Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1747: 1 laugh 0 flowers bloom, 1 angry sea cold!

Blood Yuan Dansheng was startled and exclaimed with a voice: "Heaven and Earth Lao Gong?"

He didn't even think that Nishang actually cultivated the heaven and the earth to such a realm, and the power of the years was hidden between his shots. Although the blood element Dansheng was higher than Nisang by a realm, this moment raised twelve points of fear.

"Blood Spirit Dharma!"

Blood Yuan Dan Sheng played a spirit of 120,000 points, the whole body was filled with Sheng Wei, and a ray of blood-colored light diffused, as if forming a vast sea of ​​blood, his palms came out together, set off a blood-colored giant The waves suddenly collided with the neon clothes!


The **** lightning was blooming, and the figure of the flirtatious figure was unsteady, and he wanted to bypass the blood element Dansheng and rescue Ji Feixuan.

But Blood Elemental Dan Sheng had expected Ji Feixuan's movements long ago, and a chain of blood-colored chains rushed out of the sea of ​​blood, and suddenly he entangled in a blouse.

After seeing Nishang's performances in the heavens and the earth, Dan Shengsheng knew that it would be difficult for him to take down Nishang, so he just wanted to be able to block Nisang and not let her rescue Ji Feixuan.

On the other side, Wuxiong and Gaoyang were also stopped by Liu Yun and Wang Dao. After all, Liu Yun and Wang Dao were both eight-and-a-half-century cultivation practices, a little higher than them. Although both of them started desperately, the war was very serious. The fierce, but also unable to break through the defense of Liu Yun and Wang Dao.

For a time, Niang, Gaoyang and Wuxiong were all entangled.

And Ji Tian's eyes showed a fierce color, and he grabbed the life source beast on Ji Feixuan's shoulder!

Ji Feixuan's face was very calm, as if there was no trace of worry. When Ji Tian was about to catch the life source beast, he saw a sharp howling in the mouth of the life source beast.


In an instant, the void oscillated and chaos rolled.

The source animal of life turned out to be like a wave of water, and instantly turned into a ray of light and integrated into Ji Feixuan's body.

"Mother, Xiaobai's power is for you, kill this villain!"

The sound of the life source animal's crisp sound sounded, and the atmosphere of Ji Feixuan's body began to skyrocket!


Ji Feixuan was originally only a half-turned saint's cultivation practice, but after the life source beast was integrated into her body, her whole body's breath began to skyrocket, starting from the second and half-turned, three-turned and half-turned, and soared to seven turns In the semi-holy realm, this slowly stopped.

Ji Feixuan stood in the sky, my body was mysterious, and her eyes seemed to have seven colors of flashing light and ambilight, so that she had a vitality in her entire body, as if she controlled the source of life.

"Smile... Flowers bloom!"

Ji Feixuan's voice was very ethereal, echoing between heaven and earth, as if there was a mysterious resonance with the entire Musashi Mountain, and her lightly flicked palm shot towards Ji Tian!


In an instant, it seemed that there were blossoming flowers around Ji Feixuan, and the flowers bloomed. The bright light illuminated the Sifangtiandi, and the blossoming petals flew towards Jitian.

Between heaven and earth, all became a sea of ​​flowers.

"not good!"

Ji Tian's face changed greatly, and the figure of the whole person receded at a rapid speed. The sea of ​​flowers in front of him contained a power that made his scalp tingle. The power of the blossoming fairy flowers condensed with each other as if An invisible wave pushed towards Ji Tian!

"Lei Di Jue, kill! kill! kill!"

Ji Tianbao drank a voice, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

The purple light of his body was dazzling, and thunder gathered together, forming a very mysterious real body of Lei Di behind him, and then shot a purple giant palm, and collided with the sea of ​​flowers!


Void tremors and chaotic mists exploded directly, and the dazzling divine light enveloped the entire sky of Musashi Mountain.

That mysterious sea of ​​flowers shattered, but the real body of Lei Di behind Ji Tian was also violently shocked, making Ji Tian's eyes full of terrified looks!

Ji Tian broke out the power of Lei Di’s true body, even in the face of the nine-turn half-stance, but was even repelled by Ji Feixuan, who had only seven-turn half-stance, even Lei Di’s true body. Suffered considerable damage.

"An angry... the sea is cold!"

Ji Feixuan's mouth also heard a lingering voice, her eyebrows were shining brightly, as if there was a mysterious figure singing, there was a kind of vicissitudes and sighs that have penetrated the ancient times and the long rivers.


The sky of flowers exploded and gathered in the void, and turned into a vast sea wave, wrapped in the vast vitality machine, surging and violent, and suppressed towards Ji Tian!

The vitality of life seems to assimilate everything into the most original force of life, containing the vastness and majesty of life.

"Break me!"

Ji Tian roared, and the whole body's divine power was poured into Lei Di's real body, which made Lei Di's real body shine infinitely, and the thunder and light were dazzling, as thick as mountains, greeted towards the sky and the sea. Go up!


The figure of Lei Di’s real body was overwhelmed by the sea, and the horrible divine light bloomed. It was a vast world. To wash everything, let all creatures return to the beginning of life In the land, even Lei Di's real body seemed to be unable to bear this kind of power. In the end, at the same time with the vast sea, he fell into nothingness and shattered!


Ji Tian couldn't help but spit out a bit of blood, Lei Di's body was broken, he also received a huge backlash, the breath became languishing!

"You... you are not Ji Feixuan! Who are you?!"

Ji Tian's voice shook a little, and the opposite Ji Feixuan looked very strange, with extraordinary temperament, and a sense of vicissitudes and a heavy sense of endless years.

Moreover, the breath of Ji Feixuan's body became stronger and stronger, as if it was like the rising sun, radiating a dazzling light.

"Cry...the world is shocked!"

A third mysterious voice came out of Ji Feixuan’s mouth, and the world was shaking in an instant, chaos filled, a vast world was suppressed towards Ji Tian, ​​and the wind was angry, as if the sky was angry. Ji Tian is completely turned into powder!

As soon as this third voice came out, Ji Feixuan seemed to be unable to bear this kind of strength. The whole body shuddered slightly, and there was a trace of bright red blood on the corners of her mouth, and her figure was slightly trembling.

"What if you borrowed the power of the life source beast? Ji Feixuan, the life source beast is only worthy of me, you are not worthy! You should have died a million years ago, you die for me!"

Ji Tian roared, his eyes full of murderous intent.

In an instant, the blood around him began to burn, a powerful force broke out, Ji Tian mobilized a certain taboo power, so that his whole person's momentum rose to the extreme, and began to desperately, Then a punch came towards Ji Feixuan!

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