Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1749: Swallow the power of the sky sword!

Before Ling Xiao had been relying on the power of Fan Tianyin, everyone did not feel how strong he was, but now Ling Xiao shot, everyone was shocked!

"This child is growing too fast! How could his body be so powerful?"

Liu Yun and Wang Dao were all shaking, their eyes filled with horror.

They still remember that in the Holy Realm, Ling Xiao was only the cultivation of the God Realm at that time. In their view, it was like a ant, and it could be destroyed. If it was not relying on the power of the white jade dragon elephant, Ling Xiao did not It may be their opponent.

But how long did it take? Ling Xiao has already had the power to threaten them!

They did not care when Ling Xiao cast the Fan Tian Yin before, because it was only the power of the holy treasure, it was external force, not the fighting power of Ling Xiao itself, and they were not valued by them, but now Liu Yun and Wang Dao are true shocked.

"Thousands of calamities do not destroy the holy law?! He has already condensed the true body of the leak? This must not be left!"

Blood Yuan Dansheng's eyes also showed a fierce killing intention.

Ling Xiao was standing in the sky, Jinxia was shining around him, and his purple air was rising. He seemed to have a round of purple yang floating in chaos behind him. He swallowed the energy of heaven and earth, but locked all his strength. There was never a slight leak.

Ling Xiao is like a black hole, devouring everything.

This is the vision that only the true body has!

"Fortunately, we haven't arrested Long Aotian, otherwise I'm afraid he will die in his hands!"

Everyone felt extremely fortunate. Otherwise, if they had done something, they would simply find death.

"Long Aotian, you **** it!"

Ji Tian's eyes were red, and his whole body was full of monstrous killing intentions, staring at Ling Xiao with death, feeling like he was humiliated.

His majestic son of the ninth emperor Que, the crown prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty Kingdom, has extraordinary talents and tremendous strength, and his eight-turned half-sacred cultivation practice was defeated by Ling Xiao, who has only two-turned half-sage. This is simply a great shame.

Ling Xiao must be killed!

At this moment, Ji Tian no longer considered the identity of the Lord of the Battle Hall of Ling Xiao, nor any consequences after the killing of Ling Xiao. His hatred towards Ling Xiao had reached the extreme.

"It's you alone?"

Ling Xiao said faintly that everyone could feel the disdain in the words.

"If it weren't for me and Ji Feixuan's two defeats and serious injuries, I'll kill you like a dog! You guys, along with me, captured Long Aotian, and I will give away my life secret!

Ji Tian's voice was very cold, and then he bowed his hand to the crowd.

Everyone's eyes light up.

Many of them came to Musang Mountain, most of them had a chance, and they may not necessarily have the chance to get the life secret. If Ji Tian could teach them the life secret, they would make a lot of money.

After all, although Ling Xiao seems to have a strong combat power, its real cultivation is only a two-and-a-half sage. Even if so many people shoot at the same time, even if Ling Xiao's combat power is strong, I'm afraid I can't resist it.


A purple divine light bloomed, and in a flash like Tianhe, separated in front of Ling Xiao and the people, and contained a great burst of breath.

"Those who dare to cross this line, kill without amnesty!"

Ling Xiao said faintly.

His gaze was calm, as if it was a deep and shining void, glancing at everyone, so that everyone could not help shaking.

Although life secrets have a strong attraction to everyone, if life is lost, what is the use of life secrets?

"Long Aotian, die!"

Ji Tian's eyes were fiercely fierce, and a purple sword appeared in the palm of his hand. The blade of light was sharp and full of purple thunder, and he was killing Ling Xiao in the sky.

The dozen or so black robe strongmen behind Ji Tian are all people from the Great Zhou Kingdom. They will not disobey Ji Tian's orders, and will follow him to kill Xiao Ling together.

"Let everyone go together and capture Long Aotian!"

In the end, some people couldn't help it. After all, the temptation of the secret technique of life was still too strong, and some people still rely on cultivation to become strong, and they all shot one after another.


The sky shook, and for a time, there were hundreds of powerful men who shot towards Ling Xiao, all of them were the pinnacles of the semi-holy cultivation, and each one was powerful and unmatched. His eyes were full of horrific murderous intentions.

"Uncle Dragon Master, be careful!"

The faces of the three Niangs can't help but change. Although Ling Xiao's combat power is very strong, but so many people shoot at the same time, Ling Xiao may be dangerous!

Ling Xiao's expression is still extremely calm.


The light flashed in his palm, and a long sword with golden light appeared in the palm, trembling slightly, containing extremely powerful spiritual fluctuations, as if eager to try, can't wait to fight.

"Old man, let us fight side by side today!"

Ling Xiao gently stroked the long sword, the bright sword light bloomed, containing a fierce kendo true meaning, as if it could penetrate everything, terrified to the extreme!

Swallow the sword, born!

Since entering Divine Realm, although Ling Xiao rarely used Swallow Sky Sword in order to hide his, the evolution of Swallow Sky Sword has not stopped.

After swallowing the innate spirit king as an artifact spirit, the swallowing sword has unlimited growth potential. Over the years, it has swallowed countless powerful artifacts, even the treasure of the half-sacred!

The Heaven Swallowing Sword is connected with Ling Xiao's bloodline, and has already become a semi-holy treasure with Ling Xiao's promotion to the realm of half-holy!


The Sifang Sky Dome is trembling violently, a strong sword intention rises between heaven and earth, Ling Xiao's breath becomes extremely sharp in an instant, he holds the swallowing sword, the whole person seems to become A saint of swordsmanship, mastering the origin of swordsmanship, possesses the supreme power of killing!

The swallowing sword fell towards the front, like a golden sky river, engulfed in a mysterious world of kendo, and greeted Ji Tian and others!


The sound of gold and iron clashes sounded, and a rune exploded. The purple sword in Ji Tian’s hand was also a powerful half-sacred treasure, but in the moment when he collided with the swallowing sword, he suddenly burst into pieces Come on!

Swallowing the sword toward Ji Tian's neck, making Ji Tian's complexion change, and a purple thunder in his palm shot towards Swallowing the sword. The whole person could not help but retreat quickly.


Swallowing the Sky Sword smashed the purple thunder, and after pushing Ji Tian back, it was like the Heavenly River falling for nine days. The unmatched edge burst out, directly cutting off the front seven or eight figures!


The blood was blooming, and the red was stained with the void, and it looked fascinating and strange!

Although the cultivation of the seven or eight figures is not too strong, only the one-turn, two-turn half-sacred cultivation, but under this sword of Ling Xiao, even the slightest resistance is not even there, and it is directly beheaded. Now!

(End of this chapter)

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