yunyang Master, a disciple of Blood Yuan Dansheng? No wonder he can cut out the treasure, it's Yunyang Master!"

"Yes! There is a Heavenly Master in the Dan Fu Mountain, who can penetrate the falsehood and see the truth. The Blood Elemental Dan Sheng has been directed by him. According to the Chaos Stone selected by the Blood Elemental Dan Sheng, ten treasures can be cut out. Come, this son of Yunyang is also extraordinary!"

"Yeah! Get the guidance of Heaven Master, but this glory that even the saints may not be able to enjoy! I don't know what treasure the young son Yunyang will cut out!"


Everyone was talking and talking, full of expectations.

"Everyone, I am under the guidance of the master. After thousands of choices, I finally found that this chaotic stone contains treasures. All of this is the master's credit!"

Master Yunyang smiled indifferently. Although he seemed very humble, he still couldn't hide the arrogance and complacentness.

"Yunyang's son has unique eyesight, and the blood element Dansheng is even more unpredictable!"

Some people admired that everyone was complimenting each other, and surrounded the stars of Yunyang son in the center.

(End of this chapter)

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