Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1751: Awkward Ji Tian!

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The terrifying thunderlight flooded Ling Xiao, the void was broken like a mirror, the chaos was filled with fog, and everything seemed to be gone.


In the endless thunder, only nine thunder dragons roared, and an ancient and powerful dragon power broke out, making people feel trembling, and their eyes were full of shock.

The faces of Ji Feixuan, Nishang, Wuxiong and Gao Yang changed instantly, revealing extremely worried expressions.

This is the supreme saint. Although the power of the saint is prohibited above the Musashi Mountain, the power of Jiulong Tianlei Fu has exploded to the extreme, making them feel that if they are hit by this saint, they may be instantly distracted!


But suddenly, there was a purple-gold lightning rising in the void, and an ancient and mysterious dragon-sounding sound came suddenly, as if there was a very mysterious phantom appearing vaguely, and began to devour the vast thunder around. The force soon became gradually solidified.

It was a majestic and ancient figure, standing on the sky dome, the whole body was blazing with thunder, and the purple air was rising, as if it was the supreme Lei emperor of the ancient times, and the earth-shattering supernatural power broke out!

The sky of thunder was swallowed by that figure, and finally the chaos filled with air. That figure turned into Ling Xiao, and came out of the endless thunder.


"This... this... how is this possible?"

Someone trembled, and the words were unfavorable, and their eyes were full of unbelievable expressions.

After the outbreak of Jiulian Tianlei Fu, Ling Xiao was not killed, not even seriously injured, and came out unscathed, shocking everyone!

"How did he do it? This Long Aotian... is terrible!"

The same question emerged in everyone's mind, and I couldn't believe everything in front of me.

"The real body of Lei Di?! Long Aotian, how dare you secretly learn from my Ninefold Emperor Que's Supreme Saint Valais tactics? You are just looking for death!"

Ji Tian's eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, and then he was furious, his eyes were bloodshot and full of fierce murderous intention!

Although the kind of breath just passed away in a flash, Ji Tian still recognized it, and Ling Xiao practiced the Supreme Thunder Dao Method of the Nineth Emperor Que, Lei Di Jue!

Only Lei Di Jue can dissolve the power of Jiulong Tian Lei Fu so easily, and even devour it, condensing into Lei Di's true body.

"What? Long Aotian actually cultivated Lei Di Jue? Is this impossible?"

One shocking thing after another, the people have not yet responded to Ling Xiao's shock from the body retreating under Jiulong Tianlei Fu. Hearing Ji Tian's words suddenly made the people more shocked.

What is that Lei Di Jue?

The supreme sacred method of the Nineth Emperor Que has the power of thunder and Taoism. The terror is monstrous. It can be said that the Nineth Emperor Que first attacked the sacred method, and it is impossible for non-true disciples to practice.

If Ling Xiao really learned the Lei Di tactics, the relationship between the Nineth Emperor Que and Ling Xiao would be endless, even worse than the true disciples who killed the Nineth Emperor Que.

After all, the supreme holy law of a sect is fundamental, and it is impossible to allow it to leak out.

However, everyone did not see whether Ling Xiao was performing Lei Di Jue, so he was doubtful about Ji Tian's words.

Ling Xiao is naturally impossible to admit, although he just used the Lei Di Jue to dissolve the Jiulong Tian Lei Fu, Ling Xiao sneered: "Ji Tian, ​​if you want to kill me, you can do it directly, so framing me is meaningless! The one I’m showing is my goddess of thunder in the Temple of War. How can I break the thunder of myth in the Temple of War?”

"Long Aotian, you must quibble! You dare to steal my Ninefold Emperor Que's Lei Di Jue, you are dead! No one can save you this time!"

Ji Tian's eyes were red, and his eyes were full of cold killing intent.

"Really? Then I want to see if you die or I die!"

The killer flashed in Ling Xiao's eyes, and the horror of his sword rose around his body. In a flash, the swallowing sky sword burst into a blazing light, just like a bright Tianhe fell towards Ji Tian!

Among all the people, only Ji Tian found that Lei Xiaojue was performed by Ling Xiao. If he was really told by the senior officials of the Nineth Emperor Que, he might not be an emperor who came to the Temple of War to blame him.

This Ji Tian must die!

Ji Tian's face was extremely ugly, Ling Xiao held the swallowing sword, the whole person's momentum was extremely fierce, and his shot was extremely fierce, making him feel very suffocated.

Before Ji Tian's battle with Ji Feixuan, it can be said that he was both defeated and injured himself. If he was confident that he could fight Ling Xiao in the heyday, he now not only has a feeling of powerlessness, but also the body's injury has to deteriorate. Signs.


Purple runes spewed out of Ji Tian’s palm, and He Tiantianjian shook it hard, but the purple runes were instantly cut off, leaving a deep blood mark in his palm.

Ji Tian retreats at a rapid speed, avoiding the sharp edge of swallowing Tian Jian!

"Long You **** it!"

Blood Elemental Dan Sheng also saw Ji Tian's bad condition at the moment, and suddenly angered, and the whole body was full of blood, he had to give up the Nixian and kill him towards Ling Xiao.

"Xue Yuan Dan Sheng, just want to go like this? I'm afraid it's not that easy?"

In the eyes of Niang, a gloom flashed, and the ancient sword in his palm reached the extreme speed, as if he had surpassed time and space, and became more and more fierce.

Nisang also held a sigh of relief. Before Blood Yuan Dan Sheng stopped her from letting her rescue Ji Feixuan, now she naturally could not let Blood Yuan Dan Sheng go to rescue Ji Tian.

Everyone has already fought out the real fire. As for the consequences after killing Ji Tian, ​​that is not what they have to consider now!


The fierce war broke out again, and Ji Tian became dangerous.

Both Liu Yun and Gao Yang glanced in their eyes, and did not choose to rescue Ji Tian. On the contrary, if Ling Xiao killed Ji Tian, ​​the Temple of War and the nineth Emperor Que might be completely broken. This is also a Heavenly Curse. What Zonghe Wuxing Shengzong is most happy to see!


A blood blew through, swallowing the sky sword, and left a deep blood mark on Ji Tian's chest. If it were not for Ji Tian's dodge, it seemed that he would be split into two by this sword. half.

The Swallowing Sky Sword shone with a mysterious blood, and some of the essential blood in Ji Tian's body was swallowed by the Swallowing Sword, turning into a majestic essence of life, which was integrated into Ling Xiao's body, making Ling Xiao's breath stronger and stronger. .

Ji Tian's face became more and more ugly, and his eyes were full of anger and killing intent. This battle made him feel very suffocated, and the fighting power exploded by Ling Xiao shocked him.

Once Long Aotian grows up, he must be the enemy of the 9th Emperor Que!

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