Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 1759: Devour the sea of ​​blood!

The genius remembers the address of the site for one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! This is the Sage of the Stygian Blood, but the horror existence bred in the Stygian Blood Squadron.


The two Sage River Blood Saints shot at the same time, and came directly towards Ling Xiao, and the terrifying blood shone on the Sifang Sky Dome, and they seemed to have only the instinct to kill.


Ling Xiao also glanced at the sight of these two Sage River Blood Saints, but he was engulfing the power of the Stygian Blood Sea formation and had no time to look around, and he also believed that Fan Tianyin was powerful.


Under the control of the Thunder King, Fan Tianyin erupted in a wave of terrifying power, and slammed into the two Sage River Blood Saints!

The two Sage of the Stygian Blood Saints did not evade, the blood of the whole body burst into a sudden burst, and the two Sage of the Stygian Blood Saints exploded directly in response to Fan Tianyin!

The blood of horror permeated, and the Quartet's void was all broken, and Fan Tianyin was directly submerged by the blood of the sky.

The self-destruction of the two Sage River Blood Saints is like two true saints, and that kind of horrible force flew Fan Tianyin out.

Even Ling Xiao, who was protected by Fan Tianyin, felt qi and blood upset and was violently hit. The throat was sweet, and there was a trace of blood in the corner of the mouth.

"Master, bad! These two **** figures are too terrifying. Although they are not as good as the real saints, they are not much different. They are so terrible that they explode. I am afraid that Fan Tianyin will not be able to last too long!"

The Thunder King said anxiously, his voice appeared weak, and it was clear that the two Sage River Sage's self-detonation caused the Thunder King to be injured.

After all, today's King Thunder has not yet preached sanctification, and there is no way to completely control the power of Fan Tianyin.

"In any case, hold it! If we can't hold it, we will all die! When I devour enough energy, it will be the death of Ji Chufeng!"

Ling Xiao's eyes had a trace of madness.

"Okay! Fight! Master, you can rest assured, even if Thunder King is fighting to die, I won't let this clutter hurt you!"

The Thunder King suddenly became ruthless.


There was a blood mist spreading around the Thundering King. It was the blood of the Blood God, but it was the most intrinsic power in the Thundering King’s body, and it was directly integrated into the Fantianyin in an instant.

Fan Tianyin seemed to be awakened by an incomparably horrible force, ancient and mysterious, shaking the world from all directions, and tumbling in the endless blood sea, even the Stygian Blood Sea array could not hide the light of Fan Tianyin!

"Damn it! Sage River Blood Saint, give it to me, I'll see how long you can support!"

Ji Chufeng’s face also became a little ugly. He could feel that Ling Xiao was still engulfing the power of the Stygian Sea of ​​Blood, but Ling Xiao was protected by Fan Tianyin, just like a turtle shell. Ji Chufeng felt difficult to start.

He simply summoned the ten Sage River blood sages, just like ten **** suns rising from the sea of ​​blood, exuding a terrifying atmosphere, and the ten figures rushed towards Fantianyin at the same time!


Ten Sage Sage Blood Saints exploded at the same time. The power of terror was ten times or even dozens of times stronger than before. The power of terror blasted on Fan Tianyin. Also infused with Fan Tianyin, both Ling Xiao and Lei Ling Wang were traumatized to varying degrees.

Fan Tianyin buzzed, trembling violently, and immediately broke free of the blood of the sky, blasting all the ten Stygian Blood Saints into a blood mist.

Ling Xiao spurred the power of Wu Zi Tian Shu to take advantage of the situation, and swallowed up all the blood and blood energy in the sky!


Ling Xiao spewed out another bit of blood, the breath became a little languishing, but her eyes were brighter and crazy.

"Hahaha... Lao Tzu fights with you! I want to see how many such blood fiends you can summon!"

King Thunder also laughed wildly. Although his breath also became extremely weak, he still slammed his chest suddenly, and suddenly a blood mist of Yuanshen diffused and poured into Fantianyin!


Ling Xiao is still engulfing the power of the Stygian Sea of ​​Blood, causing the emptiness of the Quartet to tremble violently, as if forming a **** storm!

But in this process, more than a dozen stone futons of life enchantment were broken, and more than a dozen genius strongmen screamed and turned into blood mist, becoming a Stygian blood sea. Array of supplements and nourishment.

"Brother Liu Dao, what shall we do? I don't think this Long Aotian can last too long! When the life barrier is broken, I am afraid we will die here too!"

The King Son of the Five Elements Shengzong also showed a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

"I don't know what to do! In this **** formation of Styx, we couldn't do it if we wanted to send a message to Zongmen! Now, we can only hope this Lingxiao will last longer!"

Liu Yun also smiled bitterly, with a gloomy and desperate look in their They discovered at this moment that their proud sonhood was nothing in front of absolute strength.

Ji Chufeng can kill even his son, not to mention both of them?

"This Ji Chufeng is really damn! But Zhou Tiansheng's death mirror seems to have been heard of me, but it was an extremely emperor soldier in ancient times. Could it be that Ji Chufeng wanted to sacrifice our blood to refine Zhou Tiansheng's death mirror? "

Wang Dao said slowly, there was a glowing glow in his eyes.

"What if it's the Ji Dao Emperor? We don't have any solution at all now! If Zong Men knows, he will definitely send the saint ancestors, he will not hesitate to kill the hundreds of millions of souls of the Great Zhou Divine Kingdom, but also to steal Zhou Tian's life and death. go back!"

Liu Yun said slowly.

Both of them have a feeling of powerlessness, and can only watch the thirty-six stone futons, one after another, the enchantment of life is broken, and then the genius and strong are destroyed by the Stygian blood sea. Kill, but there is no way!


All the **** lights in the sky poured into Ling Xiao's body, which made Ling Xiao's wordless book in the sea more bright. The ancient and mysterious atmosphere bloomed, and the wordless book was surrounded by chaos. As if a mysterious world phantom emerged, the mysteries of life and death are becoming more and more complete.

"All Sage Blood Saints, blow me up! Kill Ji Feixuan!"

Ji Chufeng's eyes showed a terrible killing intention, and he pointed at Ji Feixuan in an instant.

He actually gave up and continued to aim at Ling Xiao, but directly summoned all the Sage Blood Saints, wanting to completely break the life boundary around Ji Feixuan, and destroy Ji Feixuan!

ps: Fifth, today I originally planned to send a few more chapters, but the result was just to write one more chapter, and one chapter was also a surprise. Everyone took a break early and sent more tomorrow.

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